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Colloidal silica as a reinforcing agent of keratin substances 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61K-007/06
출원번호 US-0654616 (1996-05-29)
우선권정보 FR-0006389 (1995-05-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Ramin Roland,FRX
출원인 / 주소
  • L'Oreal, FRX
대리인 / 주소
    Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, L.L.P.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 6


A method of reinforcing keratin substances using colloidal silicic acid. The colloidal silicic acid may be present as a reinforcing agent in a composition to be applied to the keratin substances. This composition may be in the form of a nail varnish or base, a hair product, a mascara, or a base in a


[ I claim:] [1.] A method of reinforcing keratin substances which comprises applying to the keratin substances an effective amount of colloidal silicic acid, wherein said colloidal silicic acid is present in a composition comprising at least one organic solvent and at least one film-forming material

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6)

  1. Wajaroff Theodor (Darmstadt DEX), Cosmetic preparations.
  2. Greiche Joussef (Darmstadt DEX) Hartmann Peter (Darmstadt DEX) Khler Joachim (Reinheim DEX), Method of shaping human hair using dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether.
  3. Shafiee Ali (Westfield NJ) Arison Byron H. (Watchung NJ) Chen Shieh-Shung T. (Morganville NJ) Miller Randall R. (Piscataway NJ) Stearns Ralph A. (Park Ridge NJ), Microbial transformation product having immunosuppressive activity.
  4. Soyama Yoshikazu (Yokohama JPX) Takahashi Makoto (Yokohama JPX) Ogusu Yoshiyuki (Yokohama JPX) Okamoto Toru (Yokohama JPX) Nakano Motokiyo (Yokohama JPX), Nail cosmetic composition.
  5. Wajaroff Theodor (Darmstadt DT) Konrad Eugen (Darmstadt DT), Reducing the alkali concentration in hair treating compositions.
  6. Murphy Carolyn S. (Mason OH) Prausnitz Mark R. (Somerville MA), Silicone hairspray compositions.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17)

  1. Elder, Gretchen Louise; Roe, Donald Carroll; Klofta, Thomas James, Absorbent article and method for maintaining or improving skin health.
  2. Elder, Gretchen Louise; Roe, Donald Carroll; Klofta, Thomas James, Absorbent article and method for maintaining or improving skin health.
  3. Elder, Gretchen Louise; Roe, Donald Carroll; Klofta, Thomas James, Absorbent article and method for maintaining or improving skin health.
  4. Gatto, Joseph Anthony; Hanser, Thomas Robert; Staudigel, James Anthony; Klofta, Thomas James; Cramer, Ronald Dean; Roe, Donald Carroll, Absorbent article having a stable skin care composition.
  5. Gatto, Joseph Anthony; Hanser, Thomas Robert; Staudigel, James Anthony; Klofta, Thomas James; Cramer, Ronald Dean; Roe, Donald Carroll, Absorbent article having a stable skin care composition.
  6. Gatto, Joseph Anthony; Hanser, Thomas Robert; Staudigel, James Anthony; Klofta, Thomas James; Cramer, Ronald Dean; Roe, Donald Carroll, Absorbent article having a stable skin care composition.
  7. Wire, Stephen Lee; Rutherford, Keith Leslie; Riley, Robert George; Birtwistle, David Howard, Hair treatment compositions.
  8. Barthel, Herbert; Binks, Bernard Paul; Dyab, Amro; Fletcher, Paul, Multiple emulsions.
  9. Anatoly Ismailer ; Robert L. Socci, Nail enamel composition containing light reflecting material.
  10. Socci, Robert L., Nail enamel compositions having a decorative color effect.
  11. Socci, Robert L., Nail enamel compositions having a decorative color effect.
  12. Ramin Roland,FRX ; Brenne Ingrid,FRX, Nail varnish with a chased effect.
  13. Gatto,Joseph Anthony; Hanser,Thomas Robert; Staudigel,James Anthony; Klofta,Thomas James; Cramer,Ronald Dean; Roe,Donald Carroll, Process for applying a stable skin care composition to a substrate.
  14. Zhang, Qiqing; Khoshdel, Ezat; Moaddel, Teanoosh; Dobkowski, Brian John; Yuan, Su, Skin conditioning compositions containing 12-hydroxystearic acid.
  15. Ramin, Roland, Thickened film-forming composition.
  16. Ramin Roland,FRX ; Toumi Beatrice,FRX ; Cazeneuve Colette,FRX, Use of colloidal silicic acid in a nail varnish composition.
  17. Sebillotte-Arnaud Laurence,FRX, Water-in-oil emulsion containing fused silica and a polysaccharide alkyl ether.
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