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Battery monitoring system for an electric vehicle 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01R-019/00
출원번호 US-0344036 (1994-11-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kendall Jeffrey M. (Southfield MI)
출원인 / 주소
  • Chrysler Corporation (Auburn Hill MI 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 60  인용 특허 : 20


A battery monitoring system for an electric vehicle is provided in which an individual battery monitor is physically touching and electrically connected to each one of the battery modules in the string of series or parallel connected battery modules. The battery monitors are themselves connected in


A system for managing at least two interconnected batteries in an electric vehicle, comprising: at least two sensors, each one of said sensors in electrically operable relation with and in close spatial relation to one of the batteries, for sensing the voltage across the battery; at least two local

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (20)

  1. Simonsen Bent P. (27 Starfish Ct. Newport Beach CA 92663), Automatic battery monitoring system.
  2. Wroblewski Thomas R. (Sterling Heights MI), Automatic wake-up circuit arrangement for a single wire multiplex switch monitoring system.
  3. Marino Joseph A. (Waukesha WI) Roth Sydney J. (Largo FL), Automotive battery test apparatus.
  4. Sloan Jeffrey M. (312 George St. Birmingham MI 48009), Battery Monitor.
  5. Gupta Om P. (Ithaca NY), Battery condition monitoring and recording system for electric vehicles.
  6. Stewart Jim L. (Leesport PA), Battery formation charging apparatus.
  7. Reher, Michael T., Battery monitor and method for providing operating parameters.
  8. Barry George H. (21225 Saratoga Hills Rd. Saratoga CA 95070) Dahl Ernest A. (3247 Breaker Dr. Ventura CA 93003), Battery monitoring system.
  9. Lowndes Michael W. (Birmingham GB2) Adams Derek S. (Birmingham GB2) Arlidge Neville J. (Birmingham GB2), Battery monitoring systems.
  10. Burns Arthur G. (Plantation FL) Muri David L. (Sunrise FL), Battery package having a communication window.
  11. Geuer Wolfgang (Revalsberger Strasse 45 5102 Wrselen DEX) Lrkens Peter (Alexianergraben 21 5100 Aachen DEX) Schner Hans P. (Jahnplatz 3 5100 Aachen DEX), Circuit arrangement for continually monitoring the quality of a multicell battery.
  12. Hurley James R. (Brookfield WI), Current measuring apparatus.
  13. Obara Sanshiro (Ibaraki JPX) Yamada Hiroyuki (Katsuta JPX) Yoshihara Shigeyuki (Katsuta JPX) Matsudaira Nobunori (Hitachi JPX), Electric car control system.
  14. Konrad Charles E. (Roanoke VA) Clark ; deceased Robert C. (late of Roanoke VA by Jean B. Clark ; executrix), Electric vehicle current regulating system.
  15. Carey Richard L. (Cardiff CA) McGuffey Gale W. (San Diego CA), Isolated DC voltage monitoring system.
  16. Waschka ; Jr. George A. (Melbourne FL), Local orderwire facility for fiber optic communication system.
  17. Fakruddin Saifee (St. Joseph MI) Foster Mark J. (Stevensville MI), Method and apparatus for battery-power management using load-compensation monitoring of battery discharge.
  18. Martin Harry L. (Knoxville TN) Goodson Raymond E. (West Lafayette IN), Monitoring apparatus and method for battery power supply.
  19. Sawyer Richard D. (Canton CT), Negative cell detector for a multi-cell fuel cell stack.
  20. Lipchak John B. (Forest Hills PA) Oblak Tod A. (Belle Vernon PA) Bednar Fred H. (Millvale PA) Ciaramitaro William (Murrysville PA) Hughes Francis R. (Verona PA) Smith John R. (Monroeville PA) Gisoni , Smart sensor system for diagnostic monitoring.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (60)

  1. Laletin,William H., Amplifier system with current-mode servo feedback.
  2. Lutze, Marcel; Mikulec, Dragan; Werner, Timur, Apparatus and method for state of charge compensation for a battery system.
  3. Hanson Eric J. ; Kooyer Richard L., Apparatus and method for treating a cathode material provided on a thin-film substrate.
  4. Hanson, Eric J.; Kooyer, Richard L., Apparatus and method for treating a cathode material provided on a thin-film substrate.
  5. Townsend, Christopher P.; Arms, Steven W, Apparatus to receive electromagnetic radiation that penetrates a housing formed of a conductive material.
  6. Anbuky,Adnan H.; Pascoe,Phillip E., Apparatus, methods and computer program products for estimation of battery reserve life using adaptively modified state of health indicator-based reserve life models.
  7. King, Allen; Liang, Lawrence C., Apparatus, system, and method for automatically displacing a faulty in-use battery in a battery-powered electric equipment.
  8. White, David Allen; Benckenstein, Jr., Claude Leonard, Balancing charge between battery pack system modules in a battery.
  9. White, David Allen; Benckenstein, Jr., Claude Leonard, Balancing of battery pack system modules.
  10. Anbuky, Adnan H.; Pascoe, Phillip E., Battery capacity measurement.
  11. Asada, Tadatoshi, Battery condition detection apparatus.
  12. Uetake Akihito,JPX ; Yamakoshi Issei,JPX ; Takagi Kunihiko,JPX ; Seto Takeshi,JPX ; Torizuka Haruki,JPX ; Fukazawa Tamotsu,JPX ; Okayama Shinji,JPX, Battery control system for electric vehicle.
  13. Tabatowski-Bush, Ben A., Battery monitoring and control system and method of use including redundant secondary communication interface.
  14. Lupo, Savino Luigi, Battery monitoring device.
  15. Sanders, David Edwin; Ma, Zifang; Al Anbuky, Adnan, Battery monitoring network.
  16. Benckenstein, Jr.,Claude Leonard; White,David Allen, Battery pack control module.
  17. Rouillard Jean,CAX ; Comte Christophe,CAX ; Daigle Dominik,CAX, Bypass apparatus and method for series connected energy storage devices.
  18. Pellegrino, Nicholas J.; Farrell, Ed, Charging station for hybrid powered vehicles.
  19. McGee,Ryan; Butcher,Jonathan; Czubay,John; Syed,Fazal; Kuang,Ming, Closed loop control of battery power limits based on voltage.
  20. Hashimoto, Eiichiro, Control system and method for battery control unit.
  21. Townsend, Christopher P.; Arms, Steven W, Data collection and storage device.
  22. Townsend,Christopher P.; Arms,Steven W, Data collection using sensing units and separate control units with all power derived from the control units.
  23. Presley William T. ; Lescamela David A. ; Caramagno Norman ; Gaynier John M., Digital verification of battery cable connection to power distribution module.
  24. Kondo Shugo,JPX ; Ogura Masami,JPX ; Takei Akihiko,JPX, Electric vehicle sharing system.
  25. Theofanopoulos John ; Hansen Erik J., Electric vehicle torque-o-meter.
  26. William H. Laletin, Energy device analysis and evaluation.
  27. Rouillard Jean,CAX ; Comte Christophe,CAX ; Hagen Ronald A. ; Knudson Orlin B. ; Morin Andre,CAX ; Ross Guy,CAX, Equalizer system and method for series connected energy storing devices.
  28. Hagen Ronald A. ; Chen Kenneth W. ; Comte Christophe,CAX ; Knudson Orlin B. ; Rouillard Jean,CAX, Fault-tolerant battery system employing intra-battery network architecture.
  29. Takashi Yanase JP; Makoto Ogata JP, Generation control device of hybrid electric vehicle.
  30. van Lammeren, Johannes Petrus Maria; Besling, Willem Frederik Adrianus, In-cell battery management device.
  31. Hagen Ronald A. ; Comte Christophe,CAX ; Knudson Orlin B. ; Rosenthal Brian ; Rouillard Jean,CAX, In-situ fault detection apparatus and method for an encased energy storing device.
  32. Gauthier Michel,CAX ; Domroese Michael K. ; Hoffman Joseph A. ; Lindeman David D. ; Noel Joseph-Robert-Gaetan,CAX ; Radewald Vern E. ; Rouillard Jean,CAX ; Rouillard Roger,CAX ; Shiota Toshimi,CAX ; , In-situ short circuit protection system and method for high-energy electrochemical cells.
  33. Gauthier, Michel; Domroese, Michael K.; Hoffman, Joseph A.; Lindeman, David D.; Noel, Joseph-Robert-Gaetan; Radewald, Vern E.; Rouillard, Jean; Rouillard, Roger; Shiota, Toshimi; Trice, Jennifer L., In-situ short-circuit protection system and method for high-energy electrochemical cells.
  34. Hill, Dale; Walker, Michael; Fields, Michael; Onorato, Shaun; Morris, Donald; Misencik, Stephen; Winkel, John, Low-floor electric bus.
  35. Hill, Dale; Walker, Michael; Onorato, Shaun; Morris, Donald; Misencik, Stephen; Winkel, John, Low-floor electric vehicle.
  36. Zaccaria, Robert, Method and apparatus for the continuous performance monitoring of a lead acid battery system.
  37. Syed, Fazal; Kuang, Ming; Czubay, John; Smith, Matthew; Okubo, Shunsuke, Method and system for determining final desired wheel power in a hybrid electric vehicle powertrain.
  38. Benckenstein, Jr.,Claude Leonard; White,David Allen, Method for balancing cells or groups of cells in a battery pack.
  39. Hoffman ; Jr. David William ; Grewe Timothy Michael, Method for equalizing the voltage of traction battery modules of a hybrid electric vehicle.
  40. Benckenstein, Jr.,Claude Leonard; White,David Allen, Method for extending power duration for lithium ion batteries.
  41. Rouillard, Roger; Domroese, Michael K.; Hoffman, Joseph A.; Lindeman, David D.; Noel, Joseph-Robert-Gaetan; Radewald, Vern E.; Ranger, Michel; Sudano, Anthony; Trice, Jennifer L.; Turgeon, Thomas A., Method for transferring thermal energy and electrical current in thin-film electrochemical cells.
  42. Laletin,William H.; Salloux,Kurt, Method of analyzing the time-varying electrical response of a stimulated target substance.
  43. Karunasiri Tissa R. ; Bell David A. ; Maini Chetan Kumar ; Ryan Bruce M., Radio frequency energy management system.
  44. Rouillard Roger,CAX ; Domroese Michael K. ; Hoffman Joseph A. ; Lindeman David D. ; Noel Joseph-Robert-Gaetan,CAX ; Radewald Vern E. ; Ranger Michel,CAX ; Sudano Anthony,CAX ; Trice Jennifer L. ; Tur, Rechargeable thin-film electrochemical generator.
  45. Benckenstein, Jr.,Claude Leonard; White,David Allen, Safety device for managing batteries.
  46. Benckenstein, Jr., Claude Leonard; Perkins, Dean, Solar panel with pulse charger.
  47. Rouillard Jean,CAX ; Comte Christophe,CAX ; Daigle Dominik,CAX ; Hagen Ronald A. ; Knudson Orlin B. ; Morin Andre,CAX ; Ranger Michel,CAX ; Ross Guy,CAX ; Rouillard Roger,CAX ; St-Germain Philippe,CA, Solid-state energy storage module employing integrated interconnect board.
  48. Rouillard, Jean; Comte, Christophe; Daigle, Dominik; Hagen, Ronald A.; Knudson, Orlin B.; Morin, André; Ranger, Michel; Ross, Guy; Rouillard, Roger; St-Germain, Philippe; Sudano, Anthony; Turgeo, Solid-state energy storage module employing integrated interconnect board.
  49. Rouillard, Jean; Comte, Christophe; Daigle, Dominik; Hagen, Ronald A.; Knudson, Orlin B.; Morin, Andre; Ranger, Michel; Ross, Guy; Rouillard, Roger; St-Germain, Philippe; Sudano, Anthony; Turgeon, Th, Solid-state energy storage module employing integrated interconnect board.
  50. Al-Anbuky, Adnan; Hunter, Phillip Mark, Stress management of battery recharge, and method of state of charge estimation.
  51. Jabaji,Issam; Jabaji,Shadi, System and method for controlling and distributing electrical energy in a vehicle.
  52. Jabaji, Issam; Jabaji, Shadi, System and method for controlling electric load and battery charge in a vehicle.
  53. Hoffman Joseph A. ; Domroese Michael K. ; Lindeman David D. ; Radewald Vern E. ; Rouillard Roger,CAX ; Trice Jennifer L., Thermal conductor for high-energy electrochemical cells.
  54. Rouillard Roger,CAX ; Domroese Michael K. ; Gauthier Michel,CAX ; Hoffman Joseph A. ; Lindeman David D. ; Noel Joseph-Robert-Gaetan,CAX ; Radewald Vern E. ; Ranger Michel,CAX ; Rouillard Jean,CAX ; S, Thermal management system and method for a solid-state energy storing device.
  55. King, Allen, Uninterruptible battery power for electric motor vehicle.
  56. Wu, Deping, Universal battery module and controller therefor.
  57. Hill, Dale; Walker, Michael; Onorato, Shaun; Morris, Donald; Misencik, Stephen; Winkel, John, Vehicle battery systems and methods.
  58. Salasoo,Lembit; King,Robert Dean; Kumar,Ajith Kuttannair; Song,Dongwoo; Young,Henry Todd; Richter,Timothy Gerard; Bhugra,Prahlad, Vehicle energy storage system control methods and method for determining battery cycle life projection for heavy duty hybrid vehicle applications.
  59. Kondo Shugo,JPX ; Nakai Tomoaki,JPX ; Asakura Suguru,JPX, Vehicle sharing system.
  60. Thomas T. Sack, Voltage level bus translator and safety interlock system for battery modules.
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