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[미국특허] Method and apparatus for supporting and for supplying therapy to a patient 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61G-007/04
출원번호 US-0196847 (1994-02-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Stacy Richard B. (Charleston SC) Ellis Craig D. (Charleston SC) Hand Barry D. (Mt. Pleasant SC) Thomas James M. C. (Mt. Pleasant SC) Chambers Kenith W. (Charleston SC) Glover Stephen E. (Charleston S
출원인 / 주소
  • Support Systems, International (SC 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 172  인용 특허 : 30


An apparatus is provided which supports a patient on an inflatable structure. The inflatable structure preferably has two components: a) lower inflatable layer which is selectively operable to provide basic support for the patient and which includes a plurality of laterally offset zone which may be


A patient support surface, comprising: a support assembly; a first longitudinal cushion set coupled to said support assembly, said first longitudinal cushion set including a plurality of generally parallel cells, and extending a portion of the longitudinal length of said support assembly; a second l

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (30) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Steensen Steen W. (509 N. “T”St. Lompoc CA 93436), Air bed.
  2. Thomas James M. C. (Mt. Pleasant SC) Stolpmann James R. (Charleston SC), Air sack support manifold.
  3. Loadsman Gerald H. (13122 St. Thomas Dr. Santa Ana CA 92705), Air support cushion.
  4. Johnson Peter D. (Fort Erie CAX) Matheson Stephen J. (Fort Erie CAX) Hogan James V. (Fort Erie CAX) Webb David B. (Fort Erie CAX) Rossiter John M. (Stevensville CAX), Air support device.
  5. Vrzalik John H. (San Antonio TX), Alternating pressure low air loss bed.
  6. Pahno Demetrios A. (Mt. Pleasant SC) Stolpmann James R. (Charleston SC) Thomas James M. C. (Mt. Pleasant SC) Ashcraft David N. (Charleston SC) Bolden Michael V. (Charleston SC) Dalton Roger D. (Ladso, Apparatus and method for managing waste from patient care, maintenance, and treatment.
  7. Blanchard Frederick W. (North Charleston SC) Moore Thomas J. (Charleston SC), Apparatus for transferring a patient between patient support surfaces.
  8. Thomas James M. C. (Mt. Pleasant SC) Stolpmann James R. (Charleston SC) Sutton William T. (Charleston SC) Romano James J. (Charleston SC), Bimodal system for pressurizing a low air loss patient support.
  9. Thomas James M. C. (Mt. Pleasant SC) Stolpmann James R. (Charleston SC) Sutton William T. (Charleston SC) Romano James J. (Charleston SC), Bimodal turning method.
  10. Graebe Robert W. (210 Bluff Dr. Belleville IL 62223), Cellular cushion having sealed cells.
  11. Caden John J. (Miami FL) Caden Linda C. (Miami FL) Eads Norman B. (Houston TX) Hess Jack H. (Houston TX), Cellular patient support for therapeutic air beds.
  12. Blanchard, Frederick W., Comfort guard for low air loss patient support systems.
  13. Graebe Robert H. (7 Persimmon Ridge Dr. Belleville IL 62221), Cover with elastic top and frictional bottom for a cushion.
  14. Roe Steven N. (Los Altos CA) Ferrand Robert J. (Burlingame CA) Thomas Marc M. (Portola Valley CA), Cushions for a bed.
  15. Hargest Thomas S. (Charleston SC) Soltaninasab Sohrab (Charleston SC) Novack Robert C. (Charleston SC), Dual support surface patient support.
  16. Vrzalik John H. (San Antonio TX), Low air loss bag for patient support system.
  17. Stroh Glenn C. (Marion TX), Low air loss mattress.
  18. Vrzalik John H. (San Antonio TX), Method and apparatus for alternating pressure of a low air loss patient support system.
  19. Thomas James M. C. (Mt. Pleasant SC) Stolpmann James R. (Charleston SC) Sutton William T. (Charleston SC) Romano James J. (Charleston SC), Method for turning a patient with a low air loss patient support.
  20. Thomas James M. C. (Mt. Pleasant SC) Stolpmann James R. (Charleston SC) Sutton William T. (Charleston SC) Romano James J. (Charleston SC), Method of blower control.
  21. Hargest, Thomas S., Method of dual mode patient support.
  22. Thomas James M. C. (Mt. Pleasant SC) Stolpmann James R. (Charleston SC) Sutton William T. (Charleston SC) Romano James J. (Charleston SC), Modular low air loss patient support system.
  23. Thomas James M. C. (Mt. Pleasant SC) Stolpmann James R. (Charleston SC) Sutton William T. (Charleston SC) Romano James J. (Charleston SC), Multi-modal patient support system.
  24. Vrzalik John H. (San Antonio TX), Patient support apparatus.
  25. Goodwin Vernon L. (7917 Douglas Dr. Charlotte NC 28208), Patient support structure.
  26. Ferrand Robert (Burlingame CA), Patient support system.
  27. Vrzalik John H. (San Antonio TX), Patient supporting method for averting complications of immobility.
  28. Thomas James M. C. (Mt. Pleasant SC) Stolpmann James R. (Charleston SC) Sutton William T. (Charleston SC) Romano James J. (Charleston SC), Quick disconnect coupling for a low air loss patient support.
  29. Scales John T. (17 ; Brockley Avenue Stanmore ; Middlesex ; HA7 4LX GB2 HA7 4LX) Barton John (16 Cobbetts Way Wilmslow ; Fulshaw Park ; Cheshire ; SK9 6HN GB2 SK9 6HN), Support appliances.
  30. Graebe Robert H. (St. Clair County IL) Matsler Winfield R. (St. Clair County IL), Zoned cellular cushion with flexible flaps containing inflating manifold.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (172) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Chambers, Kenith W; Butter, Mary; Bish, Suzanne M., Adjustable width mattress with relief portions.
  2. Bolden Michael V. ; Babson Vincent L. ; Denson Daniel A., Air fluidized bed.
  3. Bolden, Michael V.; Babson, Vincent L.; Denson, Daniel A., Air fluidized bed.
  4. Michael V. Bolden ; Vincent L. Babson ; Daniel A. Denson, Air fluidized bed.
  5. O'Keefe, Christopher R.; Sauser, Frank E.; Klink, Kristopher A., Air fluidized therapy bed having pulmonary therapy.
  6. Stolpmann James R. ; Smith Kenneth R. ; Dalton Roger D. ; Ferdon Gary W. ; Mueller Jonathan H., Air-over-foam mattress.
  7. Rechin Michael ; Whitney ; deceased John K., Apparatus and method for controlling a patient positioned upon a cushion.
  8. Rechin Michael ; Whitney ; deceased John K., Apparatus and method for controlling a patient positioned upon a cushion.
  9. Anderson, Brenda K.; Blackwell, James A., Apparatus for imparting continuous motion to a mattress.
  10. Valentino, Nicholas V.; Palastro, Matthew; Shen, Zhen Y.; Wells, Timothy R.; Schroeder, Timothy Paul; Markham, Joshua James; Potak, Robert L., Automated systems for powered cots.
  11. Hoffmann, Andrew Kenneth, Automatically adjusting contact node for multiple rib space engagement.
  12. Vrzalik, John H., Bariatric bed apparatus and methods.
  13. Vrzalik,John H., Bariatric bed apparatus and methods.
  14. Phillips,Bruce; Vrzalik,John H.; Bartlett,Alan; Gonzalez,Felipe; Stroh,Glenn C.; Stenberg,Michael; Woehr,Daniel A.; Dimitriu,Dan G., Bariatric treatment system and related methods.
  15. Vrzalik, John H.; Bartlett, Alan L.; Phillips, Bruce; Stenberg, Michael; Stroh, Glenn C.; Woehr, Daniel A.; Dimitriu, Dan G.; Gonzalez, Felipe, Bariatric treatment system and related methods.
  16. Vrzalik, John H.; Bartlett, Alan; Phillips, Bruce; Stenberg, Michael; Stroh, Glenn C.; Woehr, Daniel A.; Dimitriu, Dan G., Bariatric treatment system and related methods.
  17. O'Neal, Todd P.; Bossingham, Robert A., Barrier for a hospital bed.
  18. O'Neal, Todd P.; Bossingham, Robert A., Barrier for a hospital bed.
  19. Olvera, Guadalupe, Bed drying device, UV lights for bedsores.
  20. Kummer, Joseph A.; Branson, Gregory W.; Meyer, Eric R.; Wilson, Bradley T.; Taber, Tanya; Chambers, Kenith W.; Frondorf, Michael M.; Vodzak, John; Stolpmann, James R.; Dalton, Roger D.; Smith, Kenneth R.; Heyser, Jeffrey A., Bed frame and mattress synchronous control.
  21. Kummer,Joseph A.; Branson,Gregory W.; Meyer,Eric R.; Wilson,Brad; Taber,Tanya; Chambers,Ken; Frondorf,Mike; Vodzak,John; Stolpmann,Jim; Dalton,Roger; Smith,Ken; Heyser,Jeffrey A., Bed having electrical communication network.
  22. Poulos, Craig; Harris, Patrick; Soltani, Sohrab, Bed having fixed length foot deck.
  23. Penninger, Jason A.; Hornbach, David W.; O'Keefe, Christopher R., Bed movement cessation based on IV pump alarm.
  24. Goodwin, Brent; Kramer, Kenneth L., Bed siderail.
  25. Simmonds,Scott; Goodwin,Brent; Findlay,James K., Bed siderail having a latch.
  26. Chambers,Kenith W.; Bish,Suzanne; Butler,Mary, Bed with automatically identifiable mattress type.
  27. Poulos, Craig; Westra, Luke; Harris, Patrick, Bed with modified foot deck.
  28. Hurley, Paul; Joseph, David, Beverage container.
  29. Miller, Blair, Beverage container.
  30. Miller, Blair; Joseph, David, Beverage container.
  31. Phillips, John; El-Saden, Sami, Beverage container.
  32. Stover, Craig, Beverage container.
  33. Gilbert, Tyler Sean; Sims, Randy, Beverage container closure.
  34. Flick Roland E., CPR dump manifold.
  35. Dietz, Timothy J.; Jeffries, Michael; Magill, Brian M.; Schroeder, Timothy P.; Wells, Timothy R., Control panel of a patient transport device having surface ornamentation.
  36. Dietz, Timothy J.; Jeffries, Michael; Magill, Brian M.; Schroeder, Timothy P.; Wells, Timothy R., Control panel of a patient transport device having surface ornamentation.
  37. Flocard, Thierry; Camus, Gilles; Basilio, Jean-Marie; Viard, Jean-Louis, Control system for hospital bed mattress.
  38. Romano, James J.; Soltani, Sohrab; Bolden, Michael V., Cover system for a patient support surface.
  39. Romano, James J.; Soltani, Sohrab; Bolden, Michael V., Cover system for a patient support surface.
  40. Bolden Michael V. ; Denson Daniel A., Coverlet for an air bed.
  41. Cazzini,Karl; Flick,Roland E., Deployable and/or retractable mattress bolsters.
  42. Flocard, Thierry; Camus, Gilles, Device and method for controlling humidity at the surface of a supporting item of the mattress type.
  43. Wilkinson,John W.; Wilkinson,John C., Discrete cell body support and method for using the same to provide dynamic massage.
  44. Pinelli, Steven N.; El Saden, Sami M.; Lai, Xijin, Drinking container.
  45. Pinelli,Steven N; El Saden,Sami M.; Lai,Xijin, Drinking container lid.
  46. Poulos, Craig, Dynamic therapy bed system.
  47. Poulos, Craig; Harris, Patrick; Soltani, Sohrab, Expandable width bed.
  48. Pirzada, Shahzad, Fluid filled support with a portable pressure adjusting device.
  49. O'Neal, Todd P.; Bossingham, Robert A., Foot end siderail.
  50. O'Neal, Todd P.; Bossingham, Robert A., Foot end siderail.
  51. Leng, Wai Hoong; Cheng, PhanHow Amy; Barilea, Deny, Foot rail for a patient bed.
  52. Newkirk, David C.; Walke, James L., Foot rail for patient bed.
  53. Zerhusen, Robert M., Footrail.
  54. Flick Roland E. ; Jusiak Joel T., Gelatinous composite article and construction.
  55. Flick, Roland E.; Jusiak, Joel T., Gelatinous composite article and construction.
  56. Roland E. Flick ; Joel T. Jusiak, Gelatinous composite article and construction.
  57. Petrosenko, Robert; Lokhorst, David; Yermaneni, Mayur; Sleva, Michael Z.; Jacques, II, William L.; Janoff, Karen; Bobey, John A.; Mueller, Jonathan H.; Stacy, Richard B.; Skinner, Andrew F., Graphical patient movement monitor.
  58. O'Neal, Todd P.; Bossingham, Robert A., Head end siderail.
  59. O'Neal, Todd P.; Bossingham, Robert A., Head end siderail.
  60. Leng, Wai Hoong; Cheng, PhanHow Amy; Barilea, Deny, Head rail for a patient bed.
  61. Newkirk, David C.; Walke, James L., Head rail for patient bed.
  62. Newkirk, David C.; Walke, James L., Head rail for patient bed.
  63. Zerhusen, Robert M., Headrail.
  64. Lachenbruch, Charles A.; Lachenbruch, Roger B., Heat exchange support surface.
  65. Chambers, Kenith W.; Richards, Sandy M.; Flessate, Dennis S., Hospital bed.
  66. Chambers,Kenith W.; Richards,Sandy; Flessate,Dennis, Hospital bed.
  67. Kummer, Joseph A.; Branson, Gregory W.; Meyer, Eric R.; Wilson, Brad; Taber, Tanya; Chambers, Ken; Frondorf, Mike; Vodzak, John; Stolpmann, Jim; Dalton, Roger; Smith, Ken, Hospital bed having a rotational therapy device.
  68. Kummer,Joseph A.; Branson,Gregory W.; Meyer,Eric R.; Wilson,Brad; Taber,Tanya; Chambers,Ken; Frondorf,Mike; Vodzak,John; Stolpmann,Jim; Dalton,Roger; Smith,Ken; Heyser,Jeffrey A., Hospital bed having a siderail position detector.
  69. Richards, John H., Infant rocking apparatus.
  70. Wilkinson John W., Inflatable cushioning device with manifold system.
  71. Wilkinson, John W., Inflatable cushioning device with manifold system.
  72. Wilkinson, John W., Inflatable cushioning device with manifold system.
  73. Wilkinson, John W., Inflatable cushioning device with manifold system.
  74. Kummer, Joseph A.; Branson, Gregory W.; Meyer, Eric R.; Wilson, Brad; Taber, Tanya; Chambers, Ken; Frondorf, Mike; Vodzak, John; Stolpmann, Jim; Dalton, Roger; Smith, Ken; Heyser, Jeffrey A., Inflatable mattress for a bed.
  75. Kummer, Joseph A; Branson, Gregory W; Meyer, Eric R; Wilson, Bradley T.; Taber, Tanya; Chambers, Kenith W.; Frondorf, Michael M.; Vodzak, John; Stolpmann, James R.; Dalton, Roger D.; Smith, Kenneth R.; Heyser, Jeffrey A, Inflatable mattress for a bed.
  76. Salvatini, Benjamin; Schwartz, Steven J.; Hakamiun, Reza; O'Neal, Todd; Grosse, Kevin H.; Caldwell, Steven, Integrated barrier and fluid supply for a hospital bed.
  77. Petrosenko, Robert; Lokhorst, David; Yermaneni, Mayur; Sleva, Michael Z.; Jacques, II, William L.; Janoff, Karen; Bobey, John A.; Mueller, Jonathan H.; Stacy, Richard B.; Skinner, Andrew F., Lack of patient movement monitor and method.
  78. Tarsaud, Jean-Francois; Nozieres, Sylvain; Garnero, Florian; Camus, Gilles; Flocard, Thierry, Lateral tilt device.
  79. Valentino, Nicholas V.; Magill, Brian M.; Oz, Kemal B.; Schroeder, Timothy P., Legs and frame of a patient transport device.
  80. Valentino, Nicholas V.; Magill, Brian M.; Oz, Kemal B.; Schroeder, Timothy P., Legs of a patient transport device.
  81. Valentino, Nicholas V., Legs of a patient transport device having surface ornamentation.
  82. El-Saden, Sami M.; Wodka, Daniel M.; Gerules, Matthew, Lid for beverage container.
  83. Hurley, Paul; Joseph, David, Lid for beverage container.
  84. Miller, Blair; Joseph, David, Lid for beverage container.
  85. Miller, Blair; Phillips, John; El-Saden, Sami, Lid for beverage container.
  86. Hurley, Paul; Coon, Robert; Joseph, David; Romero, Emilie, Lid for travel beverage container.
  87. Hagopian Mark, Low air loss patient support system providing active feedback pressure sensing and correction capabilities for use as a.
  88. Hoffmann, Andrew Kenneth, Low frequency vibration assisted blood perfusion emergency system.
  89. Ellis Craig D. ; Chambers Kenith W. ; Glover Stephen E. ; Mensching Kerry J., Mattress apparatus having a siderail down sensor.
  90. Craig D. Ellis ; Kenith W. Chambers ; Stephen E. Glover ; Kerry J. Mensching, Mattress assembly.
  91. Ellis Craig D. ; Chambers Kenith W. ; Glover Stephen E. ; Mensching Kerry J., Mattress assembly.
  92. Ellis, Craig D.; Chambers, Kenith W.; Glover, Stephen E.; Mensching, Kerry J., Mattress assembly.
  93. Ellis,Craig D.; Chambers,Kenith W.; Glover,Stephen E.; Mensching,Kerry J., Mattress assembly.
  94. Ellis,Craig D.; Chambers,Kenith W.; Glover,Stephen E.; Mensching,Kerry J., Mattress assembly.
  95. Ellis,Craig D.; Chambers,Kenith W.; Glover,Stephen E.; Mensching,Kerry J., Mattress assembly.
  96. Poulos, Craig; Harris, Patrick; Soltani, Sohrab, Mattress for a hospital bed.
  97. Caminade, Jean-Luc; Basilio, Jean-Marie; Coupard, Olivier, Mattress structure including low air loss.
  98. Chambers,Kenith W.; Butler,Mary; Bish,Suzanne, Mattress system for a hospital bed.
  99. Chambers,Kenith W.; Bish,Suzanne; Butler,Mary, Mattress with automatic width adjustment.
  100. Philippe Cuerel CH, Mattresses or cushions.
  101. Stacy Richard B. ; Ellis Craig D. ; Hand Barry D. ; Thomas James M. C. ; Chambers Kenith W. ; Glover Stephen E. ; Barnett Richard I. ; King Paul B. ; Ozarowski Ryszard S. ; Sutton William T., Method and apparatus for supporting and for supplying therapy to a patient.
  102. Soltani, Sohrab; Doehler, Steven J; Price, James H; Rajewski, Robert J; Labedz, Christopher D, Method of controlling a pressurized mattress system for a support structure.
  103. Caminade, Jean-Luc; Basilio, Jean-Marie; Coupard, Olivier; Flocard, Thierry, Method of inflating, in alternating manner, a support device having inflatable cells, and a device for implementing the method.
  104. Flick, Roland E.; Jusiak, Joel T., Method of making a gelatinous composite.
  105. Bhai, Aziz A., Optimization of the operation of a patient-support apparatus based on patient response.
  106. Leng, Wai Hoong; Cheng, PhanHow Amy; Barilea, Deny, Patient bed.
  107. Bobey, John A.; Branson, Gregory W.; Clarke, Colin; Hopkins King, Rachel; Lokhorst, David; Meyer, Eric R.; Mueller, Jonathan H.; O'Neal, Todd P.; Petrosenko, Robert; Schulte, Stephen R.; Skinner, Andrew F.; Sleva, Michael Z.; Soltani, Sohrab; Stacy, Richard B.; Stevens, Daniel K.; Yermaneni, Mayur, Patient support.
  108. Bobey, John A.; Branson, Gregory W.; Clarke, Colin; King, Rachel Hopkins; Lokhorst, David; Meyer, Eric R.; Mueller, Jonathan H.; O'Neal, Todd P.; Petrosenko, Robert; Schulte, Stephen R.; Skinner, Andrew F.; Sleva, Michael Z.; Soltani, Sohrab; Stacy, Richard B.; Stevens, Daniel K.; Yermaneni, Mayur, Patient support.
  109. Bobey, John A.; Branson, Gregory W.; Ginther, Rebecca A.; Hakamiun, Reza; Lachenbruch, Charles; Mueller, Jonathan H.; Soltani, Sohrab; Wilson, Bradley T.; Douglas, Stephen L.; Chambers, Kenith W.; King, Rachel H.; Meyer, Eric R.; O'Keefe, Christopher R.; Stacy, Richard B.; Uzzle, Thomas, Patient support.
  110. Romano,James J.; Soltani,Sohrab; Bolden,Michael V., Patient support.
  111. Romano,James J.; Soltani,Sohrab; Bolden,Michael V., Patient support.
  112. Salvatini,Benjamin; Schwartz,Steven J.; Hakamiun,Reza; O'Neal,Todd; Grosse,Kevin H.; Caldwell,Steven, Patient support apparatus.
  113. Garnero, Florian; Camus, Giles; Tarsaud, Jean-Francois; Nozieres, Sylvain; Flocard, Thierry, Patient support apparatus including a lateral tilt device.
  114. Richards, Sandy; Borgman, Darrell, Patient support having an extendable foot section.
  115. Romano, James J.; Soltani, Sohrab; Bolden, Michael V., Patient support surface.
  116. Romano, James J.; Soltani, Sohrab; Bolden, Michael V., Patient support surface.
  117. Meyer, Eric R.; Borgman, Darrell; Receveur, Timothy J.; Branson, Gregory W.; Richards, Sandy M.; Boyd, Howard J.; Hornbach, David W.; Turner, Jonathan D.; Bhai, Aziz A., Patient support systems and methods of use.
  118. Meyer, Eric R.; Borgman, Darrell; Receveur, Timothy J.; Branson, Gregory W.; Richards, Sandy M.; Boyd, Howard J.; Hornbach, David W.; Turner, Jonathan D.; Bhai, Aziz A., Patient support systems and methods of use.
  119. Meyer, Eric R.; Borgman, Darrell; Receveur, Timothy Joseph; Branson, Gregory W.; Richards, Sandy Mark; Boyd, Howard J.; Hornbach, David W.; Zerhusen, Robert Mark; Allen, James Maurice; Fearing, Jennifer; Chiacchira, Mark S.; Turner, Jonathan D.; Lanning, Mark; Bhai, Aziz A., Patient support systems and methods of use.
  120. Hannagan Angus Patrick Douglas,GBX, Patient supports and methods of operating them.
  121. Hannagan Angus Patrick Douglas,GBX, Patient supports and methods of operating them.
  122. Valentino, Nicholas V.; Dietz, Timothy J.; Jeffries, Michael; Magill, Brian M.; Oz, Kemal B.; Schroeder, Timothy P.; Wells, Timothy R., Patient transport device.
  123. Hoffmann, Andrew Kenneth, Percussion assisted angiogenesis.
  124. Valentino, Nicholas V.; Palastro, Matthew; Shen, Zhen Y.; Wells, Timothy R.; Schroeder, Timothy Paul; Markham, Joshua James; Potak, Robert L., Powered cot.
  125. Valentino, Nicholas V.; Palastro, Matthew; Shen, Zhen Y.; Wells, Timothy R.; Schroeder, Timothy Paul; Markham, Joshua James; Potak, Robert L., Powered roll-in cots.
  126. Valentino, Nicholas V.; Palastro, Matthew; Shen, Zhen Y.; Wells, Timothy R.; Schroeder, Timothy Paul; Markham, Joshua James; Potak, Robert L., Powered roll-in cots.
  127. Magill, Brian; Valentino, Nicholas Vittorio, Powered roll-in cots having wheel alignment mechanisms.
  128. Skinner, Andrew F.; Lokhorst, David; Stacy, Richard B.; Bobey, John A.; Douglas, Stephen L.; Stevens, Daniel K., Pressure control for a hospital bed.
  129. Wilkinson, John W., Pressure equalization apparatus.
  130. Meyer, Eric R.; Bobey, John Alan; Soltani, Sohrab; Mueller, Jonathan H., Pressure relief surface.
  131. Meyer,Eric R.; Bobey,John Alan; Soltani,Sohrab; Mueller,Jonathan H., Pressure relief surface.
  132. O'Keefe, Christopher R.; Meyer, Eric R.; Richards, Sandy M.; Wilson, Bradley T., Pulmonary mattress.
  133. O'Keefe, Christopher R.; Wilson, Bradley T.; Richards, Sandy M.; Meyer, Eric R., Pulmonary mattress.
  134. Richards, Sandy M.; O'Keefe, Christopher R.; Wilson, Bradley T.; Chambers, Kenith W.; Yermaneni, Mayur; Branson, Gregory W.; Sleva, Michael Z.; Gove, Karen M.; Skinner, Andrew F.; Schulte, Stephen R.; O'Neal, Todd P.; Hopkins King, Rachel; Mirabella, Teresa M.; Cooper, Paula M.; Meyer, Eric R., Pulmonary mattress.
  135. Richards, Sandy M.; O'Keefe, Christopher R.; Wilson, Bradley T.; Chambers, Kenith W.; Yermaneni, Mayur; Branson, Gregory W.; Sleva, Michael Z; Gove, Karen M.; Skinner, Andrew F.; Schulte, Stephen R.; O'Neal, Todd P.; Hopkins King, Rachel; Mirabella, Teresa M.; Cooper, Paula M.; Meyer, Eric R., Pulmonary mattress.
  136. El-Saden, Sami M.; Wodka, Daniel M.; Chiou, Joe Y., Seal mechanism for beverage container.
  137. El-Saden, Sami M.; Wodka, Daniel M.; Chiou, Joe Y., Seal mechanism for beverage container.
  138. El-Saden, Sami M.; Wodka, Daniel M.; Chiou, Joe Y., Seal mechanism for beverage container.
  139. Magill, Brian; Potak, Robert; Tangirala, Sailesh; Valentino, Nicholas, Self-actuating cots.
  140. Stolpmann, James R., Self-sealing mattress structure.
  141. Heimbrock, Richard H.; Hornbach, David W.; Wiggins, Brian T.; Metz, Darrell L., Siderail assembly for a patient-support apparatus.
  142. Poulos, Craig; Harris, Patrick; Soltani, Sohrab, Siderail for hospital bed.
  143. Poulos, Craig; Harris, Patrick; Soltani, Sohrab, Siderail for hospital bed.
  144. Jason C. Brooke, Siderail support arm.
  145. Jason C. Brooke, Slats of a bed siderail.
  146. Flocard, Thierry; Camus, Gilles, Support device of the mattress type comprising a heterogeneous inflatable structure.
  147. Chambers, Kenith W; Bish, Suzanne; Butler, Mary, Support surface with inflatable core zones.
  148. Chambers, Kenith W.; Bish, Suzanne; Butler, Mary, Support surface with inflatable width adjustment portion.
  149. Lachenbruch, Charles A.; Barnett, Richard I., Support surface with phase change material or heat tubes.
  150. Clayton, Matt; Gray, Mick, Surgical table and method of operating the same.
  151. Bhai, Aziz A., System and method for controlling an air mattress.
  152. Pirzada, Shahzad, System, device and process for remotely controlling a medical device.
  153. Pirzada, Shahzad, System, device and process for remotely controlling a medical device.
  154. Poulos, Craig, Therapeutic mattress.
  155. Poulos, Craig, Therapeutic mattress.
  156. Poulos,Craig, Therapeutic mattress.
  157. Wyatt, Charles C.; Fontaine, Ricky J., Therapeutic mattress assembly.
  158. Stolpmann, James R., Thermo-regulating patient support structure.
  159. Jason C. Brooke, Top rail member of a bed siderail.
  160. Chiou, Joe Y.; Joseph, David; Hurley, Paul, Travel beverage container.
  161. Chiou, Joe Y.; Joseph, David; Hurley, Paul, Travel beverage container.
  162. Coon, Robert; Hurley, Paul, Travel beverage container.
  163. Elsaden, Sami; Coon, Robert; Chiou, Joseph; Joseph, David, Travel beverage container.
  164. Pinelli, Steven N., Travel container having drinking orifice and vent aperture.
  165. Pinelli, Steven N., Travel container having drinking orifice and vent aperture.
  166. Pinelli, Steven N., Travel container having drinking orifice and vent aperture.
  167. Pinelli, Steven N., Travel container having drinking orifice and vent aperture.
  168. Hoffmann, Andrew Kenneth, Vibration method for clearing acute arterial thrombotic occlusions in the emergency treatment of heart attack and stroke.
  169. Flick, Roland E.; Paolini, Raymond P.; Thompson, Jeffery Joseph, Vibrational and pulsating cushion device.
  170. Flick,Roland E.; Paolini,Raymond P.; Thompson,Jeffery Joseph; Pepe,Greg; Legler,Patrick, Vibrational and pulsating cushioning device.
  171. Pinelli, Steven N.; El Saden, Sami M.; Lai, Xijin; Clemens, Brian, Water bottle.
  172. Pinelli, Steven N.; El Saden, Sami M.; Lai, Xijin; Clemens, Brian, Water bottle lid.

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