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[미국특허] Pin-within-a-sleeve three-way solenoid valve with side load reduction 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F15B-013/044
출원번호 US-0010545 (1998-01-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lucas Michael A.
  • Hammoud Chafic M.
출원인 / 주소
  • Cummins Engine Company, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Sixbey, Friedman, Leedom & FergusonLeedom, Jr.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 5  인용 특허 : 10


A solenoid operated pin-within-a-sleeve three-way valve for high pressure fuel systems is provided which is capable of effectively minimizing the side loads imparted to the movable pin and sleeve elements while effectively controlling the timing and quantity of fuel injection. The three-way valve as


[ We claim:] [1.] A three-way valve assembly, comprising:a valve housing containing a valve chamber and first, second and third valve passages communicating with said valve chamber;a movable valve member mounted for reciprocal movement within said valve chamber between a first position in which said

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Wakeman Russell J. (Newport News VA), Armature bounce damper.
  2. Burt David L. (Grosse Pointe MI) Krawczyk Gregory J. (Royal Oak MI), Electric control valve.
  3. Leblanc Jean (Lyons FRX) Pigeroulet Jean (Villeurbanne FRX) Rossignol Francois (Mornant FRX), Electrically controlled unit fuel injector for fuel injection in diesel engines.
  4. Pataki Arpad M. (Columbus IN) Doszpoly Bela (Columbus IN) Swank Bryan W. (Columbus IN) Cavanagh Mark S. (Columbus IN) Lane John D. (Columbus IN) Shields Kent V. (Columbus IN), Force balanced three-way solenoid valve.
  5. Leblanc Jean (Lyons FRX) Pigeroulet Jean (Villeurbanne FRX) Rossignol Francois (Mornant FRX), Pump/nozzle unit for fuel injection in internal combustion engines.
  6. Sule Akos (4 Gates Ave. Roseland NJ 07068), Solenoid valve.
  7. Hara Nobuo (Fujisawa JPX), Tappet in an internal combustion engine and method of manufacturing the same.
  8. Kabai Koichi (Anjo JPX) Tamai Katsuyuki (Kariya JPX), Three-way electromagnetic valve.
  9. Perr J. Victor (Greenwood IN), Unit injector and drive train with improved push rod-plunger connection.
  10. Perr Julius P. (Columbus IN), Valve control system with a variable timing hydraulic link.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Rizk Reda,DEX ; Augustin Ulrich,DEX ; Giavi Raimondo,DEX, Control valve for use in a reservoir injection system for a diesel engine.
  2. Armando, Lorenzo; Borsarelli, Gianclaudio; Sesia, Carlo; Viada, Bruno, Proportional valve assembly, particularly for supplying compressed air on a glassware molding machine.
  3. Rodriguez-Amaya, Nestor; Brenk, Achim; Klenk, Wolfgang; Gordon, Uwe; Mack, Manfred; Greif, Hubert, Seat/slide valve with pressure-equalizing pin.
  4. Stucchi, Sergio; De Michele, Onofrio; Ricco, Raffaele; Gargano, Marcello; Altamura, Chiara; Mazzarella, Carlo, Solenoid valve.
  5. Stucchi, Sergio; Ricco, Raffaele; De Michele, Onofrio; Gargano, Marcello; Lepore, Domenico; Altamura, Chiara, Three-way three-position control valve having a piezoelectric or magnetostrictive actuator, and fuel-injection system comprising the aforesaid valve.

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