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[미국특허] Toy water grenade 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A63H-033/30
  • F42B-008/00
  • A63B-065/00
출원번호 US-0139763 (1993-10-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hix Scott G. (1028 Morrell Ct. Kingsport TN 37664-3451)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 20  인용 특허 : 0


A housing is arranged to include a fluid chamber, with the fluid chamber arranged with a surrounding pneumatic chamber. A piston member is arranged for sliding displacement along the reservoir chamber upon removal of a release pin, such that upon the piston exposing pneumatic entry ports into the fl


A toy water grenade, comprising, a housing, the housing symmetrically oriented about a housing axis, and having a housing side wall, a first end wall and a housing second end, with the second end having a second end central opening directed into the housing from the second end, the first end wall in

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (20)

  1. D'Andrade Bruce M. ; D'Andrade Mary Ann, Backpack externally chargeable bladder gun assembly.
  2. D'Andrade ; deceased Bruce M. ; D'Andrade ; executix by Mary Ann, Bladder gun with body mounted nozzle and quick-charged system.
  3. Tate, Shawn, Combined water gun and water balloon launcher and associated method.
  4. Walsh, Thomas Patrick, Fluid-marker delivery systems.
  5. Unsworth,John D.; Hammond,Kenneth, Gas projection device sometimes with a burst disk, producing loud sonic report and smoke plume.
  6. Juy,King Sun, Igniter mechanism for toy hand grenade.
  7. Carlson, Erik K.; Head, Lawrence P.; Schroeder, Matthew S., Marking ammunition.
  8. Chong, Carlton, Reusable distraction device simulator.
  9. Lush Craig L. (8148 Cliffview Ave. Springfield VA 22153), Reusable paint ball grenade, reloadable with standard .68 caliber paint balls.
  10. Estrella, Randall P., Reusable paint grenade.
  11. Chong, Carlton le Loong, Reusable pellet shooting grenade.
  12. Yap, Leong Kheng; Neo, Tiang See, Sound producing apparatus.
  13. Carlson, Erik K.; Edel, Joshua L., Spin-stabilized non-lethal projectile with a shear-thinning fluid.
  14. Carlson, Erik K.; Edel, Joshua L., Spin-stabilized non-lethal projectile with a shear-thinning fluid.
  15. Huber, Eric D.; Huber, Michael E., Symmetrical paint ball land mine.
  16. Siu,See Lap; Hui,Kam Luen; Lee,Lap Shan, Toy grenade.
  17. Mroczka, David E.; Mroczka, Kevin, Toy hand grenade with timer mechanism.
  18. Eddins,Fred D.; Brown,Robert L., Toy system with detachable weapons.
  19. Brown,Robert L.; Eddins,Fred D., Toy water gun system with detachable weapons.
  20. Rudell, Elliot; Foster, George T., Toys with timer-activated controllable operation time.
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