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[미국특허] Production of heavy metal carbides of high specific surface area 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C04B-035/52
출원번호 US-0032858 (1993-01-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Ledoux Marc-Jacques (Strasbourg FRX) Guille Jean-Louis (Strasbourg FRX) Pham-Huu Cuong (Strasbourg FRX) Marin Sophie (Strasbourg FRX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Pechiney Electrometallurgie (Courbevoie FRX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 0


A method of producing heavy metal carbides of high specific surface area characterised in that a compound in the gazeous state of said heavy metal is caused to react with reactive carbon having a specific surface area at least equal to 200 m2.g-1 at a temperature comprised between 900°and 1400°C., a


A method of producing a composite carbide of high specific surface area, comprising reacting a compound of a heavy metal in a gaseous state with reactive carbon having a specific surface area at least equal to 200 sq.m/g at a temperature between 900°C. and 1400°C., limiting the conversion of reactiv

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13)

  1. Moy, David; Niu, Chunming; Ma, Jun; Willey, James M., Carbide and oxycarbide based compositions, rigid porous structures including the same, methods of making and using the same.
  2. Moy, David; Niu, Chunming; Ma, Jun; Willey, James M., Carbide and oxycarbide based compositions, rigid porous structures including the same, methods of making and using the same.
  3. Yoshitake, Tsutomu; Nakamura, Shin; Kuroshima, Sadanori; Kimura, Hidekazu; Imai, Hideto; Shimakawa, Yuichi; Manako, Takashi; Kubo, Yoshimi, Catalyst-supporting particle, composite electrolyte, catalyst electrode for fuel cell, and fuel cell using the same, and methods for fabricating these.
  4. Moy, David; Niu, Chunming; Ma, Jun; Willey, Jason M., Method of using carbide and/or oxycarbide containing compositions.
  5. Moy, David; Niu, Chunming; Ma, Jun; Willey, Jason M., Method of using carbide and/or oxycarbide containing compositions.
  6. Moy,David; Niu,Chunming; Ma,Jun; Willey,Jason M., Method of using carbide and/or oxycarbide containing compositions.
  7. Ma, Jun; Moy, David, Modified carbide and oxycarbide containing catalysts and methods of making and using thereof.
  8. Ma,Jun; Moy,David, Modified carbide and oxycarbide containing catalysts and methods of making and using thereof.
  9. Lucero, Andrew J.; Sethi, Vijay K.; Tuminello, William H., Process and catalyst for production of mixed alcohols from synthesis gas.
  10. Sethi, Vijay K.; Zhang, Yulong, Process and catalyst for production of mixed alcohols from synthesis gas.
  11. Liu, Zhufang; Howell, Jeff Scott, Process for removing metal species in the presence of hydrogen and a porous material and polyester polymer containing reduced amounts of metal species.
  12. Liu, Zhufang; Howell, Jeff Scott, Process for removing metal species in the presence of hydrogen and a porous material and polyester polymer containing reduced amounts of metal species.
  13. Liu,Zhufang; Howell,Jeff Scott, Process for removing metal species in the presence of hydrogen and a porous material and polyester polymer containing reduced amounts of metal species.
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