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[미국특허] Handle height adjuster for baby carriage 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B62B-009/20
출원번호 US-0871717 (1992-04-21)
발명자 / 주소
  • Huang Mien-Cheng (Tainan TWX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Taiwan Charwell Enterprise Co., Ltd. (Tainan TWX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 68  인용 특허 : 0


A handle height adjuster for a baby carriage has a hollow connecting rod for a main rod of a baby carriage to fit movably in an inner passageway in the connecting rod. The main rod can be pulled up or down to raise or lower the height adjuster connected with two ends of the handle of the baby carria


A handle height adjuster for a baby carriage having its upper portion combined with an angle adjuster and its lower portion combined with a main rod of a baby carriage, comprising: a connecting rod having an inner lengthwise passageway for the main rod to movably fitting therein, a round hole and a

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (68) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Newhard, Daniel N., Adjustable cable compensating knuckle for a stroller.
  2. Chien-Jen Huang TW, Adjustable locking/unlocking structure for telescopic tube.
  3. Thorne, Henry F., Braking system for a stroller.
  4. Haut Robert E. (Wayne PA) Sack James A. (Elverson PA), Collapsable stroller.
  5. Medina, Henry, Collapsible chair.
  6. Medina,Henry, Collapsible chair.
  7. Thorne, Henry F.; Koes, Mary J.; Daley, Robert D., Collapsible stroller.
  8. Thorne, Henry F.; Koes, Mary J.; Daley, Robert D., Collapsible stroller.
  9. Gower, Campbell; Brace, Philip, Collapsible two seat perambulator.
  10. Gower, Campbell; Brace, Philip, Collapsible two seat perambulator.
  11. Gower, Campbell; Brace, Philip, Collapsible two seat perambulator.
  12. Gower, Campbell; Brace, Philip, Collapsible two seat perambulator.
  13. Gower, Campbell; Brace, Philip, Collapsible two seat perambulator.
  14. Gower, Campbell; Brace, Philip, Collapsible two seat perambulator.
  15. Gower, Campbell; Brace, Philip, Collapsible two seat perambulator.
  16. Gower, Campbell; Brace, Philip, Collapsible two seat perambulator.
  17. Gower, Campbell; Brace, Philip, Collapsible two seat perambulator.
  18. Espenshade Gregg R., Convertible stroller.
  19. Sun Chien-wei,TWX, Detachable handrail of a baby stroller.
  20. Juchniewicz Gregory J ; Juchniewicz Joanne S, Device for extending the handle of a wheeled cart.
  21. Gehr Glenn E., Dual stroller.
  22. Gehr Glenn E., Dual stroller.
  23. Gehr Glenn E., Dual stroller.
  24. Wu,Tse Chien; Jiang,Sen Yung, Fixed-direction wheel control mechanism for baby stroller.
  25. Curtis M. Hartenstine ; Robert T. Pike, Foldable stroller.
  26. Hartenstine,Curtis M.; Pike,Robert T., Foldable stroller.
  27. Longenecker, Michael L.; Williams, Bruce L., Foldable stroller with memory recline.
  28. Hartenstine, Curtis M.; Tuckey, Peter, Foldable stroller with passenger support base.
  29. Santoski,Paul, Foldable three-wheeled jogging stroller.
  30. Wang Leao,TWX ; Wu Peter,TWX, Folding apparatus of a front support for a skateboard.
  31. Ageneau, Laurent, Folding pushchair with tilting handle equipped with a folding control on the handle.
  32. Longenecker, Michael L.; Williams, Bruce L., Folding stroller actuating system.
  33. Bucher Peter,CHX, Handle for a trolley.
  34. Barlow, Dale V.; Scott, Michael A.; Hall, Randy Kent; Moxley, Keith; Colber, Ed, Handle height adjustment for walk behind mower.
  35. Daley, Robert D.; Thorne, Henry F., Lighting system for a stroller.
  36. Carlson, Liisa Fink; Hamilton, John R.; Miller, Kevin B.; Schurr, Daniel A., Mobile pedestal with storable handle.
  37. Liisa A. Fink ; John R. Hamilton ; Kevin B. Miller, Mobile pedestal with storable handle.
  38. Barrett, Robert; Green, Michael; Celestina-Krevh, Mary Ann; Pope, LeNard; Ward, Jr., William; Warner, Jr., Robert, Multi-feature stroller and infant car seat.
  39. Failor,Raymond A.; Fox,Michael D., Multi-purpose patient chair.
  40. Thorne, Henry F., Power generation system for a stroller.
  41. Longenecker, Michael L.; Greger, Jeff G., Reclinable seatback support for stroller.
  42. Kakuda Baku ; Sack James A., Recline latch system for collapsible stroller.
  43. Brown Bryan M. ; Canna John S., Removable grab bar cover.
  44. Bierma, Jochum, Sack trolley.
  45. Bretschger, Edward B.; Myers, Peter J., Stroller.
  46. Chen, Ying-Zhong; Mo, Xiao-Long, Stroller.
  47. Cheng, Chin-Ming; Chen, Shun-Min; Chen, Yun-Ju; Yeh, I-Ting, Stroller.
  48. Freese Theodore Brent ; Bengtson Alan David, Stroller.
  49. Greger, Jeff G.; Longenecker, Michael L., Stroller.
  50. Mattarocci, Bradley James, Stroller.
  51. Micoley Scott Howard, Stroller.
  52. Bridges, Sonja E., Stroller device.
  53. Haut Robert E., Stroller handlebar.
  54. Sack James, Stroller reclining and canopy tensioning mechanism thereof.
  55. Lan Red,TWX, Stroller with detachable auxiliary seat.
  56. Freese Theodore Brent ; Bengtson Alan David, Stroller with grip handle.
  57. Aalund Mark W. ; Stephens William B. ; Freese Theodore Brent ; Bengtson Alan David ; Nelson Cynthia R. ; Finney Donna K., Stroller with improved features.
  58. Kakuda Baku, Stroller with one hand release mechanism and one hand release mechanism thereof.
  59. Kakuda, Baku, Stroller with release latch.
  60. Greger, Jeff; Longenecker, Michael, Stroller with travel seat attachment.
  61. Sack James (Elverson PA), Stroller, reclining and canopy tensioning mechanisms thereof.
  62. Huang Mien Chen,TWX, Structure of folding-collapsible double-seat baby stroller.
  63. Hou, Jen-En; Hou, Hung-Chung, Structure of handlebar joint.
  64. Longenecker, Michael L.; Greger, Jeff G., Three dimensional folding stroller with infant carrier attachment and one hand actuated seat recline.
  65. Caksa, Kristina, Two-level travel stroller for children.
  66. Berkey Cindy Lee, Ventilated canopy with a mesh panel.
  67. Bryant, Christian S. C.; Buhr, Alex W.; Dorn, Daniel W., Walk aerator.
  68. Weber Tory,CAXITX T1K 6V5, Wheelbarrow handle.

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