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[미국특허] Paint brush holding accessory for use on an open-mouthed paint container 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A46B-017/02
출원번호 US-0570918 (1990-08-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kerr Edward E. (484 Jefferson St. Norristown PA 19401)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 40  인용 특허 : 6


A monolithic one-piece body is releasably attached to a groove surrounding an open mouth of a paint container and has a top shelf that extends over that open mouth. A magnet is located in the top shelf and magnetically affixes a paint brush bristle ring to the top shelf in a manner which locates the


An accessory for supporting a paint brush in position above an open mouth of a paint can comprising: a monolithic, one-piece body which is adapted to be releasably attached to a paint container having a cylindrical wall with a bottom and a top and a circular open mouth defined in the top, the paint

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bradford Ruth C. (25 Meadow Dr. Little Falls NJ 07424), Accessory, for use with a container of preservative.
  2. Jimae James (19 Harold St. ; Matraville Sydney N.S.W. AUX), Brush rack.
  3. Clapper Earl (1428 E. 3rd St. Long Beach CA 90802), Magnetic fuel tank cap holding system.
  4. Puntillo ; Theodore F., Paint brush holder.
  5. Gorrell John E. (400 E. Pedregosa St. Santa Barbara CA 91303) Lichtgarn Fred (314 Evonshire St. Santa Barbara CA 93111), Paint brush holding attachment for paint cans.
  6. Carter Joseph F. (567 Tremont St. Rehoboth MA 02967), Paint can attachment for holding brushes.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (40) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Mowe, Kelly L., Brush wiper and holder for paint can.
  2. Timothy B. Jones, Combined specimen cup, lid and detachable handle.
  3. Bergman,Mark W., Container liner.
  4. Bergman, Mark W., Hand-held container.
  5. Bergman, Mark W., Hand-held container.
  6. Bergman, Mark W.; Leyden, Matthew V.; Waffensmith, Jeffrey B., Hand-held container.
  7. Bergman,Mark W., Hand-held container.
  8. Mark W. Bergman, Hand-held container.
  9. Byrne,James M., Hand-held paint container.
  10. Bergman, Mark W., Hand-held vessel.
  11. Bergman, Mark W.; Leyden, Matthew V.; Waffensmith, Jeffrey B., Hand-held vessel.
  12. Bergman, Mark W.; Leyden, Matthew V.; Waffensmith, Jeffrey B., Hand-held vessel.
  13. Bergman, Mark W.; Young, James L., Hand-held vessel.
  14. Bergman,Mark W., Hand-held vessel.
  15. Albrecht, Brian, Handled container.
  16. Bergman, Mark W., Liner for a hand-held vessel.
  17. Bergman, Mark W., Liner for a paint container.
  18. Waffensmith, Jeffrey B.; Jordan, Ryan D., Liner for paint roller bucket.
  19. Kiceniuk, Taras, Method and apparatus for the application and storage of surface coating materials.
  20. Bergman, Christopher M.; Bergman, Mark W.; Given, Jeffrey T.; Leyden, Matthew V.; Waffensmith, Jeffrey B., Paint application container.
  21. Bergman, Christopher M.; Bergman, Mark W.; Given, Jeffrey T.; Leyden, Matthew V.; Waffensmith, Jeffrey B., Paint application container.
  22. Bergman, Christopher M.; Bergman, Mark W.; Given, Jeffrey T.; Leyden, Matthew V.; Waffensmith, Jeffrey B., Paint application container liner.
  23. Bergman, Christopher M.; Bergman, Mark W.; Given, Jeffrey T.; Leyden, Matthew V.; Waffensmith, Jeffrey B., Paint application container liner.
  24. Kent, David, Paint brush clip.
  25. Kent,David, Paint brush clip.
  26. Kahn,Peter, Paint brush holder.
  27. Ellis Robert S., Paint bucket with integral grate.
  28. Bergman, Mark W., Paint container.
  29. Bergman, Mark W.; Given, Jeffrey T.; Leyden, Matthew V.; Waffensmith, Jeffrey B., Paint container.
  30. Bergman,Mark W., Paint container.
  31. Gringer, Donald; Cheng, Yuan Fang, Paint container.
  32. Bergman, Mark W.; Given, Jeffrey T.; Leyden, Matthew V.; Waffensmith, Jeffrey B., Paint container liner.
  33. Treacy, Ronald Arthur, Paint rim magnetic brush holder.
  34. Bergman, Mark W.; Given, Jeffrey T.; Leyden, Matthew V.; Waffensmith, Jeffrey B., Paint vessel.
  35. Bergman, Mark W.; Given, Jeffrey T.; Leyden, Matthew V.; Waffensmith, Jeffrey B., Paint vessel.
  36. Kiceniuk, Jr., Taras; Lockwood, John Denton, Portable paint and tool container.
  37. Munoz Jose C ; Behm John P, Portable seat for a pail.
  38. Bechtold, Jr., Joseph A, Set of two magnetically attractable interior and exterior components positionable on opposite sides of a curved upstanding sidewall of a non-ferrous container for having a paint brush inside the container.
  39. Bechtold, Jr., Joseph A, Set of two magnetically attractible interior and exterior components positionable on opposite sides of a curved upstanding sidewall of a non-ferrous container for hanging a paint brush inside the container.
  40. Brinkmann, Donald Allan, Shoe assembly.

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