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Refrigerator mullion construction 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47B-081/00
출원번호 US-0400284 (1989-08-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • Weaver Douglas E. (Greenville MI) Mawby Harold S. (Greenville MI)
출원인 / 주소
  • White Consolidated Industries, Inc. (Cleveland OH 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 22  인용 특허 : 8


A refrigerator has upper and lower compartments each closed by separate doors mounted on the cabinet and separated from each other by a partition. At the front of the partition is a mullion assembly including a mullion cover arranged flush with the front face of the cabinet and behind the mullion co


A refrigerator cabinet comprising a shell having side walls, a top wall, and a bottom wall, said walls defining an opening and having inturned edges defining a face around said opening, said edges including re-entrant and reversed flanges forming a groove between said flanges behind said face, a lin

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (8)

  1. Cordill Rexford W. (Evansville IN) Fortner Jerry L. (Dean Springs Township ; Crawford County AR) Beyerle Robert W. (Van Buren AR), Adhesive-bonded mullion bracket for household refrigerator.
  2. Cordill Rexford W. (Evansville IN) Woods John T. (Scott Township ; Vanderburgh County IN) Fellwock Louis W. (Sebastian County AR), Adhesive-bonded mullion bracket for household refrigerator.
  3. Tate, Jr., Ralph; Woods, John T., Center rail assembly for refrigerator.
  4. Markley Joseph P. (Louisville KY) Irish William D. (Louisville KY), Method of assembling a refrigerator.
  5. Wilson, Arthur C., Method of assembling a refrigerator.
  6. Jenkins Thomas E. (Louisville KY) Sisler Robert R. (Louisville KY), Method of assembling a refrigerator cabinet.
  7. Taylor ; Jr. Benson T. (Floyd\s Knobs IN), Method of reinforcing a structural assembly.
  8. Jenkins Thomas E. (Louisville KY) Cushing Donald S. (Louisville KY), Refrigerator cabinet and method of assembly.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (22)

  1. Laible, Karl Friedrich, Body for a refrigerator.
  2. Resch,Reinhold, Cooling machine.
  3. Brown, Andrew D.; Bayne, Michael, Drawer assembly.
  4. Kim, Dong-Jeong; Lee, Wook-Yong, Hinge assembly and refrigerator having the same.
  5. Craycraft, Chris S.; Kuehl, Steven J.; Meddles, John E.; Ramm, Axel Julio, Method of making an appliance cabinet.
  6. Wolanin Gerald L., Mullion bar retainer arrangement for a refrigerator cabinet.
  7. Fann, Billie Ray, Mullion shelf assembly.
  8. Collins,Clint J.; Olberding,David J.; Tiemeier,Jonathan J., Notched mullion retainer arrangement for a refrigerator cabinet.
  9. Tai Choi, Refrigeration system.
  10. Becke,Christoph, Refrigerator.
  11. Jang, Suk Ho; Lim, Jae Hoon; Baek, Se Hyeon; Moon, Hong Joo, Refrigerator.
  12. Okamoto Yasutoshi,JPX ; Mochizuki Akihiro,JPX, Refrigerator.
  13. Benigni, Karl, Refrigerator and/or freezer.
  14. Kim Tae Young,KRX, Refrigerator barrier structure.
  15. Myers,John Phillip; Pohl,Douglas A.; Smith, Jr.,Richard D., Refrigerator cabinet assembly.
  16. Myers,John Phillip; Pohl,Douglas A.; Smith, Jr.,Richard D., Refrigerator cabinet assembly.
  17. Kim, Ju-Hyun; Shin, Jong-Min, Refrigerator having an in the door ice maker and ice container arrangement.
  18. Seon Jin K. (Suwon KRX), Refrigerator having variable volume food storage compartment.
  19. Banicevic Nedo,CAX ; Klaas Murray,CAX, Refrigerator mullion.
  20. Nedo Banicevic CA; Muc Dang CA, Refrigerator mullion.
  21. Anderson,Troy M.; Helming,Garnett S.; Pohl,Douglas A.; Schuchert,Eugene H.; Wing,Forrest F., Refrigerator with multi-piece mullion having stepped offset.
  22. Anderson,Troy M.; Helming,Garnett S.; Pohl,Douglas A.; Schuchert,Eugene H.; Wing,Forrest F., Refrigerator with multi-piece mullion having stepped offset.
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