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[미국특허] Immersion heating element with highly thermally conductive polymeric coating 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H05B-003/78
  • H05B-003/28
출원번호 US-0767156 (1996-12-16)
발명자 / 주소
  • Eckman Charles M.
  • Roden James S.
  • Hochberg Arie
출원인 / 주소
  • Rheem Manufacturing Co
대리인 / 주소
    Duane Morris & Heckscher LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 42  인용 특허 : 16


Electrical resistance heating elements are provided which are useful in heating fluid mediums, such as air and water. The heating elements include an element body having a supporting surface and a resistance wire wound onto the supporting surface which is connected to a pair of terminal end portions


[ We claim:] [10.] A water heater comprising:(a) a tank for containing water;(b) a heating element attached to a wall of said tank for providing electric resistance heating to a portion of the water in said tank, said heating element comprising:a support frame;a resistance wire wound onto said suppo

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (16) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ferrara Janice J. (11605 Timberly Waye Richmond VA 23233) Bauer Peter (13921 Esworthy Rd. Germantown MD 20874), Disposable thermostatically controlled electric surgical-medical irrigation and lavage liquid warming bowl and method of.
  2. Cunningham Donald M. (Pittsburgh PA), Electric heating elements.
  3. Welsby Dennis H. (Donning GB2) Dewson Alan G. (Workingham GB2), Electric immersion heater for heating corrosive liquids.
  4. Cunningham Donald M. (Pittsburgh PA) Bartels Mark A. (Columbus MS) Markum T. Randall (Vernon AL), Electric immersion heating element assembly for use with a plastic water heater tank.
  5. Semanaz Daniel (Vernaison FRX) Cassat Robert (Ternay FRX), Heating element.
  6. Dumas Jean Claude (Auriol FRX), Heating elements and thermostats for use in the breeding of fish for aquaria.
  7. Wachenheim Howard W. (Ball Ground GA), High-efficiency infrared electric liquid-heater.
  8. Cameron Gary J. (Dayton TN), Hot water tank construction, electrically operated heating element construction therefor and methods of making the same.
  9. Cameron Gary J. (Dayton TN), Hot water tank construction, electrically operated heating element construction therefor and methods of making the same.
  10. Gamble Bobby G. (Watertown TN), Immersion heater and method of manufacture.
  11. Lefebvre Fredrick L. (700 Solano Prada Coral Gables FL 33156), Immersion heater device.
  12. Eckman Charles M. (Dallas PA), Immersion heating element with electric resistance heating material and polymeric layer disposed thereon.
  13. Flanders Robert D. (18040 Lower Boones Ferry Road Tigard OR 97223), Instantaneous electric fluid heater.
  14. Richards Tom (Mentor OH) Lokar Raymond S. (Cleveland OH), Long life corrosion proof electroplating immersion heater.
  15. Rezabek Dennis J. (Kirtland OH) Walty Robert J. (Encinitas CA), Panel heater assembly for use in a corrosive environment and method of manufacturing the heater.
  16. Blumenkranz James J. (Hollywood CA), Spiral bifilar welding sleeve.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (42) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kondo,Tetsujiro; Miyai,Takeshi; Kikuchi,Daisuke; Chikaoka,Shizuo; Nakanishi,Takashi; Nakamura,Yoshiaki; Haga,Tsugihiko, Apparatus and method for generating coefficients, apparatus and method for generating class configuration, informational signal processing apparatus, and programs for performing these methods.
  2. Theodore T. Von Arx ; Louis P. Steinhauser ; A. Konrad Juethner, Electrical components molded within a polymer composite.
  3. Theodore Von Arx, Electrofusing of thermoplastic heating elements and elements made thereby.
  4. James M. Rutherford, Fibrous supported polymer encapsulated electrical component.
  5. VonArx, Theodore; Tweedy, Clifford D.; Laken, Keith; Adank, David, Flexible spirally shaped heating element.
  6. Eckardt, Carsten; Mann, Stephan; Rastetter, Marc; Read, Cameron; Seibel, Knut, Fluid line.
  7. Kaser, Jack; Kaser, Deborah, Heat exchanger having powder coated elements.
  8. Kaser, Jack; Kaser, Deborah, Heat exchanger having powder coated elements.
  9. Kaser, Jack; Kaser, Deborah, Heat exchanger having powder coated elements.
  10. Miller, Jeremy Livingston; Alami, Nordyn; Partington, Andrew John, Heating arrangements for humidification systems.
  11. Bruce B. Fitts ; Elana E. Haveles ; David E. Manso ; Vincent R. Landi, Heating elements comprising polybutadiene and polyisoprene based thermosetting compositions.
  12. Kim Song Il,KRX, Inflammable cleaning fluid heating apparatus.
  13. Grant, Mike A.; Tweedy, Clifford D.; Schlesselman, John W., Internal heating element for pipes and tubes.
  14. Kwong, Kelvin; Finneman, Darrell Ray; Ricketts, Stephen Ray; Geser, Samuel John, Media preheater.
  15. Von Arx, Theodore; Laken, Keith; Schlesselman, John W., Method of formable thermoplastic laminate heated element assembly.
  16. Charles M. Eckman ; James S. Roden, Method of making an improved polymeric immersion heating element with skeletal support and optional heat transfer fins.
  17. Landi, Vincent R.; Mersereau, J. Mark; Robbins, Walter A.; St. Lawrence, Michael E., Method of manufacture of polybutadiene and polyisoprene based thermosetting compositions.
  18. Von Arx, Theodore; Laken, Keith; Schlesselman, John W.; Papenfuss, Ronald E., Method of manufacturing a molded heating element assembly.
  19. Publ, Rudy; Kisela, David; Myers, Gary, Method of operation for a recycler assembly.
  20. Cohn Robert J., Module for producing hot humid air for a proofing or holding chamber.
  21. Theodore Von Arx ; Keith Laken ; John W. Schlesselman ; Ronald E. Papenfuss, Molded assembly with heating element captured therein.
  22. Publ, Rudy; Kisela, David; Myers, Gary, Odor mitigation in a recycler assembly.
  23. Von Arx, Theodore; Laken, Keith; Schlesselman, John W.; Tweedy, Clifford D., Packaging having self-contained heater.
  24. Publ, Rudy; Kisela, David; Rothwell, Tim; Merz, Greg; Myers, Gary, Parts washer with recycler assembly.
  25. Hauschulz, Dana S., Pipe heater controller.
  26. Sagal,E. Mikhail; McCullough,Kevin A.; Miller,James D., Polymer electronic device package having high thermal conductivity and dielectric strength.
  27. Gill, Brijesh; Cox, Charles; Ezekoye, Ofodike A.; Ekici, Ozgur, Portable fluid warming system.
  28. Gill, Brijesh; Cox, Charles; Ezekoye, Ofodike A.; Ekici, Ozgur, Portable fluid warming system.
  29. Sagal, E. Mikhail, Radial fin thermal transfer element and method of manufacturing same.
  30. Publ, Rudy; Kisela, David; Rothwell, Tim; Merz, Greg; Myers, Gary, Recycler assembly.
  31. Publ, Rudy; Kisela, David; Rothwell, Tim; Merz, Greg; Myers, Gary, Recycler module for a recycler assembly.
  32. Publ, Rudy; Kisela, David; Rothwell, Tim; Merz, Greg, Reservoir module for a recycler assembly.
  33. Elverud, Kim Edward, Resistive heater.
  34. Hughes Dennis R. ; Knoeppel Ray O., Scale-inhibiting heating element and method of making same.
  35. Verstraeten, Steve; Lanckmans, Filip; Schildermans, Inge; Van Wassenhove, Veerle; Tack, Lieven, Selective catalytic reduction tank with heating element.
  36. Tweedy, Clifford D.; VonArx, Theodore, Small diameter low watt density immersion heating element.
  37. Publ, Rudy; Kisela, David; Rothwell, Tim; Merz, Greg, Solvent recycler.
  38. Landes, Ewgenij; Schott, Steffen, Tank insert module, liquid tank.
  39. Ranganathan, Sathish Kumar; Mhetar, Vijay; Siripurapu, Srinivas; Malinoski, Jon Michael, Thermally conductive compositions and cables thereof.
  40. Miller, James D, Thermally conductive polymer compositions having low thermal expansion characteristics.
  41. Miller, James D., Thermally conductive polymer compositions having low thermal expansion characteristics.
  42. Miller, James D., Thermally conductive polymer compositions having moderate tensile and flexural properties.

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