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Latex/sol or gel systems 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B01J-013/00
출원번호 US-0305451 (1989-02-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kissel Charles L. (Anaheim CA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Union Oil Company of California (Los Angeles CA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 2


An electrically conductive polymer composition containing a nonconjugated polymer and a salt is prepared by admixing a sol or gel composition containing the salt with a polymer. A novel sol or gel composition containing a nonionic surfactant stabilizer is useful for preparing the electrically conduc


A process for preparing a sol or gel composition containing at least 0.001 weight percent of at least one salt in the form of anions, cations, and colloidal salt particulates and prepared by heating an admixture comprising at least one nonaqueous solvent, at least one stabilizer and said salt, is su

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2)

  1. Burvee Richard W. (Austin TX), Electrically conductive composition.
  2. Cohen Norman B. (Wayland MA) Lennon Donald J. (Acton MA), Gel composition and adhesive stick.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17)

  1. Gerald Owen Schulz, Binder for non-woven fabric.
  2. Schulz Gerald Owen, Binder for non-woven fabric.
  3. Heimann Robert L. ; Dalton William M. ; Webb David R., Corrosion resistant buffer system for metal products.
  4. Heimann Robert L. ; Dalton William M. ; Webb David R. ; McGowan Nancy M., Corrosion resistant buffer system for metal products.
  5. Dust Richard A.,GBX ; Frima Annie Nicole,FRX, Dissipative laminating adhesive.
  6. Muehlberger Erich, Method of forming uniform thin coatings on large substrates.
  7. Robert L. Heimann ; William M. Dalton ; David R. Webb ; Nancy M. McGowan, Method of treating concrete structures.
  8. Blohowiak Kay Y. ; Osborne Joseph H. ; Krienke Kenneth A., Paint adhesion.
  9. Krienke, Kenneth A.; Blohowiak, Kay Y.; Olli, Larry K.; Osborne, Joseph H., Pigmented alkoxyzirconium sol.
  10. Krienke, Kenneth A.; Blohowiak, Kay Y.; Olli, Larry K.; Osborne, Joseph H., Pigmented organometallic sol.
  11. Miller, Dorothy H. J.; Miller, Brian L., Pressure activated electrically conductive material.
  12. Riemer Heinz (Bottrop DEX) Bosing Ludger (Dorsten DEX) Friedrich Werner (Herten DEX) Pollok Thomas (Garching DEX) Grunberg Petra (Frankfurt DEX), Process for the preparation of a polymer matrix which becomes cloudy as a function of temperature.
  13. Blohowiak, Kay Y.; Osborne, Joseph H.; Anderson, Jr., Robert A.; Cao, Tuan Q., Silicon-yttrium sol coating of metals.
  14. Blohowiak Kay Y. ; Osborne Joseph H. ; Krienke Kenneth A., Sol coating of metals.
  15. Blohowiak Kay Y. ; Osborne Joseph H. ; Krienke Kenneth A., Sol for bonding expoxies to aluminum or titanium alloys.
  16. Blohowiak Kay Y. ; Osborne Joseph H. ; Krienke Kenneth A., Sol-gel coated metal.
  17. Blohowiak Kay Y. ; Osborne Joseph H. ; Krienke Kenneth A., Surface pretreatment of metals to activate the surface for sol-gel coating.
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