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[미국특허] Multiple elastic cable exercise device 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A63B-021/02
출원번호 US-0755732 (1996-11-25)
발명자 / 주소
  • Gvoich Ned
출원인 / 주소
  • Kordun, Ltd.
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 48  인용 특허 : 21


An exercise device of the type employing an elastic cable to provide a restoring force comprises a handle attached to a plurality of elastic cables. The plurality of elastic cables are selectively attachable to a retainer assembly to provide a wide range of variation in restoring force exerted again


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] An exercise apparatus comprising:a handle;a resistance cartridge;a retainer assembly adapted to be held by a user's foot;said resistance cartridge comprising:a plurality of elastic cables of unequal spring rates, each of said plurality of elastic cables having a fixed end

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (21) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Wilkinson William T. (Severnside Farm ; 300 Kyle Rd. Crownsville MD 21032-0572), Aerobic resistance exercise garment.
  2. Cole Richard W. (Nixa MO) Bishop Clinton L. (Springfield MO), Biasing means, components therefor and methods of making same.
  3. Feather ; Jack V., Body attached restraining type exercising device.
  4. Berger Isaac (1501 Broadway New York NY 10036), Compact portable exercising apparatus.
  5. Hinds Robert S. (Dane County WI), Elastic cable exerciser.
  6. Lee Wayne (814 N. Delaware ; No. 301 San Mateo CA 94401) Richardson John (Rte. 2 ; Box 680-79 Sonora CA 95370), Elastic pull type isotonic/isometric exerciser.
  7. Wieder Horst K. (1207 Riverview Lane Watertown WI 53094) Wieder Klaus A. (Rte. No. 1 Helenville WI 53137), Elastic pull-type exerciser.
  8. Miller Jack V. (700 N. Auburn Ave. Sierra Madre CA 91024), Elastic resistance exerciser.
  9. Fuller Conrad (P.O. Box 452 Smithfield ; New South Wales AUX 2164), Exercise apparatus utilizing a booster bar and shock cords.
  10. Hall Ellen P. (200 Park Central South ; Suite 2 Pompano Beach FL 33064), Exercise device.
  11. Mosher Bruce A. (P.O. Box 1087 San Luis Obispo CA 93406), Exercise device.
  12. Miller Warren G. (6701 Moravia Park Dr. Baltimore MD 21237), Facial muscle exercise apparatus.
  13. Hinds Robert S. (1803 Regent St. Madison WI 53705), Method for using elastic cable exercizer bar.
  14. Chang Shao-Ying (No. 764 ; Chung Shan South Road Yang Mei ; Taoyuan TWX), Multi-function pull bar.
  15. Plunkett ; III Hugh V. (300 Stonebridge Blvd. St. Paul MN 55105), Multi-use exercise device.
  16. Parr Robert G. (3901 Rushton Crescent Mississauga ; Ontario CAX L5L 4H5), Performance alignment reaction tool of exercise using the performance alignment reaction tool.
  17. Kropp Daniel P. (6823 E. Paradise Dr. Scottsdale AZ 85254), Portable elastic resistance exercise device.
  18. Buoni Nick (5074 Whitehall Memphis TN 38117) Jordan Willis (Birmingham AL), Portable whole body exercise device.
  19. Dudley Randall W. (12653 Adobe Rd. Bakersfield CA 93307), Resilient exercise device wherein user\s legs provide a counter force to exercise of user\s arms.
  20. Du Verney Carlyle J. (138-11 244th St. Rosedale NY 11422), Upper body exercising apparatus.
  21. Jang Sreter (No. 451 ; Ta Tien Road Homei Chen ; Changhua TWX), Versatile exercising machine.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (48) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Wu, Ying-Ching, Adjustable pull exerciser.
  2. Wu,Ying Ching, Adjustable pull exerciser.
  3. Hsieh, Sheng-Hsu, Apparatus for exercise, body building and rehabiliation.
  4. Pell, Matthew Allen-Tesch, Archery training bow.
  5. Kaye, Eric A.; Cesaroni, William C.; Ghassemian, Morad; Mathews, Brian W.; DiMonte, Eugene L.; Zielke, Donovan D.; Lenz, Steven M., Attachment assembly for an exercise device and an exercise device incorporating the same.
  6. Hurlbut, Gary, Elastic exercise device.
  7. Bertolutti, Roman, Exercise apparatus.
  8. Bertolutti, Roman, Exercise apparatus.
  9. Hinds, Robert S.; Polinsky, Glenn; Rollins, Ray; Stephenson, John; Hall, Brandon Grayson; Wagner, Leslie A., Exercise bars and handles with interchangeable attachment of elastic and inelastic members.
  10. Kushner, Stephen, Exercise device.
  11. Ross, Kim Marie, Exercise device assembly.
  12. Hinds, Robert S.; Rollins, Ray; Polinsky, Glenn; Stephenson, John, Exercise device providing variable lift assistance during pull-up and push-up exercises.
  13. Wu,Ying Ching, Exercise device with stretchable elastic member.
  14. Huppée, Roman; Huppée, Robert F., Exercise machine having elastic exercise resistance cables.
  15. Jaquish, John Paul; Jaquish, Paul Edward, Exercise platform with bar configured for use with resistance bands.
  16. Carter, Matthew Roderick, Exercise training jump rope.
  17. Chen, Ming Chin, Exerciser combination for various kinds of exercises.
  18. Chiu Ciber,TWX, Handle assembly for connecting resilient ropes.
  19. Kaye, Eric A.; Cesaroni, William C.; Ghassemian, Morad; Mathews, Brian W.; DiMonte, Eugene L.; Zielke, Donovan D.; Lenz, Steven M., Insert for use with a resistance band assembly and a method of using the same.
  20. Chen, Weng Kin; Sotis, William J., Interchangeable resistance tube assembly.
  21. Olson, Michael L.; Dalebout, William T., Magnetic resistance mechanism in a cable machine.
  22. Wyatt, Maurice; Wyatt, Darlene, Multi-functional exercise apparatus.
  23. Davenport, Damian Devore, Multi-purpose exercise bench with versatile resistance accessory.
  24. Terry, Douglas C., Personal exercise system.
  25. Thomas, Karl, Portable exercise device and method of using the same.
  26. Thomas, Karl, Portable exercise device and method of using the same.
  27. Thomas, Karl, Portable exercise device and method of using the same.
  28. Wu,Ying Ching, Pull exerciser.
  29. Johnson Kuo TW, Pulling exerciser.
  30. Chen, Weng Kin, Quick slide handle assembly for cable exercise equipment.
  31. Chen, Weng Kin, Quick slide handle assembly for cable exercise equipment.
  32. Terry, Douglas C.; Hinds, Robert S.; Bonneville, Lloyd W., Reinforced cord well lifting bar assembly.
  33. Terry,Douglas C.; Hinds,Robert S.; Bonneville,Lloyd W., Reinforced cord well lifting bar assembly.
  34. Kaye, Eric A.; Cesaroni, William C.; Ghassemian, Morad; Mathews, Brian W.; DiMonte, Eugene L.; Zielke, Donovan D.; Lenz, Steven M., Resistance band assembly and a method of varying a resistive force applied thereby.
  35. Eshet, Alon, Resistance torque bar system.
  36. Ayoub, Victor R., Safety device for exercise resistance bands.
  37. Mueller, Boris, Seat cover exercise device.
  38. Shon Les Harker, Slotted exercise apparatus.
  39. Kaye, Eric A.; Cesaroni, William C.; Ghassemian, Morad; Mathews, Brian W.; DiMonte, Eugene L.; Zielke, Donovan D.; Lenz, Steven M., Strength training and stretching machine.
  40. Kaye, Eric A.; Cesaroni, William C.; Ghassemian, Morad; Mathews, Brian W.; DiMonte, Eugene L.; Zielke, Donovan D.; Lenz, Steven M., Strength training and stretching machine with adjustable arms.
  41. Kaye, Eric, Strength training and stretching system.
  42. Kaye, Eric A.; Cesaroni, William C.; Ghassemian, Morad; Mathews, Brian W.; DiMonte, Eugene L.; Zielke, Donovan D.; Lenz, Steven M., Strength training and stretching system and resistance band assembly for use therewith.
  43. Samuels, Stephen, Universal connector device.
  44. Samuels, Stephen, Universal handle device.
  45. Kaye, Eric A.; Cesaroni, William C.; Ghassemian, Morad; Mathews, Brian W.; DiMonte, Eugene L.; Zielke, Donovan D.; Lenz, Steven M., Variable resistance band.
  46. Kaye, Eric A.; Cesaroni, William C.; Ghassemian, Morad; Mathews, Brian W.; DiMonte, Eugene L.; Zielke, Donovan D.; Lenz, Steven M., Variable resistance band assembly and method of using the same.
  47. Hinds, Robert S.; Polinsky, Glenn; Rollins, Ray; Stephenson, John; Hall, Brandon Grayson; Birkholz, Doug J.; Wagner, Leslie A., Versatile exercise bars and handles.
  48. Watterson, Scott R., Weight platform treadmill.

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