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[미국특허] Capped high-pressure discharge lamp and lampholder for same 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01J-005/48
출원번호 US-0764664 (1991-09-24)
우선권정보 NL-0002124 (1990-09-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Van Dulmen Hendrikus A. M. (Eindhoven NLX) Verspaget Godefridus N. M. (Eindhoven NLX)
출원인 / 주소
  • U.S. Philips Corporation (New York NY 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 0


The capped high-pressure discharge lamp has a lamp cap of insulating material provided with a centrally disposed contact member and with a metal sleeve concentrical thereto. A first end of a discharge vessel is mounted within said metal sleeve and a current supply conductor is attached to said metal


A luminaire, comprising: a) a high pressure discharge lamp comprising a discharge vessel energizeable for emitting light and having first and second sealed end portions, first and second current-supply conductors extending through respective sealed end portions to the exterior thereof, and a lamp ca

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13)

  1. Helbig, Peter; Kantim, Uwe; Thiel, Gerwin, Discharge lamp.
  2. Helbig Peter,DEX ; Wild Hans,DEX, Electric lamp and lighting system for said lamp.
  3. Claassen Wilhelmus C. M.,NLX ; Martens Wilhelmus A. A. A.,NLX ; Boonekamp Jacobus J.,NLX, Electric lamp having a current conductor with a kinked longitudinal portion.
  4. Nakajima Yoshiyuki,JPX, Electronic parts holder.
  5. Francis Michael Eugene ; Delaporte Dany Paul ; Brennan ; III Richard Charles ; Abbott Russell Mistretta, High intensity discharge automotive lamp socket.
  6. Duggan, Thomas A.; Kemp, Richard R.; Vo, Nam H., High intensity discharge lamp and a method of interconnecting a high intensity discharge lamp.
  7. Guthier John F. (Van Nuys CA), High wattage lamp ferrule and socket system.
  8. Gerhard, Markus; Schartmann, Herbert; Westemeyer, Manfred; Muckel, Ralf; Emunds, Wilfried, High-pressure discharge lamp and a method of manufacturing a high-pressure discharge lamp.
  9. Perez,Jimmy; Lee,John; Lovvorn,Andrew; Sattem,Bob, Lamp assembly and method of forming.
  10. Guenther Hirschmann DE; Bontcho Gotchev DE; Arnulf Rupp DE, Lighting system with a high-pressure discharge lamp.
  11. Bowser, Roger C., Lighting tube fitting.
  12. Koegler,John M.; Myers,Timothy F., Reflector assembly with a startup element.
  13. Koegler, III,John M.; Myers,Timothy F., Replaceable lamp header for positioning a lamp within a reflector assembly.

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