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[미국특허] Armoire 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F26B-019/00
출원번호 US-0072151 (1993-06-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Dhaemers Gregory L. (829 N. 27th Ave. West Duluth MN 55806)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 101  인용 특허 : 0


A dryer has an internal drying chamber for accommodating articles that are subjected to a heated circulating air to remove moisture from the articles. An air mixing chamber contains a first fan for moving air through a heater into the drying chamber. A second fan draws air out of the drying and mixi


A dryer for articles comprising: housing means having an internal drying chamber for accommodating articles, door means movably mounted on the housing means for movement to an open position to permit access into the drying chamber and to a closed position to enclose the drying chamber, wall means wi

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (101)

  1. Peet, Blair G., Air dehumidifier system for enclosures and safes.
  2. Cassella, Anthony, Air-flow dryer and method.
  3. Benedek, Karen; Carbone, Philip C., Apparatus and method for treating impurities in air and materials.
  4. Benedek, Karen; Carbone, Philip C.; Affonce, Derek, Apparatus and method for treating impurities in air and materials.
  5. Dhaemers Gregory L., Bag with air distributor and method for removing moisture and odors from within the bag.
  6. Dhaemers Gregory L., Bag with air distributor and ozone generator.
  7. Webb, Winston S., Biologically safe mail box.
  8. Owesen Yngvar S.,NOX, Cleaning arrangement including filters and ultraviolet radiation.
  9. Lickiss, Chris P.; Tremel, Curtis J.; Keeler, Joseph M.; Johnson, Troy A.; Roberts, Michael C.; Vander Schel, Burton R.; Vander Heiden, Dale D., Clothes dryer with control panel seal.
  10. Grimm, Curt L.; Grimm, Kent L., Clothes drying apparatus and method of drying clothes.
  11. Prows, Dennis S., Clothes drying cabinet with improved air distribution.
  12. Moon, Jung Wook; Park, Dae Yun; Hong, Sog Kie; Kim, Jong Seok; Ryu, Seung Gyu; Park, Hye Yong; Choi, Chang Gyu; Kim, Dong Won, Clothes treating apparatus.
  13. Moon, Jung Wook; Hong, Sog Kie; Kim, Dong Won; Ryu, Seung Gyu; Park, Hye Yong; Choi, Chang Gyu; Park, Dae Yun; Kim, Jong Seok, Clothes treatment apparatus.
  14. Salameh,Naom; Wheeler,Stanley T.; Folk,Judith P., Clothes tumbler with ozone generator.
  15. Vezina, Jean-François; Lebel, Pierrot, Collapsible drying bag.
  16. Vezina, Jean-François; Lebel, Pierrot, Collapsible drying container.
  17. Johnson, Troy A.; Birch, Lee R.; Roberts, Michael C.; Shipley, Kevin W.; Bundy, Julie M.; Nekic, Frank S.; Schober, Stephen D.; Tremel, Curtis J., Combination tumble and cabinet dryer.
  18. Duenas, Benjamin, Device and method for connecting a blood pump without trapping air bubbles.
  19. Moser Michel,FRX, Drying cubicle.
  20. Schaug-Pettersen, Tor, Electromagnetic surveying.
  21. Clark, Melissa Dee; Smith, Christopher Lawrence; France, Paul Amaat Raymond Gerard; Heilman, Laura Lynn; Van den Hoonaard, Paul; Oberhaus, Geoffrey Luther, Fabric article treating device and system.
  22. Roselle, Brian Joseph; Bischoff, Corey Michael; Deketele, Lieven Richard; Hollinger, Stefan H.; Meschkat, Stephan James Andreas; Convents, Andre Christian, Fabric refreshing cabinet device.
  23. Roselle, Brian Joseph; Tanno-Smith, Laura Marie; Armstrong, Tara Lynn; O'Connor, Helen Frances; Leahy, Morgan Thomas, Fabric refreshing cabinet device for increasing flexural rigidity.
  24. Bischoff, Corey Michael; Beck, Benjamin Janes; Page, Christopher James, Fabric refreshing device.
  25. Roselle, Brian Joseph; Bischoff, Corey Michael; Smith, Christopher Lawrence; Sabisch, Markus; von Sartori-Montecroce, Oliver; Kleemann, Christof; Hollinger, Stefan H.; Beck, Benjamin Janes; Damaschke, Robert Hans-Joachim; Meschkat, Stephan James Andreas; Ullrich, Heiko; Marsden, Douglas Arthur, Fabric treating systems and accessories.
  26. Hill Frederick J., Fire and rescue equipment dryer system and method.
  27. Meschkat, Stephan James Andreas; Hollinger, Stefan, Fluid dispensing system for fabric refreshing cabinet device.
  28. Nikolov Dimitar Nikolov,CAXITX M1J 1J0, Footwear drying apparatus.
  29. Hicks, Neil, Glove dryer.
  30. Shen, Kui, Grounding assembly for an ultraviolet water sanitizer.
  31. Lee, Young Jin, Hair dryer capable of adjusting volume of unheated air discharged at same time as hot air.
  32. Potter, Gary J.; Braun, Marc; Kieffer, Jeffrey A., Heater and controls for extraction of moisture and biological organisms from structures.
  33. McLoughlin, John E.; Athanasiades, Neocles G.; Toh, Kiam Meng, Individual gear dryer system.
  34. Ellingsrud, Svein; Sodal, Audun; Rechsteiner, Hans, Instrument for measuring electromagnetic signals.
  35. Kreitenberg, Arthur, Internal sanitizing and communicating.
  36. Hunts,Barney Dean, Large plush towel warmer and dehumidifier.
  37. Baurmann, Martin, Laundry drier with removable filter.
  38. Doyle, Colleen; Kendall, James; Achterberg, Lorraine L.; Viswanathan, Ameresh; Underly, Kristina; Tomasi, Donald; Conrad, Daniel; Sunshine, Richard, Laundry module for washing a load of fabric items.
  39. Underly, Kristina K.; Tomasi, Donald M.; Conrad, Daniel C.; Sunshine, Richard A.; Kendall, James W.; Viswanathan, Ameresh B.; Achterberg, Lorraine L.; Doyle, Colleen M., Laundry system.
  40. Underly, Kristina K.; Tomasi, Donald M.; Conrad, Daniel C.; Sunshine, Richard A.; Kendall, James W.; Viswanathan, Ameresh B.; Achterberg, Lorraine L.; Doyle, Colleen M., Laundry system.
  41. Underly, Kristina K.; Tomasi, Donald M.; Conrad, Daniel C.; Sunshine, Richard A.; Kendall, James W.; Viswanathan, Ameresh B.; Achterberg, Lorraine L.; Doyle, Colleen M., Laundry system.
  42. Doyle, Colleen; Kendall, James; Achterberg, Lorraine L.; Viswanathan, Ameresh; Underly, Kristina; Tomasi, Donald; Conrad, Daniel; Sunshine, Richard, Laundry system with a laundry module for washing a load of fabric items.
  43. Bae, Sang Hun; Lee, Dong Geun; Choi, Yeon Sik; Yoon, Ju Han, Laundry treating apparatus.
  44. Sarracino, Maximo, Mailbox.
  45. Duenas, Benjamin, Method for connecting a blood pump without trapping air bubbles.
  46. Hedman, David E., Method for removing or treating harmful biological and chemical substances within structures and enclosures.
  47. Hedman, David E., Method for removing or treating harmful biological and chemical substances within structures and enclosures.
  48. Amundsen, Lasse, Method of and apparatus for analyzing data from an electromagnetic survey.
  49. Yoo, Hea-Kyung; Lim, Tae-Hoon, Method of managing operation of laundry room machine and dryer therefor.
  50. Smith, Christopher Lawrence; Roselle, Brian Joseph; Meschkat, Stephan James Andreas; Bischoff, Corey Michael; Lamb, Kenneth Eugene; Wurzelbacher, William Peter; Marsden, Douglas Arthur, Methods and apparatuses for dispensing fluids.
  51. Snyder, Barry M.; Snyder, III, Clarence J.; Mauzerall, Michele; Keenan, Maryellen, Mobile apparatus and method for sterilizing one or more surgical trays with integrable transfer and storage system.
  52. Snyder, III, Clarence J., Mobile apparatus and method to sterilize surgical trays.
  53. Mauzerall, Michele; Keenan, Maryellen, Mobile sterilization apparatus and method for using the same.
  54. Mauzerall, Michele; Keenan, Maryellen, Mobile sterilization apparatus and method for using the same.
  55. Mauzerall, Michele; Keenan, Maryellen, Mobile sterilization apparatus and method for using the same.
  56. Underly, Kristina K.; Tomasi, Donald M.; Conrad, Daniel C.; Sunshine, Richard A.; Kendall, James W.; Viswanathan, Ameresh B.; Achterberg, Lorraine L.; Doyle, Colleen M., Modular laundry system.
  57. Underly, Kristina K.; Tomasi, Donald M.; Conrad, Daniel C.; Sunshine, Richard A.; Kendall, James W.; Viswanathan, Ameresh B.; Achterberg, Lorraine L.; Doyle, Colleen M., Modular laundry system.
  58. Underly, Kristina K.; Tomasi, Donald M.; Conrad, Daniel C.; Sunshine, Richard A.; Kendall, James W.; Viswanathan, Ameresh B.; Achterberg, Lorraine L.; Doyle, Colleen M., Modular laundry system.
  59. Underly, Kristina K.; Tomasi, Donald M.; Conrad, Daniel C.; Sunshine, Richard A.; Kendall, James W.; Viswanathan, Ameresh B.; Achterberg, Lorraine L.; Doyle, Colleen M., Modular laundry system and laundry module.
  60. Sunshine, Richard A.; Achterberg, Lorraine L.; Kendall, James William; Doyle, Colleen Marie; Luckman, Joel A., Modular laundry system with cabinet module.
  61. Sunshine, Richard A., Modular laundry system with horizontal module spanning two laundry appliances.
  62. Sunshine, Richard A.; Tomasi, Donald M.; Underly, Kristina K; Conrad, Daniel C., Modular laundry system with horizontal modules.
  63. Sunshine, Richard A.; Achterberg, Lorraine L.; Kendall, James William; Doyle, Colleen Marie; Luckman, Joel A., Modular laundry system with horizontally arranged cabinet module.
  64. Kendall, James W.; Viswanathan, Ameresh Babu, Modular laundry system with segmented work surface.
  65. Gilboe, Kevin James; Achterberg, Lorraine L.; Kendall, James William; Viswanathan, Ameresh Babu, Modular laundry system with shelf module.
  66. Kendall, James W.; Achterberg, Lorraine L.; Viswanathan, Ameresh Babu; Doyle, Colleen M.; Sunshine, Richard A., Modular laundry system with vertical laundry module.
  67. Kendall, James W.; Achterberg, Lorraine L.; Viswanathan, Ameresh Babu; Doyle, Colleen M.; Sunshine, Richard A., Modular laundry system with vertical laundry module.
  68. Kendall, James W.; Achterberg, Lorraine L.; Viswanathan, Ameresh Babu; Doyle, Colleen M.; Sunshine, Richard A., Modular laundry system with vertical laundry module.
  69. Kendall, James W.; Achterberg, Lorraine L.; Viswanathan, Ameresh Babu; Doyle, Colleen M.; Sunshine, Richard A., Modular laundry system with vertical laundry module.
  70. Kendall, James W.; Achterberg, Lorraine L.; Viswanathan, Ameresh Babu; Doyle, Colleen M.; Sunshine, Richard A., Modular laundry system with vertical laundry module.
  71. Gilboe, Kevin James; Achterberg, Lorraine L.; Kendall, James William, Modular laundry system with work surface.
  72. Kendall, James William; Achterberg, Lorraine J.; Viswanathan, Ameresh Babu, Modular laundry system with work surface having a functional insert.
  73. Gagas,John M.; Stair, II,Daniel E.; Zeier,David J., Non-food warmer appliance.
  74. Hollinger, Stefan Hubert; Kleemann, Christof; Sabisch, Markus; von Sartori-Montecroce, Oliver; Meschkat, Stephan James Andreas; Ullrich, Heiko; Damaschke, Robert Hans-Joachim; Bublitz, Ulrich Alexander; Roselle, Brian Joseph, Passive heat management system.
  75. Eichten Gerard (3101 Selkirk Dr. Burnsville MN 55337), Portable clothing and equipment drier.
  76. Al-Hasan, Khaled J. H., Portable drier for personal articles.
  77. Sodal, Audun, Positioning system.
  78. Silver, Steve, Sanitizing cabinet for sports equipment.
  79. Kreitenberg, Arthur, Sanitizing surfaces.
  80. Kreitenberg, Arthur, Sanitizing surfaces associated with assembly areas.
  81. Kreitenberg, Arthur, Sanitizing surfaces associated with seating.
  82. Zimmerman, Jamie, Scent eliminating locker.
  83. Nurlybekov, Kairat, Shoe dryer.
  84. Harmon, Jonathan L, Shoe storage device.
  85. Jonovic, Scott A.; Punzel, William H.; Fredrick, Robert E., Spill resistant warming drawer.
  86. Kreitenberg, Arthur, Sports ball sterilizer.
  87. La Porte Victor M., Sports equipment drying container.
  88. Hedman, David E., System and process for removing or treating harmful biological and organic substances within an enclosure.
  89. Hedman, David, System and process for removing or treating harmful biological and organic substances within structures and enclosures.
  90. Alghamdi, Mohammad Alissan, System for storing and retrieving shoes.
  91. Martin, Josh, System, method and apparatus for drying a shower.
  92. Martin, Josh, System, method and apparatus for drying a shower.
  93. McFarland, Martin Allen, Systems and methods for drying a plurality of diverse articles.
  94. Kreitenberg, Arthur, Ultraviolet autonomous trolley for sanitizing aircraft.
  95. Kreitenberg, Arthur, Ultraviolet autonomous trolley for sanitizing aircraft.
  96. Manidis, Renee Kimberley; Manidis, Thomas More, Undergarment organizing device and method of use.
  97. Chappell, Murray; Robinet, Roger; Costello, E. Marie; Frei, Joe, Ventilated portable container for sports equipment.
  98. Kendall, James William; Viswanathan, Ameresh Babu; Doyle, Colleen Marie; Achterberg, Lorraine L., Vertical laundry module with backsplash.
  99. Hood, Lisa J.; Johnson, Troy A.; Keeler, Joseph M.; Maass, Paul E.; Rupe, Jeffrey D.; Schaffran, Dean L.; Schober, Stephen D.; Tremel, Curtis J., Volatilizable media holder for a laundry dryer.
  100. Rodrigues, Robert, Warming apparatus.
  101. Uhara, Hiroko; Takagi, Shinya; Nishiyama, Masahiro, Washing and drying machine and clothes dryer.
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