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[미국특허] Packaging system for medication 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61J-001/00
  • B65D-085/58
출원번호 US-0445778 (1995-05-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Pora Raymond I. (Brookfield IL)
출원인 / 주소
  • UDL Laboratories, Inc. (Rockford IL 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 41  인용 특허 : 11


A sealed package is provided for holding a predetermined supply of individual medication units, such as pills. The package includes a base panel defining a predetermined number of sealed compartments. The base panel includes opening means for accommodating the tearing of the base panel from an edge


A sealed [,]package from which a predetermined supply of discrete units of medication can be dispensed, said package comprising: a base panel defining a predetermined number of sealed compartments corresponding to the number of medication-units to be dispensed to a patient in a predetermined time pe

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (11) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Mullen Patrick E. (828 Fifth St. ; Apt. 9 Santa Monica CA 90403), Article holding and dispensing container.
  2. Margulies Herman (Westfield NJ), Bend and peel blister strip package.
  3. Dlugosz Jeffrey (Philadelphia PA), Child resistant package.
  4. Wood Anthony J. G. (Nr. Chippenham GB3), Child-resistant blister pack.
  5. Moser Theo (Neckarrems DT) Liede Dieter (Moglingen DT), Childproof packaging for tablets.
  6. Hannan Paul J. (Newport AUX) Stevens Gerard T. (Abbotsford AUX), Disposable foldable medication card.
  7. Scheibel David H. (147 Airport Hwy. Swanton OH 43558), Medicament dispensing container.
  8. Margulies Herman (South Orange NJ) Kaufman Richard H. (Ridgewood NJ), Push and peel blister strip packages.
  9. Steinnagel Kent P. (Larchmont NY), Reminder system for taking medication.
  10. Compere ; Newton L., Rupturable blister pill package with safety backing.
  11. Fischer Arthur (Stamford CT), Unit dose drug control package.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (41) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Evert, John R., Apparatus and method for distributing samples.
  2. Cope, Jason; Kurth, David, Apparatus and method to package articles for storage and identification.
  3. Cope, Jason; Kurth, David, Apparatus and method to package articles for storage and identification.
  4. Hession, Christopher J., Blister card for child-resistant package.
  5. Mundt, James M., Blister package for pharmaceutical treatment card.
  6. Roshdy, Constance E., Blister tray with a blister card.
  7. Roshdy, Constance E., Blister tray with a package for a small device.
  8. Roshdy,Constance E., Blister tray with a package for a small device.
  9. Evans, James Ivor; Treleaven, Carl W., Child resistant carton and method for using the same.
  10. James Ivor Evans ; Carl W. Treleaven, Child resistant carton and method for using the same.
  11. Arnold,William, Child resistant product dispenser.
  12. Kancsar, Peter; Zellweger, Laurenz; Krohn, Michael; Schmauder, Claudia; Marti, Susanne, Child-resistant packaging for tablets.
  13. Kancsar, Peter; Zellweger, Laurenz; Krohn, Michael; Schmauder, Claudia; Marti, Susanne, Child-resistant packaging for tablets.
  14. Kancsar, Peter; Zellweger, Laurenz; Krohn, Michael; Schmauder, Claudia; Marti, Susanne, Child-resistant packaging for tablets.
  15. Mowery, Jeremy D., Dispensing container.
  16. Lambelet ; Jr. Lawrence E., Dosage regimen container.
  17. Levy, Gordon; Pepper, Ken; Chaisson, John; Curts, Jonathan, Drug delivery box for individual doses of medicine.
  18. Levy,Gordon, Drug display card.
  19. Hession, Christopher J., Insert for sleeve-and-insert type package.
  20. Berry, Lisa; Gualtieri, Frank; Hansen, Jerry B.; Hasselman, Robert, Interactive product selection system.
  21. Berry,Lisa; Gualtieri,Frank; Hansen,Jerry B.; Hasselman,Robert, Interactive product selection system.
  22. Patwardhan, Tanuja A.; Jones, Marty, Lockable packaging.
  23. Weinstein, Robert E., Method and device for organizing and coordinating the combined use of liquid medications for continuous nebulization for the treatment of respiratory disorders.
  24. Weinstein, Robert E., Method and device for organizing and coordinating the combined use of liquid medications for continuous nebulization for the treatment of respiratory disorders.
  25. Weinstein Robert E. ; Weinstein Allan M., Method and device for organizing and coordinating the combined use of topical aerosols for the treatment of respiratory.
  26. Robert E. Weinstein ; Allan M. Weinstein, Method and device for organizing and coordinating the combined use of topical agents for the treatment of respiratory disorders.
  27. Norberg, William J., Method and system for response to onset of stroke.
  28. McGonagle, Sean; Pankow, Greg; Lewis, J. Randolph; Lee, Victor, Method of loading a multi-dose blister card using a transfer fixture.
  29. Lewis, Graham L., Method of providing a therapeutic regimen and prefabricated container therefor.
  30. McGonagle, Sean; Pankow, Greg; Marotta, Christina M.; Biesenthal, Amy C.; Valls, William H.; Simmering, Zack, Multi-dose blister card pillbook.
  31. McGonagle, Sean; Pankow, Greg; Lewis, J. Randolph; Lee, Victor, Multi-dose filling machine.
  32. Baker, Mark Phillip, Multi-layered blister card package and method for making the same.
  33. Lewis, J. Randolph, Package for medicine.
  34. Feinberg, Marc; Pohle, Mike; Peters, Robin; Stairs, Lance; Fort, Tucker H.; Whitehall, Richard, Packaging assembly for surgical use.
  35. Hession, Christopher Jeffrey, Packaging system with an improved inner structure.
  36. Sidney Mazel ; James M. Mundt, Pharmaceutical kit.
  37. Hession, Christopher J., Slide card for selective insertion and withdrawal from a sleeve.
  38. Hession, Christopher J., Slide card for selective insertion and withdrawal from a sleeve.
  39. Hession, Christopher J., Slide card for selective insertion and withdrawal from a sleeve.
  40. Johnstone Scott Bowen ; Jones Brad Allen ; Mellon Mark ; Rigby William Roger, Unit dose packaging system (UDPS) having a child resistant locking feature.
  41. Brad A. Jones ; Meredith M. Karow ; Mohan Sasthav, Unit dose packaging system with child resistance and senior friendly features.

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