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[미국특허] Corrosion protection system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C23F-013/00
출원번호 US-0476105 (1990-01-26)
발명자 / 주소
  • Stewart Ray F. (Redwood City CA) Masia Michael (Redwood City CA) Macknick Albert B. (Newark CA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Raychem Corporation (Menlo Park CA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 11


Methods of preventing corrosion in which current flows between the to-be-protected substrate and a distributed electrode whose electrochemically active surface is provided by an element which is composed of a conductive polymer and which is at least 500 microns thick. In one embodiment, the electrod


A method of cathodically protecting metal reinforcing bars encased in concrete, which method comprises establishing a potential difference between the reinforcing bars as cathode and a distributed elongate anode which is spaced apart from the reinforcing bars by concrete, said distributed anode (1)

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (11) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kempter Fritz E. (Mannheim DEX) Boehlke Klaus (Ludwigshafen DEX), Anode for cathodic electrocoating.
  2. Massarsky Philip M. (Warren NJ), Anode for high resistivity cathodic protection systems.
  3. Kroon David H. (300 E. Roberts La. Wood Dale IL 60191) Bushman James B. (6395 Kennard Rd. Medina OH 44256) Rog Joseph W. (2951 Plum Creek Pkwy. Medina OH 44256), Cathodic protection apparatus and method for steel reinforced concrete structures.
  4. Bagnulo Luigi (Milan IT), Corrosion-prevention system.
  5. Warne Michael A. (Brewood GB2), Current rope anodes.
  6. Biddick ; Royce E. ; Rubischko ; Richard J., Electrochemical system using conductive plastic.
  7. Harms Robert L. (Ponca City OK) Hutchison Merle (Ponca City OK), Marine fouling control.
  8. Bagnulo Luigi (Milan ITX), Method of corrosion protection.
  9. Solomon Frank (Great Neck NY) Grun Charles (Matawan NJ), One pass process for forming electrode backing sheet.
  10. Apostolos John A. (Sacramento CA), Process for inhibiting corrosion of metal embedded in concrete and a reinforced concrete construction.
  11. Foster ; Walter W. ; French ; William H. ; Lindberg ; Ramon I., System for underground distribution of electrical power and electrical cable construction for use therein.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Brauker, James H.; Boock, Robert; Rixman, Monica; Simpson, Peter C.; Brister, Mark; Shults, Mark, Analyte sensor.
  2. Kendig, Martin W.; Hon, Melitta; Warren, Leslie, Coating for inhibiting oxidation of a substrate.
  3. Kheder Joseph ; Cordia Johannes Maria,BEX, Corrosion protection system.
  4. Jones, Graeme, Electrode structure for protection of structural bodies.
  5. Miller, Wes; Schenk, Christopher P.; Tarrant, Derek, Environmentally protected reinforcement dowel pins and method of making.
  6. Larry L. Russell, Method and apparatus for lead contamination control.
  7. Russell Larry L., Method and apparatus for lead contamination control.
  8. Russell,Larry L., Method and apparatus for scaling control and in-situ cathodic protection.
  9. Sten K. Henriksen, Method of treating corrosion in reinforced concrete structures by providing a uniform surface potential.
  10. Watanabe, Kunio; Takeya, Shozo, Sacrificial anode for cathodic protection and alloy therefor.
  11. Brister, Mark; Neale, Paul V.; Brauker, James H.; Thrower, James Patrick, Transcutaneous analyte sensor.
  12. Brister, Mark; Neale, Paul V.; Brauker, James; Thrower, James Patrick, Transcutaneous analyte sensor.
  13. Brister, Mark; Neale, Paul V.; Saint, Sean; Petisce, James R.; Thrower, James Patrick; Kamath, Apurv Ullas; Kline, Daniel S.; Guerre, John A.; Codd, Daniel Shawn; McGee, Thomas F.; Petersen, David Michael, Transcutaneous analyte sensor.

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