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[미국특허] Terminal structure and seal 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01M-002/30
출원번호 US-0931727 (1992-08-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • McHenry Edwin J. (Gilbert AZ) Baker Christopher A. (Tempe AZ)
출원인 / 주소
  • Acme Electric Corporation (East Aurora NY 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 18  인용 특허 : 11


A terminal structure and seal for an electrochemical cell includes a terminal post inside a plastic tubular member which is inside a metal barrel. The plastic tubular member is unitary with the plastic cover and a reinforcing boss on the cover is annular and an annular stabilizing flange unitary wit


A terminal seal for a terminal of an electrical cell or battery having a case comprising, in combination: a unitary plastic tubular member extending generally perpendicularly of the plastic cover of the battery case; a metal terminal post inside said tubular member; a metal barrel member surrounding

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (11)

  1. Kruger, Franz J.; Szalvay, Laszlo, Battery casing.
  2. Jensen Henry E. (Lafayette Hill PA), Battery post seal.
  3. Salamon ; Klaus ; Eckardt ; Rudolf, Battery terminal construction.
  4. Green Anthony (Redditch GB2), Battery terminals.
  5. Sindorf John F. (Pewaukee WI), Crimp terminal for a battery.
  6. Eng Jeffrey D. (North Vancouver CA) Harke Cyril J. (Burnaby CA) Bosa Primo (Vancouver NY CA) Figueras Wilfredo E. (Amherst NY), Electrolytic cell seal.
  7. Arenas Alvaro (Miami FL) Bales Thomas O. (Coral Gables FL) Box John W. (Miami FL), Feedthrough.
  8. Carino John W. (Columbia SC), Insulative header assembly with feed through terminals.
  9. Summo Arthur M. (Danbury CT), Method of assembling a storage battery using vibratory energy.
  10. Salamon Klaus (Kelkheim DEX), Pole seal for storage batteries.
  11. Hardigg James S. (Conway MA) Turner E. Wayne (Deerfield MA), Sliding seal lead bushing.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (18)

  1. Ratte, Robert W.; Peterson, Norman E., Battery part.
  2. Ratte, Robert W.; Peterson, Norman E., Battery part.
  3. Ratte, Robert W.; Peterson, Norman E.; Cain, Tracy L., Battery parts and associated systems and methods.
  4. Ratte, Robert W.; Peterson, Norman E.; Cain, Tracy L., Battery parts and associated systems and methods.
  5. Cain, Tracy L.; Garin, Michael, Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  6. Cain, Tracy L.; Garin, Michael, Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  7. Garin, Michael A.; Gifford, Kurt T., Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  8. Garin, Michael A.; Gifford, Kurt T., Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  9. Garin, Michael A.; Gifford, Kurt T., Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  10. Garin, Michael A.; Gifford, Kurt T., Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  11. Crooks, Jared, Electrical terminal assembly.
  12. Ratte, Robert W., Multiple casting apparatus and method.
  13. Ratte, Robert W., Multiple casting apparatus and method.
  14. Popp, Karlo, Rechargeable battery with a connecting pole.
  15. Hooke John Willard (Warrensburg MO) Elwing Mary Jo (Warrensburg MO), Sealant gasketing plastic nut battery terminal seal.
  16. Hooke John Willard ; Elwing Mary Jo Frances, Sealant gasketing plastic nut battery terminal seal.
  17. Cain, Tracy L., Systems and methods for manufacturing battery parts.
  18. Cain, Tracy L., Systems and methods for manufacturing battery parts.

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