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[미국특허] Mounting assembly for building surfaces 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E04D-013/10
출원번호 US-0335987 (1994-11-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Haddock Robert M.M. (8655 Table Butte Road Colorado Springs CO 80908)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 51  인용 특허 : 0


A mounting device for a building surface. The mounting device includes a mounting body having a slot extending therethrough. This slot may be positioned over/about a standing seam on a metal roof/sidewall and be appropriately secured thereto, such as by the use of blunt-nosed screws which engage the


A roof assembly, comprising: a sloped roofing surface, said roofing surface extending in a generally downward direction from a peak of said roofing surface; at least two separate mounting devices interconnected with said roofing surface at two laterally spaced locations; a first member interconnecte

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (51) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Showalter, Gregory, Anchor attachment for a roof panel rib.
  2. Haddock, Robert M., Bracket assembly including a reservoir.
  3. Haddock, Robert M. M., Building assembly having standing seams with mounting devices disposed thereon.
  4. Haddock Robert M. M., Clamp for securing assemblies other than snow retention devices to a raised metal seam roof.
  5. Fisher, Steven, Clamp mounted snow guard.
  6. Alley F. William, Device to secure snow guard to roof using a wedge.
  7. Vincent, David Robert, Impurity detection device and method.
  8. Li, Shao-Hui, Mounting device and roof connection device using the same.
  9. Haddock Robert M. M., Mounting device for building surfaces.
  10. Robert M. Haddock, Mounting system and adaptor clip.
  11. Mark E. Hockman, Non-deforming roof snow brake.
  12. DuPont, Luc; Cheung, Brian C., Photovoltaic panel fastening system.
  13. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Bornemann, Alexander Grant, Power grip button.
  14. Teller, William; Kilgore, Dorian J.; Pipp, Walter B.; Evangelista, Elio G., Roof clamp.
  15. Stearns, Brian C.; Bornemann, Alexander Grant, Roof mount assembly.
  16. Stearns, Brian C.; Bornemann, Alexander Grant, Roof mount assembly.
  17. Stearns, Brian Cecil, Roof mount assembly.
  18. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Bornemann, Alexander Grant, Roof mount assembly.
  19. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Bornemann, Alexander Grant, Roof mount assembly.
  20. Stearns, Brian C., Roof mount assembly and method of mounting same.
  21. Stearns, Brian Cecil, Roof mount having built-in failure.
  22. Wiener, Gregory M., Roof mounting assembly.
  23. Wiener, Gregory M., Roof mounting assembly.
  24. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Lounsbury, Douglas Timothy, Roof mounting system.
  25. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Lounsbury, Douglas Timothy, Roofing grommet forming a seal between a roof-mounted structure and a roof.
  26. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Lounsbury, Douglas Timothy, Roofing grommet forming a seal between a roof-mounted structure and a roof.
  27. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Lounsbury, Douglas Timothy, Roofing grommet forming a seal between a roof-mounted structure and a roof.
  28. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Lounsbury, Douglas Timothy, Roofing grommet forming a seal between a roof-mounted structure and a roof.
  29. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Lounsbury, Douglas Timothy, Roofing grommet forming a seal between a roof-mounted structure and a roof.
  30. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Lounsbury, Douglas Timothy, Roofing grommet forming a seal between a roof-mounted structure and a roof.
  31. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Lounsbury, Douglas Timothy, Roofing grommet forming a seal between a roof-mounted structure and a roof.
  32. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Lounsbury, Douglas Timothy, Roofing grommet forming a seal between a roof-mounted structure and a roof.
  33. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Lounsbury, Douglas Timothy, Roofing grommet forming a seal between a roof-mounted structure and a roof.
  34. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Lounsbury, Douglas Timothy, Roofing grommet forming a seal between a roof-mounted structure and a roof.
  35. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Lounsbury, Douglas Timothy, Roofing grommet forming a seal between a roof-mounted structure and a roof.
  36. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Lounsbury, Douglas Timothy, Roofing system and method.
  37. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Lounsbury, Douglas Timothy, Roofing system and method.
  38. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Lounsbury, Douglas Timothy, Roofing system and method.
  39. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Lounsbury, Douglas Timothy, Roofing system and method.
  40. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Lounsbury, Douglas Timothy, Roofing system and method.
  41. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Lounsbury, Douglas Timothy, Roofing system and method.
  42. Fisher, Steven, Snow guard.
  43. Fisher, Steven, Snow guard.
  44. Fisher, Steven, Snow guard.
  45. Trevorrow, Emma J.; Trevorrow, Thomas P., Snow guard.
  46. Fisher, Levi S., Snow guard and method of attaching the same.
  47. Hockman,Mark, Snow guard assembly.
  48. Hockman,Mark, Snow guard assembly.
  49. McNichol, John Joseph, Snow retention apparatus and method of installation.
  50. Riley, Matthew; Whipple, Yancy, Snow retention device.
  51. Riley, Matthew; Whipple, Yancy, Snow retention mechanism.

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