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Efficient inflating device 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G09F-019/02
출원번호 US-0742393 (1991-08-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Shaeffer Henry W. (825 Elyria Dr. Los Angeles CA 90065)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 19  인용 특허 : 0


A self-inflatable balloon and motor-driven turbine assembly has a communication discernible on a surface of the balloon and has a pneumatically sealed enclosure for the turbine. The sealed enclosure has an outlet port and which, together with the inlet port, are positioned in relation to the turbine


In combination: a) an inflatable balloon having an interior and an opening mouth; b) pump means having an inlet port and an outlet port, said outlet port being pneumatically connected to said opening mouth of said inflatable balloon, for pressurizing gas at said outlet port and in the interior of sa

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (19)

  1. Blenkarn, Michael Douglas; Fayle, Thomas Walker Clarke; Rose, Gordon Thompson, Airbag rescue system.
  2. Blenkarn, Michael Douglas; Fayle, Thomas Walker Clarke; Rose, Gordon Thompson, Airbag rescue system.
  3. Blenkarn, Michael Douglas; Fayle, Thomas Walker Clarke; Rose, Gordon Thompson, Airbag rescue system.
  4. Rose, Gordon T.; Hill, Peter A., Enclosure release for a backpack with an inflatable airbag.
  5. Gill James G. ; Hixon Dylan ; Lux James ; Becker Martin J., Fan advertising device.
  6. Steven A. Weir, Inflatable balloon bouquet.
  7. Spielberger,Lee; Schultheis,Douglas Arthur, Inflatable dancing toy with music.
  8. Lau,Vincent W. S., Inflatable product with stowable pump.
  9. Hsiao,Eming, Portable air compressor.
  10. Burger, III, Frank Leo; Cobb, Jr., Okey F, Portable sign.
  11. Malone, Joshua, System and method for filling containers with fluids.
  12. Malone, Joshua, System and method for filling containers with fluids.
  13. Malone, Joshua, System and method for filling containers with fluids.
  14. Malone, Joshua, System and method for filling containers with fluids.
  15. Malone, Joshua, System and method for filling containers with fluids.
  16. Malone, Joshua, System and method for filling containers with fluids.
  17. Walker, Joseph Benjamin; Blackwell, David K.; Neffsinger, Derick J.; Grutta, James Thomas; Kuder, Nathan Miles; Gompert, Peter Thomas; Horacek, Robert John, Systems and methods for inflatable avalanche protection.
  18. Norman,Casey, Toy with openable container from which one or more objects spring out.
  19. Glass Hilton J., Transportable system for message display.
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