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[미국특허] Convertible plasma arc torch and method of use 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B23K-010/00
출원번호 US-0335038 (1994-11-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hanus Gary J. (Edina MN) Stahl Todd J. (Golden Valley MN) Camacho Salvador L. (Raleigh NC)
출원인 / 주소
  • FluiDyne Engineering Corporation (Minneapolis MN 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 29  인용 특허 : 0


A plasma arc torch is provided which is convertible in the field as to be able to operate in either a transfer arc mode or non-transfer arc mode. The plasma arc torch comprises a torch body having channels formed for flow of coolant and plasma gas therein. The torch body further comprises an anode a


A plasma arc torch capable of being assembled for operation in either a transfer arc mode or a non-transfer arc mode, and comprising: (a) a torch body; (b) a hollow rear electrode fixedly mounted within said torch body; (c) first coolant passageways within said torch body operative in conjunction wi

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (29) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Simek, Richard Joseph; Mather, Jonathan; Twarog, Peter J.; Eickhoff, Stephen Theodore, Adapter for a plasma arc torch.
  2. Smaling,Rudolf M.; Bromberg,Leslie; Taylor, III,William; Cain,Rodney H.; Daniel,Michael J., Apparatus and method for operating a fuel reformer so as to purge soot therefrom.
  3. Daniel,Michael J.; Bauer,Shawn D., Apparatus and method for operating a fuel reformer to generate multiple reformate gases.
  4. Daniel, Michael J.; Smaling, Rudolf M.; Tyler, Kurt S.; Bauer, Shawn D., Apparatus and method for operating a fuel reformer to provide reformate gas to both a fuel cell and an emission abatement device.
  5. Taylor, III, William; Crane, Jr., Samuel N.; Kong, Yougen, Apparatus and method for operating a fuel reformer to regenerate a DPNR device.
  6. Smaling, Rudolf M.; Daniel, Michael J.; Bauer, Shawn D., Apparatus and method for reducing power consumption of a plasma fuel reformer.
  7. Arnold,Gregor; L체ttringhaus Henkel,Andreas; Klein,J체rgen; Behle,Stephan, Apparatus for treating workpieces.
  8. Taylor, III,William; Tumati,Prasad; Daniel,Michael J., Combination emission abatement assembly and method of operating the same.
  9. Chen, Carey; Sanders, Nicholas, Composite consumables for a plasma arc torch.
  10. Darrow, Clifford Glenn; Chen, Carey; Sanders, Nicholas A., Composite consumables for a plasma arc torch.
  11. Lampson Robin A. ; Haun Robert E. ; Brooks Roger S. ; Eschenbach Richard C., Dual mode plasma arc torch for use with plasma arc treatment system and method of use thereof.
  12. Schulze, Christopher; Shipulski, E. Michael; Darrow, Clifford Glenn; Higgens, Martin, High access consumables for a plasma arc cutting system.
  13. Shipulski, E. Michael; Sanders, Nicholas A.; Jason, Jay; Mather, Jonathan P.; Twarog, Peter J.; Darrow, Clifford Glenn, High access consumables for a plasma arc cutting system.
  14. Witherspoon F. Douglas ; Massey Dennis W. ; Kincaid Russell W., High velocity pulsed wire-arc spray.
  15. Weber Peter,CHX ; Shuey Mark W. ; Lampson Robin A. ; Brooks Roger S., Material and geometry design to enhance the operation of a plasma arc.
  16. Taylor III, William; Kramer, Dennis A.; Bauer, Shawn D., Method and apparatus for controlling a fuel reformer by use of existing vehicle control signals.
  17. Smaling, Rudolf M., Method and apparatus for purging SOX from a NOX trap.
  18. Telford, Clive D., Method and apparatus for selective catalytic reduction of NOx.
  19. Taylor, III, William; Smaling, Rudolf M.; Bauer, Shawn D., Method and apparatus for shutting down a fuel reformer.
  20. Crane, Jr.,Samuel N.; Taylor, III,William, Method and apparatus for trapping and purging soot from a fuel reformer.
  21. MacKenzie,Darrin H.; Conway,Christopher J.; Kinerson,Kevin J.; Gugliotta,Mark, Plasma arc torch.
  22. Yamaguchi, Yoshihiro; Morimoto, Shigeo; Minonishi, Mikio, Plasma cutting device, plasma torch, and cooling device for plasma torch.
  23. Wenxian Zhu ; Richard C. Eschenbach ; Robin A. Lampson ; John R. Sparkes, Plasma torch preventing gas backflows into the torch.
  24. Hanus,Gary J.; Reeve,Rodney E.; Stahl,Todd J., Plasma torch with corrosive protected collimator.
  25. Daniel, Michael J.; Smaling, Rudolf M.; Zwanzig, Kurt D.; Murrah, M. Lee; Bauer, Shawn D., Plasmatron having an air jacket and method for operating the same.
  26. Bromberg, Leslie; Cohn, Daniel R.; Rabinovich, Alexander; Alexeev, Nikolai, Plasmatron-catalyst system.
  27. Bromberg,Leslie; Cohn,Daniel R.; Rabinovich,Alexander; Alexeev,Nikolai, Plasmatron-catalyst system.
  28. Witherspoon F. Douglas ; Massey Dennis W., Pulsed electrothermal powder spray.
  29. Ciray, Mehmet S.; Cain, Rodney H.; Taylor, III, William; Smaling, Rudolf M., Thermoelectric device for use with fuel reformer and associated method.

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