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Household refrigerator assembly 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F25D-011/00
출원번호 US-0478462 (1990-02-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Jenkins Thomas E. (Louisville KY)
출원인 / 주소
  • General Electric Company (Louisville KY 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 12  인용 특허 : 2


A refrigerator cabinet having an outer metal shell and an inner liner spaced from the shell with foamed-in-place thermal insulation therebetween. The cabinet has an outer metal shell open at the front with two side walls and a top wall each folded to provide a front face with an open fold behind the


A refrigerator cabinet having an outer metal shell and an inner liner spaced from the shell with foamed-in-place thermal insulation therebetween comprising: an outer metal shell open at the front and having two side walls and a top wall, each folded to provide a front face with an open fold therebeh

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2)

  1. Kordes Myron G. (Parkville MO), Insulated door and method of construction.
  2. Chang Tsung K. (Louisville KY), Refrigerator cabinet construction.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (12)

  1. McGrath Ralph D. (Granville OH) Kline Bret E. (Columbus OH) Musgave Dwight S. (Granville OH), Appliance cabinet construction.
  2. Tobbe, Joseph Anthony; Tackett, Nicholas David; Nelson, Roger Shawn, Method for insulating an appliance with an expanding insulating material.
  3. Avendano Jose G. ; Crompton ; III Edward Everett ; Miller Richard James ; Myers John Phillip ; Rue ; Sr. John C. ; Christenson Robert A. ; Mandel Sheldon W. ; Mohrfeld Michael A. ; Riley Robert M. ; , Method of assembling a refrigerator cabinet.
  4. Taylor,Steven Hilles; Newton,Charles William, Refrigeration case clip assembly.
  5. Anell Thomas Carl ; Crompton ; III Edward Everett ; Davis Kenneth ; Horton Charles R. ; Mandel Sheldon Wayne ; Wolanin Gerald L., Refrigerator cabinet and method of assembling the same.
  6. Avendano Jose G. ; Crompton ; III Edward Everett ; Miller Richard James ; Myers John Phillip ; Rue ; Sr. John C. ; Christenson Robert A. ; Mandel Sheldon W. ; Mohrfeld Michael A. ; Riley Robert M. ; , Refrigerator cabinet and method of assembling the same.
  7. Myers,John Phillip; Pohl,Douglas A.; Smith, Jr.,Richard D., Refrigerator cabinet assembly.
  8. Myers,John Phillip; Pohl,Douglas A.; Smith, Jr.,Richard D., Refrigerator cabinet assembly.
  9. Banicevic Nedo,CAX ; Klaas Murray,CAX, Refrigerator cabinet breaker assembly.
  10. Pfeffer Michael Allen ; Reeves John Randall, Refrigerator door assembly and method.
  11. Heinicke, Paul R.; Kirk, William A., Safety container end having improved opening characteristics.
  12. Paul R. Heinicke ; William A. Kirk, Safety container end having improved opening characteristics.
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