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Food and beverage container carrier 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-071/00
출원번호 US-0865002 (1997-05-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • Gersten Albert
  • Behar Ian
  • Thresher Glen A.
출원인 / 주소
  • Alian Paper Products LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Hopgood, Calimafde, Kalil & Judlowe, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 53  인용 특허 : 6


A carrier for beverage containers and food includes spaced upper and lower panels with aligned openings for receiving the beverage containers. A vertical panel extends from the central portion of the upper panel, and a food carrier tray having a slot through which the fingers of the carrier may be p


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A carrier for carrying one or more beverage containers comprising a beverage rack portion and a handle portion affixed to said beverage rack portion, said beverage rack portion including vertically spaced upper and lower horizontal panels having first and second axially a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6)

  1. Harrelson Glen R. (Gainsville GA), Beverage cup carrier.
  2. Hansen Finn R. (Honefoss NOX), Carrier for carrying several bottles.
  3. Hunter Anthony L. (23151 Moulton Pkwy. ; Suite 126 Laguna Hills CA 92653), Combined food and beverage container carrier and advertiser.
  4. Miess Kenneth (Lilburn GA), Concession cup carrier.
  5. Forte Robert L. (Monroe MI), Cup carrier.
  6. Jorba Jos (Barcelona ESX), Devices for the support and group transport of receptacles and cardboard laminates for forming the devices.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (53)

  1. Paul S. V. Davis, Beverage and food carrier.
  2. Chen, Chih-Chien, Beverage container holder.
  3. D'Agostino, Robert J., Beverage cup carrier.
  4. D'Agostino, Robert J., Beverage cup carrier.
  5. Cuomo, Angelo V., Carrier and method.
  6. Cuomo, Angelo V., Carrier and method.
  7. Cuomo, Angelo V., Carrier and method.
  8. Cuomo, Angelo V., Carrier and method.
  9. Cuomo, Angelo V., Carrier and method.
  10. Cuomo, Angelo V., Carrier and method.
  11. Cuomo,Angelo V., Carrier and method.
  12. Cuomo,Angelo V., Carrier and method.
  13. Cuomo,Angelo V., Carrier and method.
  14. Cuomo,Angelo V., Carrier and method.
  15. Cuomo,Angelo V., Carrier and method.
  16. Cuomo,Angelo V., Carrier and method.
  17. Cook, Matthew R.; Silverstein, Barry L.; Wolf, Kurt M.; Hubbard, Jr., James A., Carrier capable of hanging from a back of a container.
  18. Cook, Matthew R.; Silverstein, Barry L.; Wolf, Kurt M.; Hubbard, Jr., James A., Carrier capable of hanging from a back of a container.
  19. Cook, Matthew R.; Silverstein, Barry L.; Wolf, Kurt M.; Hubbard, Jr., James A., Carrier capable of hanging from a side of a container.
  20. Perkins, Connie; Krauel, Sharon, Carrier for beer bottles.
  21. Smalley, Brian, Carrier for containers.
  22. Smalley, Brian, Carrier for containers.
  23. Perkins, Connie; Krauel, Sharon, Carrier for wine bottles.
  24. Olesen, Adam, Carrier tray, blank therefor and associated methods.
  25. Block, Steven J., Carton with handle.
  26. Michael S. Zorich ; Jeffrey Ross Scarcelli, Collapsible beverage container holding device.
  27. Parker, Eric G., Collapsible personal trolley.
  28. Scanlan, Thomas Joseph; Jothen, Mary Lou, Collapsible reusable carrier.
  29. Hunter Anthony L., Container carrier, base and advertising/promotional transport.
  30. Bell, Phillip M., Cup carrier.
  31. Libit, Sidney M.; Libit, Jeanne E.; Libit, Jeffrey M., Cup carrier.
  32. Sorrentino, Alan; Moskovich, Robert; Haefliger, Andreas, Display package.
  33. Sorrentino, Alan; Haefliger, Andreas, Display package for a plurality of products.
  34. Sorrentino, Alan; Haefliger, Andreas, Display package for a plurality of products.
  35. Say Ulin,Mynor Alberto, Drink and food tray.
  36. Say Ulin,Mynor Alberto, Drink and food tray.
  37. Tsao Chung-Piao,TWX, Foldable food-and-beverage carrying device.
  38. Holden Steven, Food and beverage carrier.
  39. Picciolo, Frank, Food and beverage container carrier.
  40. Picciolo,Frank, Food and beverage container carrier.
  41. Hunter Anthony L., Food and beverage container carrier and advertising/promotional vehicle.
  42. Cuomo,Angelo V., Food carrier and method.
  43. Sutton Rainey,Kim; Manthey,David M., Multi-use carrier.
  44. Sutton-Rainey, Kim; Manthey, David M., Multi-use carrier.
  45. DeYoung, Shawn; Lercel, Mark; Diller, Nathan, Plant pot holder tray.
  46. Kim, Yu Sin, Portable cup holder.
  47. Pollock, Christopher, Portable food and beverage container.
  48. Wilhelm,Timothy G., System for storing, organizing and cataloguing paint.
  49. Kretz, David; Hollar, Mark, Tray with integrated support structures.
  50. Baechle, James R, Truncated pyramid shaped shipping base.
  51. Baechle, James R, Truncated pyramid shaped shipping base.
  52. Pfotenhauer,Gundolf; Curtis,Jason, Wraparound package.
  53. Pfotenhauer, Gundolf; Curtis, Jason, Wraparound packaging.
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