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[미국특허] Overhead cabinet with rotating door 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47B-096/00
출원번호 US-0756742 (1991-09-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • Reuter Robert (Stony Brook NY) Bullwinkle Wallace C. (Norristown PA) Hoff Larry L. (East Greenville PA) Anderson Robert E. (Palm PA) Golynsky Arkady (Allentown PA) Schmidt Al (Reinholds PA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Westinghouse Electric Corp. (Pittsburgh PA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 44  인용 특허 : 0


A cabinet is provided with a curved, upwardly-swinging door and interior shelves. The curved shelf door is mounted on a pair of opposed arms which rotate on a horizontal axis. Each arm is provided with two opposed, circularly arcuate slots and a central ellipsoidal slot, each slot engaging a fixed s


An article of furniture comprising: first and second opposed, parallel walls; a door; first and second mounting means rotatably mounted adjacent said first and second walls, respectively, for moving said door between an open position and a closed position, each of said first and second mounting mean

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (44)

  1. Schaffner, Walter E.; Watkins, Walter A., Adjustable hinge and support structure.
  2. Svenson,Richard; Filipowski,Michael D., Articulating door for a storage compartment.
  3. Jeffrey J. Coffey ; Richard S. Hand ; Theodore M. Haan ; Russell T. Holdredge, Binder bin including dampening mechanism for door.
  4. Varellas-Olree Carolyn May, Cabinet with over-the-top door.
  5. Hornberger, Timothy G.; Koehler, Karl J.; Griepentrog, Dennis G., Counterbalanced door system for a storage cabinet.
  6. Ryu, Jinie; Kwon, Jongchan; Moon, Ji Hyun; Lee, YangJic; Hyun, Sangmin, Dish washer.
  7. Darney, Ian, Domestic appliance with concealed hinge.
  8. Heidmann, Kurt R.; Eich, Thomas B.; Muller, Karl H.; Simons, Jr., George J., Elevated binder bin.
  9. Kurt R. Heidmann ; Thomas B. Eich ; Karl H. Muller, Elevated binder bin.
  10. Kurt R. Heidmann ; Thomas B. Eich ; Karl H. Muller, Elevated binder bin.
  11. Kenneth A. Spaeth, Foldable seat hinge.
  12. Spaeth Kenneth A., Foldable seat hinge.
  13. Ratza,Clifton J.; Eekhoff,Trent; Millhouse,Ryan, Folding seat.
  14. Ward Richard W. ; Hand ; III Edward W., Folding seat hinge.
  15. Ward Richard W. ; Hand Edward W., Folding seat hinge.
  16. Ward Richard W. ; Hand Edward W., Folding seat hinge.
  17. Hager, Allen C.; Jeffers, Robert E.; Hofman, William K.; Bultsma, Brian L.; Miller, Scott Michael; Knauf, Marvin C.; Mueller, Karl Heinz; Hamilton, John R.; Mead, Karl J., Furniture storage unit.
  18. Melhuish, Robert A., Hinge for an over-head storage compartment having non-centered pivoting motion.
  19. Kulkarni, Harish Prakash, Hinge mechanism for a home appliance providing door motion in a non-circular path.
  20. Donovan,Jeffrey M.; Quinno,James L.; Shah,Sachin, Hinge mechanism for a monitor of an overhead console.
  21. McCullough, Barry, Hinge mechanisms.
  22. McCullough, Barry, Hinge mechanisms and foldable furniture.
  23. McCullough, Barry, Hinge mechanisms and foldable furniture.
  24. Charles Matteau CA, Hinge structure.
  25. Morgan, James W.; Preuss, Donald E.; Nestor, Daniel M., Lid actuation system for shielded cask.
  26. Heidmann, Kurt R.; Eich, Thomas B., Lift mechanism for storage bin door.
  27. Heidmann, Kurt R.; Eich, Thomas B., Lift method for storage bin door.
  28. Frederick, David T., Medical cabinet with adjustable drawers.
  29. Parshad,David, Overhead cabinet.
  30. Fricano Nicholas J. ; West Daniel C. K., Overhead storage unit.
  31. Walter C. Mrotz, III. ; David P. Noel ; Thomas A. Langworthy, Overhead storage unit.
  32. Gitnes, Seth E., Powered hinge with automatic locking feature at opposite ends of permissible relative angular displacement of the hinge sections.
  33. Johansson, Tobias, Pull-out mechanism for a drawer.
  34. Moher Robert (Oneida NY) Nook Thomas J. (Grand Haven MI), Rack for displaying tableware.
  35. Koiwai, Hideo; Hara, Shinya, Recording material processing apparatus.
  36. Parshad,David, Shelf.
  37. Duarte,Carlos; Romero,Fred S., Slide hinge for spa cover.
  38. Motta, Giuseppe Luigi; Molteni, Piero, Storage bin with counterbalanced door.
  39. Magnusson Carl G. ; Noel David P., Storage cabinet.
  40. Teppo David S. ; Halvorson ; Jr. Harold, Storage cabinet with handle operated door.
  41. Maierholzner,Thomas, Swingable armrest with unlocking element.
  42. Schmitz, Chad D.; Haynes, Michael S.; Jeyarajah, Nelson J.; Malkinson, Michael J.; Pugh, Christopher S., System and method for stowage compartment pivot assembly.
  43. Lundberg, Mats; Salerno, Luigi, Table top dishwasher.
  44. Duarte,Carlos; Romero,Fred S., Upright hinge for spa cover.
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