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[미국특허] Molded cross car support structure 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B62D-025/14
  • B60H-001/28
출원번호 US-0670133 (1996-06-25)
발명자 / 주소
  • Merrifield Richard Allen
  • Randall Douglas Allen
출원인 / 주소
  • General Motors Corporation
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 47  인용 특허 : 12


A cross car support structure of an instrument panel assembly is provided for attachment to the vehicle side structure. The cross car support structure includes a one-piece, integrally molded beam preferably made entirely of plastic, the plastic beam having first and second opposing ends connected t


[ what is claimed is:] [1.] A cross car support structure of an instrument panel assembly for attachment to side structure of a vehicle, the cross car support structure comprising:a one-piece, integrally molded beam made entirely of plastic, the plastic beam having at least one end connected to the

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (12)

  1. Mahler Gert (Radenvormwald DEX) Dietz Gnter (Wuppertal DEX) Falkenroth Heinz-Jrgen (Ennepetal DEX), Air duct, or the like, for instrument panel for automotive vehicles.
  2. Piano Renzo (Paris FRX), Assembly separating a passenger compartment from an engine compartment.
  3. Nonaka, Toshihiko; Toda, Tetsuo, Instrument panel device for vehicles.
  4. Kelman Josh (Dover NH) Gray John (Union NH), Integrated cross car structural duct cluster.
  5. Shah Ramesh H. (Dearborn Heights MI), Mechanism to control axial collapse of an open cross-section beam.
  6. Carpenter Ronald A. (Dearborn MI), Method for making a bonded vehicular cross member bumper beam from two materials.
  7. Ash Robert A. (Baltimore CAX), Method of making a covered article by vacuum drawing.
  8. Gray John D. (Union NH), Modular assembly for vehicle body.
  9. Burry Donald L. (Royal Oak MI) Pilato Leonard J. (Troy MI), Modular structural instrument panel carrier.
  10. Kurihara Junichi (Wako JPX) Hara Masanori (Wako JPX), Molding of foam resin having a hollow member.
  11. Kelman Josh (Dover NH) Gray John (Union NH) Gorman Michael (Bloomfield Township ; Oakland County MI), Structural instrument panel carrier assembly.
  12. Kukainis Janis (Northville MI) Kazemi Ali (Northville MI), Two piece multifunctional composite structural cross vehicular beam.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (47)

  1. Yoshinaka Katsunori,JPX, Air conditioning duct device in automobile.
  2. Readwin, Michael J.; Bartos, Richard E.; Leffert, Michael G.; Nishek, Michael E., Air ducts for vehicles.
  3. Naert Michel,SEX ; Reich Hans,SEX ; Nordling Lars,SEX, Arrangement for vehicle body structure.
  4. John A. Delmastro, Automotive trim panel.
  5. Takano, Akira; Sunohara, Hikaru, Blower unit mounting structure and method for mounting a blower unit.
  6. Guering, Bernard, Bracket for display devices for an aircraft cockpit.
  7. Jergens James Martin ; Pitrof Stephen Moore, Cross car structural beam.
  8. Nagy, Louis A., Cross car support structure.
  9. Sabine Neuss DE; Thomas Reddig DE; Walter Wolf DE, Cross member in a hybrid construction and method of making same.
  10. Jack S. Palazzolo ; Davin J. Cauvin ; Joseph J. Davis, Jr. ; Jeffrey L. Soncrant, Cross-guard duct and steering column support bracket.
  11. Mills, Michael John, Dashboard assembly.
  12. Stanley G. Kuhns, Dashboard assembly for a work machine.
  13. Ono Masahiro,JPX, Defroster duct installation structure.
  14. Abro, Lauren M., Duct anti-rotation attachment flange.
  15. Kline, Daniel; Zhou, Hong; Chiles, Karen Lee; Kneisel, Lawrence LeRoy; Paruchuri, Mohan R.; Zhang, Puqiang, Electronic circuit to MG beam grounding method.
  16. Hier, Michael J.; Cowelchuk, Glenn A., HVAC system for a vehicle with concealed vents.
  17. Monoru Shibata JP; Akiyoshi Nagano JP; Katuhiro Katagiri JP; Masaru Ido JP; Yuji Kuriyama JP; Shigehiro Ueno JP, Instrument panel.
  18. Dauvergne Jean,FRX, Instrument panel for a vehicle.
  19. Dauvergne Jean,FRX, Instrument panel for a vehicle.
  20. Wolff, Stefan; Schaefer, Joachim; Walter, Stephan, Instrument panel for a vehicle, vehicle comprising the instrument panel, and method for producing the instrument panel.
  21. Takano, Akira, Instrument panel frame.
  22. Takiguchi Shuji,JPX ; Nishitani Keizo,JPX, Instrument panel unit.
  23. Kawahigashi, Toshiro, Instrument panel-air conditioning duct assembly for vehicle.
  24. Daniel Roger Vandersluis ; Gary William Ismet ; Kenneth Kwangho Ahn, Integrated HVAC and steering column support structure.
  25. Lindberg Kenneth M. ; Chapman David L. ; Giba Richard J. ; Tittle Joaquin R. ; Duesterberg Marjorie M. ; Wilkinson James T., Integrated modular instrument panel assembly.
  26. Gregory Thomas Hedderly, Integrated steering column, instrument panel, and cowl body structure.
  27. Gregory Thomas Hedderly, Integrated steering column, instrument panel, and cowl body structure.
  28. Hedderly, Gregory Thomas, Integrated steering column, instrument panel, and cowl body structure.
  29. Arnold, Paul; Boutsikaris, Spero, Lost core structural instrument panel.
  30. Brancheriau, Christian; Duchez, David, Method for producing two fascias using two ventilation structures.
  31. Morrison, Gerald O.; Folkert, Mark A.; Palazzolo, Jack S.; Haynes, Ian D., Method of making a cross car beam assembly using a structural adhesive.
  32. Cooper,Christopher; Zoellner,Olaf J., Method of preparing a molded cross vehicle beam.
  33. Cooper, Christopher, Molded article having a rigid support and a rigid hollow member.
  34. Cooper, Christopher; Zoellner, Olaf J., Molded cross vehicle beam.
  35. Guyomard Jean-Nicolas,FRX ; Sigonneau Jacques,FRX, Overmoulded metal/plastic composite front panel for motor vehicle.
  36. Haba Charles A. ; Truman Paul G., Plastic cross beam assembly for a vehicle having integrally formed duct connectors.
  37. Tomka Ivan,CHX, Plastic molded part and construction structure.
  38. Shimase, Kiyoshi; Morimoto, Kunji, Reinforcement of instrument panel.
  39. Droulez, Eric, Sealing device between a partition and a fitting set in front of an opening formed in the partition.
  40. Brancheriau, Christian, Structural assembly for dashboard.
  41. Derleth Martin,DEX ; Ebner Guenter,DEX ; Neuss Sabine,DEX ; Wolf Walter,DEX, Subassembly for a cockpit of a motor vehicle.
  42. Yoshinaka Katsunori,JPX ; Baba Hidenori,JPX, Supporting structure for instrument panel of motor vehicle.
  43. Palazzolo, Jack S.; Cauvin, David J.; Davis, Jr., Joseph J.; Soncrant, Jeffrey L., Vehicle cross car beam.
  44. Hart Francis R., Vehicle dash cover.
  45. Niwa, Takashi; Yamazaki, Yasunobu; Kondo, Toru, Vehicle instrument panel.
  46. Yamazaki, Yasunobu, Vehicle interior part, and method of manufacturing thereof, and mold thereof.
  47. DiGasbarro, Daniel Joseph, Windshield de-icing duct system.
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