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[미국특허] Annular pulse detonation apparatus and method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02K-007/02
출원번호 US-0265384 (1994-06-24)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hunter
  • Jr. Louis G. (Fort Worth TX) Winfree Don D. (Keller TX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Lockheed Martin Corporation (Fort Worth TX 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 28  인용 특허 : 0


A pulse detonation apparatus utilizes a rotatable core feed cylinder. The core feed cylinder is carried within a inner sidewall of a stationary annular detonation chamber. The core feed cylinder has ports in the sidewall that will register with ports in the inner sidewall of the annular detonation c


A method of creating a high pressure discharge, comprising: (a) providing a core feed cylinder having a longitudinal axis, a forward end, a rearward end, a sidewall, an inlet port extending through the forward end, and an outlet port in the sidewall, (b) mounting the core feed cylinder within an ann

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (28) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Louis G. Hunter, Jr. ; Kent W. Benner, Annular liquid fueled pulse detonation engine.
  2. Louis G. Hunter ; Billy D. Couch ; Paul E. Hagseth, Combined cycle pulse combustion/gas turbine engine.
  3. Nordeen,Craig A.; Norris,James W.; Twelves, Jr.,Wendell V., Combustion ignition.
  4. Highsmith, Thomas K.; Blair, Michael D.; Wassom, Steven R.; Starrett, William D.; Dever, Joel, Digital solid rocket motor and gas generator.
  5. Hunter, Jr., Louis G., MAPP gas fuel for flight vehicles having pulse detonation engines and method of use.
  6. Gregory Vincent Meholic ; William Randolph Stowell, Magnetohydrodynamic flow control for pulse detonation engines.
  7. Edelman, Raymond B.; Lander, Herbert R.; Hunt, Jeffrey H., Method to initiate multiple chamber detonation wave combustors.
  8. Don D. Winfree ; Louis G. Hunter, Jr. ; Billy D. Couch, Pulse detonation cluster engine.
  9. Winfree Don D. ; Hunter ; Jr. Louis G., Pulse detonation igniter for pulse detonation chambers.
  10. Norris, James W.; Twelves, Jr., Wendell V., Pulsed combustion engine.
  11. Sammann,Bradley C.; Twelves, Jr.,Wendell V.; Jones,Gary D.; Norris,James W.; Klein,Harvey L.; Jones,James E.; Kramer,Stephen K.; Thonebe,Douglas A., Pulsed combustion engine.
  12. Sammann, Bradley C.; Twelves, Jr., Wendell V.; Jones, Gary D., Pulsed combustion turbine engine.
  13. Thomas A. Kaemming ; Paul G. Willhite, Pulsed detonation engine with backpressure.
  14. Thomas A. Kaemming ; Paul G. Willhite ; Richard S. Dyer ; Michael A. Guntorius, Pulsed detonation engine with divergent inflow transition section.
  15. Thomas A. Kaemming ; Paul G. Willhite ; Richard S. Dyer ; Michael A. Guntorius, Pulsed detonation engine with ejector bypass.
  16. Sanders, Bobby W.; Weir, Lois J., Rotary inlet flow controller for pulse detonation combustion engines.
  17. Fullerton, Larry W; Teel, James L; Thompson, Jr., Herman M, System and method for accelerating a mass using a pressure produced by a detonation.
  18. Fullerton, Larry W., System and method for generating and controlling conducted acoustic waves for geophysical exploration.
  19. Fullerton, Larry W., System and method for generating and controlling conducted acoustic waves for geophysical exploration.
  20. Fullerton, Larry W., System and method for generating and directing very loud sounds.
  21. Fullerton, Larry W., System and method for generating and directing very loud sounds.
  22. Fullerton, Larry W., System and method for ignition of a gaseous or dispersed fuel-oxidant mixture.
  23. Fullerton, Larry W., System and method for ignition of a gaseous or dispersed fuel-oxidant mixture.
  24. Fullerton, Larry W.; Teel, James L.; Thompson, Jr., Herman M., System for coupling an overpressure wave to a target media.
  25. Hunter, Louis G.; Miller, Daniel N.; Hagseth, Paul E., System of pulsed detonation injection for fluid flow control of inlets, nozzles, and lift fans.
  26. Ouellette, Richard P.; Kutzmann, Aaron J., Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft.
  27. Ouellette, Richard P.; Kutzmann, Aaron J., Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft.
  28. Ouellette, Richard P.; Kutzmann, Aaron J., Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft.

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