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[미국특허] Expanded mineral particles and apparatus and method of production 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C04B-014/00
  • C04B-016/08
  • C03C-012/00
출원번호 US-0226956 (1988-08-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • White William R. (Mission Viejo CA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Grefco, Inc. (Torrance CA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 26  인용 특허 : 10


A non-porous, substantially hollow, expanded mineral product, such as expanded perlite, is produced by uniformly and indirectly heating ore for about 1 to 30 seconds in an expansion chamber maintained at about 1400°F.-2100°F. to produce uncoated particles which exhibit superior short term and long t


An expanded mineral product comprising: mineral particles made from the group consisting of perlite, pumice, pumicite, pitchstone, obsidian and volcanic ash and which have been expanded to a greater volume then the volume of the particles prior to expansion, said expanded mineral product particles b

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Marshall Harry J. (Hudson WI), Glass microbubbles.
  2. Jones, Arfon H.; Cutler, Raymond A., Hollow proppants and a process for their manufacture.
  3. Mackenzie John D. (Los Angeles CA) Horiuchi Tetsuro (Los Angeles CA), Hollow spheres produced from natural zeolites.
  4. Nielsen Richard B. (Los Angeles CA), Perlite filler coated with polydimethylsiloxane.
  5. Randolph Donald A. (Wheaton IL) Watkins Kenneth R. (Wheaton IL), Pressure coating of mineral fillers.
  6. Heckman Harold (Frazier Park CA), Process and apparatus for forming lightweight inorganic aggregate.
  7. Sundermann Erich (Braunschweig DEX) Laurien Hanno (Braunschweig DEX) Vahlbrauk Wolfgang (Braunschweig DEX) Reye Hans (Neustadt DEX), Process and apparatus for the thermal treatment of trickling material swellable or rendered swellable, and containing al.
  8. Hornyos Janos (Petzvl u. 22/d Budapest HUX) Millei Gyula (Somogyi B.u. 53 Nagykanizsa HUX) Nmeth Lszlo (Bnhidai 1tp. 212 Tatabnya HUX) Wgner Ott (Knyves Klmn u. 29 Miskolc HUX), Process for the production of closed gas-cellular granular materials.
  9. Ghiringhelli Hugh A. (Wilton CT), Process for thermally expanding silicate-based material by an infrared heat source.
  10. Pinson George T. (Huntsville AL), Target seeker used in a pointer and tracking assembly.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (26) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hojaji, Hamid; Melmeth, David Leslie, Alkali resistant glass compositions.
  2. Castle Richard B., At least partly fused particulates and methods of making them by flame fusion.
  3. Lyons, David; Sukkar, Theresa, Composite cement article incorporating a powder coating and methods of making same.
  4. Castle Richard B., Compositions comprising fused particulates and methods of making them.
  5. Naji, Basil; Merkley, Donald J.; Zammit, Michael; Luo, Caidian, Durable medium-density fibre cement composite.
  6. Zhang, Huagang; Hojaji, Hamid; Labernik, Shannon Marie; Melmeth, David L.; Pham, Thinh; McFarlane, James A., Engineered low-density heterogeneous microparticles and methods and formulations for producing the microparticles.
  7. Gleeson, James A.; Paradis, Kalynne H.; Sloane, Brian P.; Melmeth, David L.; Seligman, Dean M., Fiber cement building materials with low density additives.
  8. Gleeson, James A.; Paradis, Kalynne H.; Sloane, Brian P.; Melmeth, David L.; Seligman, Dean M., Fiber cement building materials with low density additives.
  9. Gleeson, James A.; Paradis, Kalynne H.; Sloane, Brian P.; Melmeth, David L.; Seligman, Dean M., Fiber cement building materials with low density additives.
  10. Gleeson, James A.; Paradis, Kalynne H.; Sloane, Brian P.; Melmeth, David L.; Seligman, Dean M., Fiber cement building materials with low density additives.
  11. Castle Richard B., Fused glassy particulates obtained by flame fusion.
  12. Castle Richard B., Fused glassy particulates obtained by flame fusion.
  13. Sacks, Abraham Jacob; Spilchen, William; Sacks, Jeffrey; Bell, Matthew Alan, Lath device, assembly and method.
  14. Sacks, Abraham Jacob; Spilchen, William; Sacks, Jeffrey Leonard, Light-weight metal stud and method of manufacture.
  15. Biscan, Giang; Hojaji, Hamid; Melmeth, David Leslie; Pham, Thinh; Stevens, Mark G.; Zhang, Huagang, Manufacture and use of engineered carbide and nitride composites.
  16. Qi, Gang, Method for making hollow microspheres.
  17. Nishizawa Kazuhide,JPX, Method of manufacturing an inorganic board.
  18. Anderson, Terry L.; Berke, Neal S., Processed mineral additive for reducing concrete permeability and increasing strength.
  19. Parker, Gerard E.; Parker, Andrew P., Pyrospherelator.
  20. Parker, Gerard E.; Parker, Andrew P., Pyrospherelator.
  21. Sacks, Abraham Jacob; Spilchen, William; Sacks, Jeffrey Leonard, Stucco lath and method of manufacture.
  22. Duselis, Steven Alfred; Gleeson, James; Kascelan, Tihomir; Lyons, David; O'Chee, Milton Terrence, Surface sealed reinforced building element.
  23. Datta, Amlan; Hojaji, Hamid; Melmeth, David L.; McFarlane, James A.; Pham, Thinh; Thompson, Noel E.; Zhang, Huagang, Synthetic microspheres and methods of making same.
  24. Datta, Amlan; Hojaji, Hamid; Melmeth, David L.; McFarlane, James A.; Pham, Thinh; Thompson, Noel E.; Zhang, Huagang, Synthetic microspheres and methods of making same.
  25. Datta, Amlan; Hojaji, Hamid; Melmeth, David L.; McFarlane, James A.; Pham, Thinh; Thompson, Noel E.; Zhang, Huagang, Synthetic microspheres comprising aluminosilicate and methods of making same.
  26. Ma, Jia, Thermally treated expanded perlite.

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