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[미국특허] Multiple smart weapons employment mechanism 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64D-001/04
  • F41F-003/06
출원번호 US-0901229 (1992-06-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • McGlynn Maureen P. (Huntingdon Valley PA) Meiklejohn William D. (Warminster PA)
출원인 / 주소
  • M. Technologies, Inc. (Huntingdon Valley PA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 22  인용 특허 : 0


A digital communication network adapts a conventional MIL-STD-1553 aircraft multiple weapons rack for carriage of smart weapons. The network is a communications, power, and signal management interface circuit which permits an existing single pylon wing RT/sub-bus to control a plurality of additional


A digital communications armament network adaptor for carrying multiple smart weapons on a single wing pylon station of an aircraft, comprising: an aircraft having a weapons controller configured in compliance with MIL-STD 1553; multiple wing-mounted pylons on said aircraft, each providing a weapon

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (22) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Van Liew, Jeffrey W.; Bailey, Robert A., Adjustable bomb carrier.
  2. Shpund, Zalman Shlomo; Sahar, David, Airborne guided shell.
  3. Grimshaw, Stephen B.; Butler, Frank B., Airborne vehicle emulation system and method.
  4. Quebedeaux Gayle P. ; Schafer James W. ; Schroeder Gerald R., Aircraft interface device and crossover cable kit.
  5. Huang,Paul C.; Khan,Omar A.; Sleder, Jr.,Albert, Control system architecture for a multi-component armament system.
  6. Weber, George, Data modifying bus buffer.
  7. Fiebick, Wayne A.; Clark, Keith E.; Donohue, Patrick; Oah, Sue, Integral data acquisition capacity.
  8. Smith, Joseph P.; Coolidge, John K.; Turner, Stanley G., Launcher platform.
  9. Huber, Charles F.; Hammel, Bradley Bomar; Berringer, Jeffrey A., Military standard (MIL-STD-1760) interface bridge.
  10. Ray, Michael S.; Broadhead, David J., Multi-channel, selectable identity tagging data translator and method.
  11. Nelson, Steven D.; Diamond, Michael N., Networked electronic ordnance system.
  12. Nelson, Steven D.; Diamond, Michael N., Networked electronic ordnance system.
  13. Rauscher, Jr., Robert A., Ordnance control and initiation system and related method.
  14. Mayersak Joseph R., Precision guidance system for aircraft launched bombs.
  15. Mayersak Joseph R. (Ashburn VA), Precision guidance system for aircraft launched bombs.
  16. Quebral Anthony P. ; Sturgill Phillip R. ; Morack Mindy W. ; Culhane David A. ; Batchelor Chris, Remote controlled payload delivery.
  17. Agrell, Rikard, Safety arrangement for a discharging signalling system.
  18. Ebert William J. ; Leonard James V. ; Meyer Richard E., Store interface apparatus.
  19. Weber, George, System for modifying data in a bus buffer.
  20. Wainwright, Calvin; Farmer, Joe, Systems and methods for communication, navigation, surveillance and sensor system integration in a vehicle.
  21. Hammel, Bradley Bomar; Huber, Charles F., Translation of universal armament interface (UAI) to military standard (mil-std-1760) messaging interface.
  22. Lewis, Robin H.; Williams, Kenneth E., Virtual host isolation and detection of embedded operational flight program (OFP) capabilities.

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