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[미국특허] Extended cab truck storage seat 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47C-007/62
출원번호 US-0537526 (1995-10-02)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hinze Billy W. (Rte. 2
  • Box 118 Sedgewickville MO 63781)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 4


An extended cab truck storage seat is disclosed. The storage seat comprises a box of an essentially rigid material with a front wall and a rear wall and parallel side walls coupled at their side edges to the side edges of the front and rear walls. The box includes a lower wall coupled at its front,


A new and improved extended cab truck storage seat comprising, in combination: a box of an essentially rigid material comprising a front wall and a rear wall in a generally vertical orientation and parallel side walls in a generally vertical orientation coupled at their side edges to the side edges

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hawkins Lendsay W. (347 Ronald Dr. Newport News VA 23602), Combined hassock, nutcracker and disposal unit.
  2. Dunchock Richard S. (Farmington Hills MI), Lockable storage compartment and seat for vehicles.
  3. Forrester Thomas L. (74 Spar Ct. Pleasant Hill CA 94523), Portable beverage dispenser.
  4. Slinkard Ronald L. (819 S. New Pratt KS 67124), Swivel seat and insulated cooler combination.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Johnson Victor ; Neag Dorinel ; Husted Daniel W. ; Cauvin David J. ; Oberson David, Automotive vehicle rear seat storage system.
  2. Shivers, Sarah; Lin, Rex; Velez, Juan Carlos Intriago; Klein, Adina; Chandra, Sujoy; Hong, Randal, Convertible seating unit.
  3. DeShong Harry B. ; Breslin Patrick W., Detachable storage container for a vehicle.
  4. DeShong Harry B. ; Breslin Patrick W., Detachable storage container for a vehicle.
  5. Saigal,Atul; Bidinger,Barry; Schwalie,Tom; Bergum,Bob, Door for truck underbed box.
  6. Thompson, Joseph M.; Anderson, Rick A., Load floor system.
  7. Penaloza, Joseph Thaddeus T.; Noll, Michael L., Platform and platform support system.
  8. Schwalie,Tom; Hyde,Randy, Pushbutton lock.
  9. Pywell, James F., Removable cushion that provides an insulated cooling volume.
  10. Daniels, Jr., Frederick Augustus, Toolbox seat for pickup truck bed.
  11. Daniels, Jr., Frederick Augustus, Toolbox seat for pickup truck bed.
  12. Schwalie,Tom; Bidinger,Barry; Draffkorn, Jr.,Jerry; Saigal,Atul; Hyde,Randy, Truck box with reduced clearance cover and access for electrical cord passthrough.
  13. Vigilante ; Jr. Antonio, Under rear seat of pickup truck storage.
  14. Tuel, Jr., Dennis; Ouren, Danny Lee, Under-seat storage bin for extended cab pickup trucks.

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