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[미국특허] Resistance exercise suit with semi-rigid resistant ribs 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A41D-001/08
출원번호 US-0589803 (1996-01-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Gray James C. (2405 Alcoa Hwy. Knoxville TN 37920)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 45  인용 특허 : 7


A resistance exercise suit for providing a resistance to movement to exercise the wearer\s muscles. The resistance exercise suit includes a body suit to which at least one resilient rib is secured for biasing a selected body portion in a preselected position such that when the wearer moves the body


A resistance exercise suit comprising: a body suit defining a trunk portion from which two sleeves and two legs extend for receiving the body of a wearer, at least one resilient rib being secured to said body suit, said resilient rib being semi-rigid and defining a degree of resistance, said resilie

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Wilkinson William T. (1717 Town Point Rd. Chesapeak City MD 21915), Aerobic resistance exercise garment.
  2. Wilkinson William T. (Severnside Farm ; 300 Kyle Rd. Crownsville MD 21032-0572), Aerobic resistance exercise garment.
  3. Moore Derrick F. (1909 Winona Dr. Plano TX 75074), Exercise pants and exercise band assembly.
  4. Malloy Eugene A. (15988 Village Dr. Victorville CA 92392), Exercise suit.
  5. Dicker Timothy P. (11359 Dornfield Lakeview Terrace CA), Exercise suit with resilient reinforcing.
  6. Dicker Timothy P. (11359 Dornfield Ter. Lakeview Terrace CA 92353), Exercise suit with resilient reinforcing.
  7. Fox ; Edgar N., One piece elastic body suit.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (45) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Blakely, Kyle S., Article of apparel.
  2. Blakely, Kyle S., Article of apparel.
  3. Nordstrom, Matthew D.; Sokolowski, Susan L., Article of apparel providing enhanced body position feedback.
  4. Nordstrom, Matthew D.; Fox, Richard Warren, Articles of apparel providing enhanced body position feedback.
  5. Nordstrom, Matthew D.; Sokolowski, Susan L., Articles of apparel providing enhanced body position feedback.
  6. Nordstrom, Matthew D.; Sokolowski, Susan L., Articles of apparel providing enhanced body position feedback.
  7. Wright, Steven P.; Craig, Kenneth T., Articles of apparel providing enhanced body position feedback.
  8. Nordt, III, William E.; Kovacevich, Ian D.; Dahlquist, Kevin J.; Philpott, Thomas J.; Huneycutt, Jason, Body support for spanning a hinge joint of the body comprising an elastically stretchable framework.
  9. Waldie, James Murray Andrew; Newman, Dava Jean, Body-loading suit for therapeutic uses.
  10. Horii,Katsuko; Oyama,Makoto; Murakami,Toshiko, Clothes for the upper half of body.
  11. Nordt, III, William E.; Kovacevich, Ian D.; Dahlquist, Kevin J.; Philpott, Tom J., Clothing having expandable framework.
  12. Nordt, III, William E.; Kovacevich, Ian D.; Dahlquist, Kevin J.; Philpott, Tom J., Collar clamp apparatus.
  13. Nordt, III, William E.; Kovacevich, Ian D.; Dahlquist, Kevin J.; Philpott, Tom J., Collar support.
  14. Protasiewicz, Rich; Anderson, William; Nichols, Gail, Cutaneous proprioreceptive activation garment system.
  15. Nordt, III, William E.; Kovacevich, Ian D.; Dahlquist, Kevin J.; Philpott, Tom J., Donning potentiating support with expandable framework fastened to garment.
  16. Nordt, III, William E.; Kovacevich, Ian D.; Dahlquist, Kevin J.; Philpott, Tom J., Donning potentiating support with expandable framework spanning hinge joint.
  17. Nordt, III, William E.; Kovacevich, Ian D.; Dahlquist, Kevin J.; Philpott, Tom J., Donning support with framework fastened to garment.
  18. Ronco, Luigi, Elasticized structure and method for making an elasticized structure.
  19. Yao, Franklin, Exercise garment with ergonomic and modifiable resistance bands.
  20. Karecki, Linda; Potempa, Michael M.; Potempa, Brian, Exercise kit, apparel item and method of using same.
  21. Green,Michael D., Exercise suit.
  22. Nordt, III, William E.; Kovacevich, Ian D.; Dahlquist, Kevin J.; Philpott, Tom J., Flexible support comprising elastically stretchable framework.
  23. Nordt, III, William E.; Kovacevich, Ian D.; Dahlquist, Kevin J.; Philpott, Tom J., Flexible support with joint-spanning double hinge.
  24. Nordt, III, William E.; Kovacevich, Ian D.; Dahlquist, Kevin J.; Philpott, Tom J., Flexible support with rotary device for tensioning thereof.
  25. Caillibotte, Michel; Rouiller, Vincent Philippe, Garment.
  26. Caillibotte, Michel; Rouiller, Vincent Philippe, Garment.
  27. Caillibotte, Michel; Rouiller, Vincent Philippe, Garment.
  28. Caillibotte, Michel; Rouiller, Vincent Phillippe, Garment.
  29. Yeomans, Deborah; Metzger, Andreas; Weiss, Bettina; Hahn, Roger, Garment.
  30. Yeomans, Deborah; Metzger, Andreas; Weiss, Bettina; Hahn, Roger, Garment.
  31. Yeomans, Deborah; Metzger, Andreas; Weiss, Bettina; Hahn, Roger, Garment.
  32. Yeomans, Deborah; Metzger, Andreas; Weiss, Bettina; Hahn, Roger, Garment.
  33. Waldie, James Murray Andrew; Newman, Dava J., Gravity-loading body suit.
  34. von Hoffmann, Kaitlin; von Hoffmann, Gerard, Low profile passive exercise garment.
  35. Nordt, III, William E.; Kovacevich, Ian D.; Dahlquist, Kevin J.; Philpott, Tom J., Potentiating support with alignment opening for joint protuberance.
  36. Nordt, III, William E.; Kovacevich, Ian D.; Dahlquist, Kevin J.; Philpott, Tom J., Potentiating support with expandable framework.
  37. Nordt, III, William E.; Kovacevich, Ian D.; Dahlquist, Kevin J.; Philpott, Tom J., Potentiating support with side struts spanning hinge joint.
  38. Webb Joseph Walter, Resilient back support device.
  39. Yelvington, Christopher Joseph, Resistance-applying garment, connector for use in garment, and method of forming garment.
  40. Nordt, III, William E.; Kovacevich, Ian D.; Dahlquist, Kevin J.; Philpott, Tom J., Shirt, pants and jumpsuit having expandable framework.
  41. Yamaguchi Mitsukuni,JPX ; Fujii Takako,JPX ; Saka Risa,JPX, Shoulder and arm support garment.
  42. Nordt, III, William E.; Kovacevich, Ian D.; Dahlquist, Kevin J.; Philpott, Tom J., Support with framework fastened to garment.
  43. Nordt, III, William E.; Kovacevich, Ian D.; Dahlquist, Kevin J.; Philpott, Tom J., Support with removable pressure/alignment ring.
  44. Matsuura, Belinko K.; Matsuura, David G.; von Hoffmann, Kaitlin; von Hoffmann, Gerard, Wearable modular resistance unit.
  45. Nordt, III, William E.; Kovacevich, Ian D.; Dahlquist, Kevin J.; Philpott, Tom J., Wrist support.

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