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[미국특허] Process for producing a vacuum in an insulating glazing 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C03C-008/24
  • C03B-023/18
출원번호 US-0834847 (1997-04-10)
우선권정보 FR-0011471 (1993-09-27)
발명자 / 주소
  • Demars Yves,FRX
출원인 / 주소
  • Saint Gobain Vitrage, FRX
대리인 / 주소
    Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt, P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 45  인용 특허 : 10


A process for producing a vacuum in an insulating glazing composed of two glass sheets (2, 3) separated by pins (4). According to the invention, one of the glass sheets includes a hole (12) which is plugged by a softened ball after the vacuum has been achieved. The invention also relates to an insul


[ What is claimed as new and desired to be secured by Letters Patent of the United States is:] [1.] A process for producing a vacuum between two glass sheets of an insulating glazing, one of these glass sheets having a hole drilled in its thickness, comprising:placing a ball at an external end of th

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Corbett Daniel W. (Beaver Dams NY) Guile Donald L. (Horseheads NY), Gelled solder glass suspensions for sealing glass or ceramic parts.
  2. Corbett Daniel W. (Beaver Dams NY) Guile Donald L. (Horseheads NY), Gelled solder glass suspensions for sealing glass or ceramic parts.
  3. Nagahara Shigehiro (Yokohama JA) Ichimura Nobuyoshi (Chigasaki JA) Suzuki Yoshiro (Tokyo JA), Liquid crystal cells.
  4. Kawamura Hiromitsu (Mobara JPX) Nakajima Tokuyoshi (Mobara JPX) Shibuya Yoshimichi (Mobara JPX), Method for fabricating liquid crystal display element.
  5. Deckman, Harry W.; Halpern, Gerald M.; Dunsmuir, John G., Method for filling hollow shells with gas for use as laser fusion targets.
  6. Frazier Albert A. (Nashville TN), Method for making vacuum insulated container.
  7. Salisbury Charles W. (Risingsun OH), Method of sealing and spacing glass substrates of gaseous discharge display panels used at high altitudes.
  8. Kawai ; Masaru ; Minamidani ; Azusa, Method of vacuum-sealing vacuum articles.
  9. Foster Betty Jane (Wappingers Falls NY) Tummala Rao Ramamohana (Wappingers Falls NY), Sealing glass composition and process.
  10. Tracy C. Edwin (Golden CO) Benson David K. (Golden CO), Welding/sealing glass-enclosed space in a vacuum.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (45) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Mott, Lawrence; Bettger, Kenneth; Brown, Elliot, Asymmetrical flexible edge seal for vacuum insulating glass.
  2. Wedding, Carol Ann, Beryllium microspheres.
  3. Bettger, Kenneth J.; Stark, David H., Filament-strung stand-off elements for maintaining pane separation in vacuum insulating glazing units.
  4. Bettger, Kenneth J.; Stark, David H., Flexible edge seal for vacuum insulating glazing units.
  5. Pilloy, Georges, Glazing panel.
  6. Anderson, Howard C.; Schirz, Andy; Nossaman, Kenneth E., IG unit membrane valve and pressure modification.
  7. Stark, David H, Insulated glazing units.
  8. Stark, David H., Insulating glass unit having multi-height internal standoffs and visible decoration.
  9. Chen, Dongmin; Bellis, Matthew William, Laser processing of glass frit for sealing applications.
  10. Francis, IV, William H.; Freebury, Gregg E.; Beidleman, Neal J.; Hulse, Michael, Method and apparatus for an insulating glazing unit and compliant seal for an insulating glazing unit.
  11. Zonneveld Maarten H.,NLX ; Van Voorst Vader Pieter J. Q.,NLX ; Brinkert Jacob,NLX, Method of manufacturing a flat glass panel for a picture display device.
  12. Miller, Seth A.; Stark, David H.; Francis, IV, William H.; Puligandla, Viswanadham; Boulos, Edward N.; Pernicka, John, Multi-pane glass unit having seal with adhesive and hermetic coating layer.
  13. Vijayen S. Veerasamy, Peripheral seal for vacuum IG window unit.
  14. Trpkovski, Paul; Herron, Bernard J., Producing and servicing insulating glass units.
  15. Zurn, Benjamin J.; Herron, Bernie; Spindler, Robert G., Repair of insulating glass units.
  16. Zurn,Benjamin J.; Herron,Bernie; Spindler,Robert G., Repair of insulating glass units.
  17. Lee, Young Weon; Shin, Dong Yeul, Sealing apparatus for vacuum window manufacturing equipment.
  18. Miller, Robert A.; Dear, Ryan L.; Jones, Jeffrey A., Static plasma grid evacuation techniques for vacuum insulating glass (VIG) units.
  19. Miller, Robert A.; Dear, Ryan L.; Jones, Jeffrey A., Static plasma grid evacuation techniques for vacuum insulating glass (VIG) units.
  20. Veerasamy, Vijayen S., Techniques for low temperature direct graphene growth on glass.
  21. Veerasamy, Vijayen S.; Longobardo, Anthony V.; Hogan, John P., VIG evacuation with plasma excitation.
  22. Landa, Ksenia; Landa, Leonid; Aggas, Steven L.; Wang, Yei-Ping H., Vacuum IG unit with alkali silicate edge seal and/or spacers.
  23. Steven L. Aggas, Vacuum IG unit with colored spacers.
  24. Steven L. Aggas, Vacuum IG unit with micro-sized spacers.
  25. Aggas, Steven L., Vacuum IG unit with seal for pump-out aperture.
  26. Steven L. Aggas ; Vijayen S. Veerasamy, Vacuum IG unit with spacer/pillar getter.
  27. Steven L. Aggas, Vacuum IG unit with transparent spacers.
  28. Yei-Ping (Mimi) H. Wang ; Vijayen S. Veerasamy, Vacuum IG window unit with dual peripheral seal.
  29. Steven L Aggas, Vacuum IG window unit with edge mounted pump-out tube.
  30. Wang, Yei-Ping (Mimi) H.; Thomsen, Scott V., Vacuum IG window unit with edge seal at least partially diffused at temper and completed via microwave curing, and corresponding method of making the same.
  31. Wang, Yei-Ping H.; Longobardo, Anthony V., Vacuum IG window unit with edge seal at least partially diffused at temper and completed via microwave curing, and corresponding method of making the same.
  32. Wang, Yei-Ping; Thomsen, Scott V., Vacuum IG window unit with edge seal formed via microwave curing, and corresponding method of making the same.
  33. Yei-Ping H. Wang ; Scott V. Thomsen, Vacuum IG window unit with edge seal formed via microwave curing, and corresponding method of making the same.
  34. Nalepka, Raymond; Thomsen, Scott V.; Landa, Ksenia A.; Landa, Leonid M, Vacuum IG window unit with fiber inclusive edge seal.
  35. Leonid Landa ; Anthony V. Longobardo ; Ksenia A. Landa ; Steven L. Aggas, Vacuum IG window unit with fiber spacers.
  36. Aggas, Steven L., Vacuum IG window unit with peripheral seal at least partially diffused at temper.
  37. Steven L. Aggas, Vacuum IG window unit with peripheral seal at least partially diffused at temper.
  38. Wang, Yei-Ping (Mimi) H., Vacuum IG window unit with polymer spacers.
  39. Yei-Ping H. Wang ; Scott V. Thomsen, Vacuum IG window unit with spacers between first and second edge seals.
  40. Wang Yei-Ping (Mimi) H. ; Thomsen Scott V., Vacuum IG window unit with spacers in seal.
  41. Veerasamy, Vijayen S.; Bracamonte, Martin D., Vacuum insulating glass (VIG) unit with metallic peripheral edge seal and/or methods of making the same.
  42. Veerasamy, Vijayen S.; Tucker, Patricia; Bracamonte, Martin D., Vacuum insulating glass (VIG) unit with metallic peripheral edge seal and/or methods of making the same.
  43. Cooper, David J.; Veerasamy, Vijayen S., Vacuum insulating glass unit with large pump-out port, and/or method of making the same.
  44. Cooper, David J.; Veerasamy, Vijayen S., Vacuum insulating glass unit with large pump-out port, and/or method of making the same.
  45. Stark, David H., Wafer-level hermetic micro-device packages.

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