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Brominated polystyrene having improved thermal stability and color and process for the preparation thereof 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C08F-008/22
출원번호 US-0796277 (1997-02-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Gill James C.
  • Dever James L.
출원인 / 주소
  • Ferro Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Renner, Kenner, Greive, Bobak, Taylor & Weber
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 16  인용 특허 : 4


In a process for the suppression of backbone halogenation during the bromination of polystyrenes comprising the step of pretreating a solution of a polystyrene reactant comprising from about five to about 20 percent by weight of a polystyrene reactant, in a halogenated hydrocarbon solvent with at le


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A brominated polystyrene product made by the process comprising:pretreating a solution of a polystyrene reactant comprising from about five to about 20 percent by weight of said polystyrene reactant, in a halogenated hydrocarbon solvent with at least about 0.1 percent by

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4)

  1. Naarmann Herbert (Wattenheim DEX) Penzien Klaus (Frankenthal DEX) Schulte Wolfgang (Hassloch DEX), Manufacture of brominated polymerization products of styrene.
  2. Atwell Ray W. (West Lafayette IN) Hodgen Harry A. (Battle Ground IN) Fielding William R. (West Lafayette IN) Favstritsky Nicolai A. (Lafayette IN) Termine Enrico J. (Lafayette IN), Polymers or brominated styrene.
  3. Kadono Shinichi (Fukuyama JPX) Mishima Kiyoshi (Fukuyama JPX) Takahasi Akihisa (Fukuyama JPX) Taniuchi Akira (Kyoto JPX), Process for preparing brominated polystyrene.
  4. Barda Henry J. (East Brunswick NJ) Gray Sandra L. (Reynoldsburg OH), Process for the bromination of polystyrenes.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (16)

  1. Gill James C. ; Dever James L., Brominated copolymer flame retardant additives having improved color characteristics and related method.
  2. Dadgar Billie B. ; Balhoff Donald E. ; Kolich Charles H. ; Ao Meng-Sheng ; Lin Homer C., Brominated polstyrenic resins.
  3. Gill, James C.; Dever, James L., Brominated polystyrene having improved thermal stability and color and process for the preparation thereof.
  4. James C. Gill ; James L. Dever, Brominated polystyrene having improved thermal stability and color and process for the preparation thereof.
  5. Reed Jon S. ; Kolich Charles H. ; Dadgar Billie B. ; Balhoff Donald E. ; Ao Meng-Sheng ; Lin Homer C. ; Brockmann Thorsten W. ; Brackenridge David R., Brominated polystyrenic flame retardants.
  6. Dadgar Billie B. ; Balhoff Donald E. ; Kolich Charles H. ; Ao Meng-Sheng ; Lin Homer C., Brominated polystyrenic resins.
  7. Kolich, Charles H.; Dadgar, Billie B.; Balhoff, Donald E.; Ao, Meng-Sheng; Lin, Homer C., Brominated polystyrenic resins.
  8. Kolich, Charles H.; Aplin, Jeffrey Todd; Balhoff, John F., Brominated styrenic polymers and their preparation.
  9. Luther, Douglas W., Pelletized brominated anionic styrenic polymers and their preparation and use.
  10. Reed Jon S. ; Landry Susan D. ; De Schryver Daniel A.,BEX ; Dadgar Billie B. ; Balhoff Donald E. ; Kolich Charles H. ; Ao Meng-Sheng ; Lin Homer C., Polymer compositions containing brominated polystyrenic resins.
  11. Manimaran,Thanikavelu; Harkins, Jr.,Alvin E., Polymer halogenation process with catalyst recovery.
  12. Dadgar Billie B. ; Balhoff Donald E. ; Kolich Charles H. ; Ao Meng-Sheng ; Lin Homer C., Polymers flame retarded with brominated polystyrenic resins.
  13. Ao Meng-Sheng ; Dadgar Billie B. ; Kolich Charles H. ; Balhoff Donald E. ; Lin Homer C. ; Brackenridge David R. ; Brockman Thorsten W., Process for brominated styrenic polymers.
  14. Dadgar Billie B. ; Balhoff Donald E. ; Kolich Charles H. ; Ao Meng-Sheng ; Lin Homer C., Process for brominating polystyrenic resins.
  15. Kolich, Charles H.; Balhoff, John F.; Luther, Douglas W.; Herndon, Jr., Robert C.; Lin, Ronny W.; Peters, Bruce C.; Mack, Arthur G.; Lee, David A., Process technology for recovering brominated styrenic polymers from reaction mixtures in which they are formed and/or converting such mixtures into pellets or into granules or pastilles.
  16. Kolich, Charles H.; Balhoff, John F.; Luther, Douglas W.; Herndon, Robert C.; Lin, Ronny W.; Peters, Bruce C.; Mack, Arthur G.; Lee, David A., Process technology for recovering brominated styrenic polymers from reaction mixtures in which they are formed and/or converting such mixtures into pellets or into granules or pastilles.
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