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[미국특허] Balanced inventory/facing construction 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47F-005/08
  • A47F-005/00
  • A47B-009/00
  • A47B-003/00
출원번호 US-0227538 (1994-04-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Merl Milton J. (50 Wilcox Rd. Stonington CT 06830)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 36  인용 특허 : 0


An inventory/facing construction currently available gondola which allows it to accommodate faster moving inventory without changing the desired planogrammed facings. A horizonal shelf carries symmetrical anchors at each rear end. A three-way arm has one arm pivotally secured to a forward finger, a


A balanced inventory/facing construction to increase the efficiency of a gondola merchandising system having a base, vertical uprights secured to the base, and a vertical pegboard between said uprights, the uprights containing a plurality of vertical slots, comprising: a shelf; a bracket located at

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (36)

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  2. Rupert James C., Articulatable storage organizers.
  3. Lindblom, Thomas G.; Jensen, Wayne Lee; Linn, David W.; Mieritz, Jessica Andrea, Convertible multilevel shelving unit and display fixture.
  4. Borgen,Arden L.; Hunt,David R., Display device having dual purpose shelving.
  5. Martin, Arthur R.; Anderson, Christopher S.; Arndt, Keith G.; Squitieri, Anthony C., Display system.
  6. Martin,Arthur R.; Anderson,Christopher S.; Arndt,Keith G.; Squitieri,Anthony C., Display system.
  7. Loew Jonathon, Display unit having a display element and a storage unit incorporating the same.
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  9. Gibbons Clifford A., Electronics rack alignment structures.
  10. Thomas M. Shea, Extended power strip merchandising display.
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  12. Stone,Peter; Vasyukevich,Anton P., Fail-safe cleat with automatic in-line locking cam and quick-release slot.
  13. Vassioukevitch, Peter V., Fail-safe device for raising/lowering articles.
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  15. Lentine, Tek; Jung, Chung C., Foldable shelving unit with pivot block.
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  17. Shea Thomas M., Heavy-duty support bracket for supporting an off-shelf merchandising display assembly.
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  19. Henry Eric F. ; Pappagallo Lazzaro, Merchandise display system configurable for installation on a variety of merchandise display frames.
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  21. Thomas M. Shea, Merchandising display structure.
  22. Thomas M. Shea, Merchandising display structure.
  23. Thomas M. Shea, Merchandising display structure.
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  25. Romeiro, Raul; Serraino, Michael A., Over head category frame system.
  26. Paulsel Jason Q. (Conroe TX) Smith Kelly K. (Spring TX) Ruch Mark H. (The Woodlands TX), Portable computer docking station with removable support shelf apparatus.
  27. Shea Thomas M., Reinforced strip display assembly capable of supporting high volumes of smaller impulse merchandise.
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  35. Jenkins, Joseph A.; Hsiang, Phoebe; Seaman, Rosalie; Kanth, Boina; Bestland, Grace, System and method for ensuring order fulfillment.
  36. Himes, Randy, Truck trailer removeable rack.
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