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Sensor for pressure controlled switching valve for refrigeration system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F25B-005/00
  • H01H-035/40
출원번호 US-0043691 (1993-04-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Day James (Scotia NY)
출원인 / 주소
  • General Electric Company (Schenectady NY 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 12  인용 특허 : 0


A refrigerant flow switching device for alternately conveying refrigerant from a high pressure and a low pressure evaporator to a compressor of a refrigeration system, and a refrigerator using such a refrigeration system, includes a refrigerant flow switching valve for alternately conveying refriger


A flow switching device for alternately conveying refrigerant from low and high pressure evaporator means to compressor means of a refrigeration system, said device comprising: a switching valve adapted to move between a low and high pressure position allowing said refrigerant to flow alternately an

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (12)

  1. Wallis, Frank S.; Knapke, Mitch M.; Bergman, Ernest R., Capacity modulation system for compressor and method.
  2. Wildman, Craig, Combination pressure switch.
  3. Caillat, Jean-Luc, Compressor capacity modulation.
  4. Lorek, Manfred; Kinscher, Joachim, Cooling appliance.
  5. Contreras Lafaire, J. Antonio; Hegedus, Ralph, High performance refrigerator having passive sublimation defrost of evaporator.
  6. Bonet, Jose R., High performance refrigerator having sacrificial evaporator.
  7. Gramkow Asger,DKX ; Bastholm Jeppe Christian,DKX ; Christensen Finn Erik,DKX, Method for treating emulsified liquids.
  8. Gomes, Alberto Regio; Paganini, Raffaele, Multiple evaporator control using PWM valve/compressor.
  9. Gomes, Alberto Regio; Paganini, Raffale, Multiple evaporator control using PWM valve/compressor.
  10. Kim, Seongjae; Lee, Myungryul; Youn, Deokhyun; Oh, Seunghwan, Refrigerator cycle system and refrigerator having the same including a gas-liquid separator and a liquid refrigerant remover.
  11. Bassi, Alberto, Service device for a refrigerator, and refrigerator featuring such a device.
  12. Bassi, Alberto, Service device for a refrigerator, and refrigerator featuring such a device.
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