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[미국특허] Immune reactivity to HER-2/neu protein for diagnosis and treatment of malignancies in which the HER-2/neu oncogene is a 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61K-035/14
  • C12N-005/08
출원번호 US-0468545 (1995-06-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Cheever Martin A.
  • Disis Mary L.
출원인 / 주소
  • University of Washington
대리인 / 주소
    Seed and Berry LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 61  인용 특허 : 8


Methods for the detection, monitoring and treatment of malignancies in which the HER-2/neu oncogene is associated are disclosed. Detection of specific T cell activation (e.g., by measuring the proliferation of T cells) in response to in vitro exposure to the HER-2/neu protein, or detection of immuno


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A method for treating a malignancy in a warm-blooded animal, wherein a HER-2/neu oncogene is associated with the malignancy, comprising the steps of:(a) obtaining peripheral blood cells from said warm-blooded animal;(b) incubating said cells in the presence of HER-2/neu p

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (8) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Rubenstein Kenneth Edward (Palo Alto CA) Leute Richard K. (Sunnyvale CA), Antibody steric hindrance immunoassay with two antibodies.
  2. Uzgiris Egidijus E. (Schenectady NY), Electrophoretic method of detecting antigen-antibody reaction.
  3. Gordon Julian (Arlesheim CHX) Staehelin Theophil (Arlesheim CHX) Towbin Harry (Allschwil CHX), Electrophoretically transferring electropherograms to nitrocellulose sheets for immuno-assays.
  4. Ullman Edwin F. (Atherton CA) Schwarzberg Moshe (Palo Alto CA), Fluorescence quenching with immunological pairs in immunoassays.
  5. Cheever, Martin A.; Peace, David J., Immune reactivity to expressed activated oncogenes for diagnosis of malignancy.
  6. Maggio Edward T. (Redwood City CA) Wife Richard L. (Sittingbourne CA GB2) Ullman Edwin F. (Atherton CA), Reagents and method employing channeling.
  7. Piasio ; Roger N. ; Ryan ; James W. ; Woiszwillo ; James E., Reverse sandwich immunoassay.
  8. Miles Laughton E. M. (Stanford CA), Universal reagent 2-site immunoradiometric assay using labelled anti (IgG).

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (61) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Fendly,Brian M., Anti-ErbB2 antibodies.
  2. Yu, John S.; Black, Keith L.; Liu, Gentao, CD133 epitopes.
  3. Yu, John S.; Black, Keith L.; Liu, Gentao, CD133 epitopes.
  4. Yu, John S., Cancer stem cell antigen vaccines and methods.
  5. Yu, John S., Cancer stem cell antigen vaccines and methods.
  6. Bender, James G.; Yu, John S., Cancer vaccines and vaccination methods.
  7. Yu, John S.; Liu, Gentao; Black, Keith L., Cancer vaccines and vaccination methods.
  8. Yu, John S.; Liu, Gentao; Black, Keith L., Cancer vaccines and vaccination methods.
  9. Yu, John S.; Liu, Gentao; Black, Keith L., Cancer vaccines and vaccination methods.
  10. Yu, John S.; Liu, Gentao; Black, Keith L., Cancer vaccines and vaccination methods.
  11. Yu, John S.; Liu, Gentao; Black, Keith L., Cancer vaccines and vaccination methods.
  12. Kaumaya, Pravin, Chimeric peptides comprising HER-2 B-cell epitopes and T-helper epitopes.
  13. Kaumaya, Pravin, Chimeric peptides comprising HER-2 B-cell epitopes and Tcell helper epitopes.
  14. Clinton, Gail M., Compositions and methods for treating cancer by modulating HER-2 and EGF receptors.
  15. Clinton,Gail M., Compositions and methods for treating cancer by modulating HER-2 and EGF receptors.
  16. Mass, Robert D., Detection of ErbB2 gene amplification to increase the likelihood of the effectiveness of ErbB2 antibody breast cancer therapy.
  17. Baughman, Sharon A.; Shak, Steven, Dosages for treatment with anti-ErbB2 antibodies.
  18. Baughman,Sharon A.; Shak,Steven, Dosages for treatment with anti-ErbB2 antibodies.
  19. Mass, Robert D., Gene detection assay for improving the likelihood of an effective response to a HER2 antibody cancer therapy.
  20. Mass, Robert D., Gene detection assay for improving the likelihood of an effective response to a HER2 antibody cancer therapy.
  21. Mass, Robert D., Gene detection assay for improving the likelihood of an effective response to an EGFR antagonist cancer therapy.
  22. Clinton, Gail M.; Evans, Adam; Henner, William D., HER-2 binding antagonists.
  23. Cheever, Martin A.; Gheysen, Dirk, HER-2/neu fusion proteins.
  24. Cheever,Martin A.; Gheysen,Dirk, HER-2/neu fusion proteins.
  25. Cheever,Martin A.; Gheysen,Dirk, HER-2/neu fusion proteins.
  26. Cheever,Martin A.; Gheysen,Dirk, Her-2/neu fusion proteins.
  27. Adams, Camellia W.; Presta, Leonard G.; Sliwkowski, Mark, Humanized anti-ERBB2 antibodies and treatment with anti-ERBB2 antibodies.
  28. Adams, Camellia W.; Presta, Leonard G.; Sliwkowski, Mark, Humanized anti-ErbB2 antibodies and treatment with anti-ErbB2 antibodies.
  29. Sliwkowski, Mark, Humanized anti-ErbB2 antibodies and treatment with anti-ErbB2 antibodies.
  30. Pravin, Kaumaya, Immunogenic epitopes, peptidomimetics, and anti-peptide antibodies, and methods of their use.
  31. Deslys,Jean Philippe; Comoy,Emmanuel; Grassi,Jacques, Method for diagnosing a transmissible spongiform subacute encephalopathy caused by an unconventional transmissible agent strain in a biological sample.
  32. Deslys,Jean Philippe; Comoy,Emmanuel; Grassi,Jacques, Method for diagnosing a transmissible spongiform subacute encephalyopathy caused by an unconventional transmissible agent strain in a biological sample.
  33. Clinton, Gail M., Method of treating cancer by inhibition of p95HER-2 production.
  34. Cohen, Robert L.; Gardiner, Mary Beth; Sliwkowski, Mark X.; Stelzer, Gregory T., Methods for tissue analysis.
  35. Cohen,Robert L.; Gardiner,Mary Beth; Sliwkowski,Mark X.; Stelzer,Gregory T, Methods for tissue analysis.
  36. Clinton, Gail M., N-terminally truncated HER-2/neu protein as a cancer prognostic indicator.
  37. Kaumaya, Pravin, Polypeptides and polynucleotides for enhancing immune reactivity to HER-2 protein.
  38. Kaumaya, Pravin T. P., Polypeptides and polynucleotides for enhancing immune reactivity to HER-2 protein.
  39. Kaumaya,Pravin T. P.; Stevens,Vernon C.; Triozzi,Pierre L., Polypeptides and polynucleotides for enhancing immune reactivity to HER-2 protein.
  40. Andya, James; Cleland, Jeffrey L.; Hsu, Chung C.; Lam, Xanthe M.; Overcashier, David E.; Shire, Steven J.; Yang, Janet Yu-Feng; Wu, Sylvia Sau-Yan, Protein formulation.
  41. Andya, James; Cleland, Jeffrey L.; Hsu, Chung C.; Lam, Xanthe M.; Overcashier, David E.; Shire, Steven J.; Yang, Janet Yu-Feng; Wu, Sylvia Sau-Yan, Protein formulation.
  42. Andya, James; Cleland, Jeffrey L.; Hsu, Chung C.; Lam, Xanthe M.; Overcashier, David E.; Shire, Steven J.; Yang, Janet Yu-Feng; Wu, Sylvia Sau-Yan, Protein formulation.
  43. Andya,James; Cleland,Jeffrey L.; Hsu,Chung C.; Lam,Xanthe M.; Overcashier,David E.; Shire,Steven J.; Yang,Janet Yu Feng; Wu,Sylvia Sau Yan, Protein formulation.
  44. Cleland, Jeffrey L.; Hsu, Chung C.; Lam, Xanthe M.; Overcashier, David E.; Yang, Janet Yu-Feng, Protein formulation.
  45. Cohen, Robert L.; Gardiner, Mary Beth; Sliwkowski, Mark X.; Stelzer, Gregory T., Tissue analysis and kits therefor.
  46. Cohen, Robert L.; Gardiner, Mary Beth; Sliwkowski, Mark X.; Stelzer, Gregory T., Tissue analysis and kits therefor.
  47. Cohen,Robert L.; Gardiner,Mary Beth; Sliwkowski,Mark X.; Stelzer,Gregory T., Tissue analysis and kits therefor.
  48. Cohen,Robert L.; Gardiner,Mary Beth; Sliwkowski,Mark X.; Stelzer,Gregory T., Tissue analysis and kits therefor.
  49. Andya, James; Hsu, Chung C.; Shire, Steven J.; Wu, Sylvia Sau-Yan, Treating a mammal with a formulation comprising an antibody which binds IgE.
  50. Sliwkowski,Mark X., Treating prostate cancer with anti-ErbB2 antibodies.
  51. Baughman, Sharon A.; Shak, Steven, Treatment with anti-ErbB2 antibodies.
  52. Hellmann, Susan D., Treatment with anti-ErbB2 antibodies.
  53. Hellmann, Susan D., Treatment with anti-ErbB2 antibodies.
  54. Hellmann, Susan D., Treatment with anti-ErbB2 antibodies.
  55. Hellmann, Susan D., Treatment with anti-ErbB2 antibodies.
  56. Hellmann, Susan D., Treatment with anti-ErbB2 antibodies.
  57. Paton, Virginia E.; Shak, Steven; Hellmann, Susan D., Treatment with anti-ErbB2 antibodies.
  58. Sliwkowski, Mark, Treatment with anti-ErbB2 antibodies and EGFR-targeted drugs.
  59. Adams,Camellia W.; Presta,Leonard G.; Sliwkowski,Mark, Treatment with anti-ErbB2 antibodies and anti-hormonal compounds.
  60. Adams,Camellia W.; Presta,Leonard G.; Sliwkowski,Mark, Treatment with anti-ErbB2 antibodies and chemotherapeutic agents.
  61. Adams,Camellia W.; Presta,Leonard G.; Sliwkowski,Mark, Treatment with anti-ErbB2 antibody combinations.

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