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[미국특허] Low drag inlet design using injected duct flow 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64D-033/02
출원번호 US-0954553 (1997-10-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Tindell Runyon H.
  • Parente Charles A.
출원인 / 주소
  • Northrop Grumman Corporation
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 35  인용 특허 : 9


An air intake system disposable in an air vehicle turbo engine housing disposed in an exterior airflow for selectively reducing external engine boundary layer separation drag and external engine friction drag on the engine housing comprising an air inlet member for receiving engine intake air dispos


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] An air intake system disposable in an air vehicle turbo engine housing disposed in an exterior airflow for selectively reducing external engine boundary layer separation drag and external engine friction drag on the engine housing comprising:an air inlet member for receiv

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (9)

  1. Rolston Stephen C.,GBX ; Ashford Edward M.,GB5, Aerodynamic low drag structure.
  2. Bissinger, Norbert, Air inlet, especially a two-dimensional air inlet set at an angle on one side for gas turbine jet propulsion plants for driving airplanes.
  3. Nelson Philip A. (Southampton GB2) Fisher Michael J. (Southampton GB2) Rioual Jean-Luc (Southampton GB2), Control of boundary layer flow.
  4. Sorensen Norman E. (Saratoga CA) Latham Eldon A. (Sunnyvale CA), Jet engine air intake system.
  5. Hwang Danny P., Skin friction reduction by micro-blowing technique.
  6. Tindell Runyon H. (Old Bethpage NY), Slotted cowl inlet lip for introducing high pressure air.
  7. Wong Wilford F. (Lakewood CA) Hall Gordon R. (Manhattan Beach CA) Tsukahira Tatsuo W. (Los Angeles CA) Sutton Robert D. (Cypress CA), Strong shock boundary layer interaction control system.
  8. Rose Philip M. (Chula Vista CA) Mikolajczak Alojzy A. (Coronado CA), Turbofan duct with noise suppression and boundary layer control.
  9. Karanian Arthur J. (Wethersfield CT), Variable-geometry inlet.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (35)

  1. Hunt, Graeme Clive; Hussain, Zahid Muhammed; Handley, Brian Alex, Acoustic apparatus.
  2. Topol, David A.; Morin, Bruce L.; Prasad, Dilip; Ouellette, Thomas J., Acoustic treatment to mitigate fan noise.
  3. Dezeustre, Nicolas; Caruel, Pierre; Gonidec, Patrick; Boileau, Patrick, Air intake structure for turbojet engine nacelle.
  4. Kirby, Stuart James, Bleed assembly.
  5. Porte, Alain; Lalane, Jacques, Coating for acoustic treatment that integrates the function of hot-air treatment of frost.
  6. Porte Alain,FRX, Device for removing hot air for a jet engine air inlet cowl with a de-icing circuit.
  7. Saddoughi, Seyed; Boespflug, Matthew; Donnelly, Scott, Dual bimorph synthetic pulsator.
  8. Smith, Brian R.; Saddoughi, Seyed, Dual bimorph synthetic pulsator.
  9. Olsen,Ronald F.; Breer,Marlin D., Flow restrictors for aircraft inlet acoustic treatments, and associated systems and methods.
  10. Morford, Stephen A.; Larkin, Michael J., Gas turbine engine having slim-line nacelle.
  11. Morford, Stephen A.; Larkin, Michael J., Gas turbine engine having slim-line nacelle.
  12. Morford, Stephen A.; Larkin, Michael J., Gas turbine engine having slim-line nacelle.
  13. Winter, Michael; Jain, Ashok K., Gas turbine engine system providing simulated boundary layer thickness increase.
  14. Proscia,William; Jones,Christopher D.; Patrick,William P., High admittance acoustic liner.
  15. Cloft, Thomas G.; Wiley, Richard H., Integral suction device with acoustic panel.
  16. Cloft, Thomas G.; Wiley, Richard H., Integral suction device with acoustic panel.
  17. Mani, Ramani; Graziosi, Paolo, Method and system for reduction of jet engine noise.
  18. Porte, Alain; Casse, Nicolas; Albet, Grégory, Method for producing an acoustic treatment panel.
  19. Brown, Keith T., Modular plenum and duct system for controlling boundary layer airflow.
  20. Jain, Ashok K.; Winter, Michael, Nacelle assembly having inlet airfoil for a gas turbine engine.
  21. Haas, Martin, Nacelle assembly having inlet bleed.
  22. Haas, Martin, Nacelle assembly with turbulators.
  23. Cloft, Thomas G.; Jain, Ashok K., Nacelle compartment plenum for bleed air flow delivery system.
  24. Jain, Ashok K., Nacelle flow assembly.
  25. Jain, Ashok K., Nacelle flow assembly.
  26. Jain, Ashok K., Nacelle flow assembly.
  27. Atassi, Oliver V., Nacelle with porous surfaces.
  28. Ivers, Douglas E., Noise controlled turbine engine with aircraft engine adaptive noise control tubes.
  29. Zysman, Steven H.; Lord, Wesley K.; Miller, Robert M.; Atassi, Oliver V., Passive boundary layer bleed system for nacelle inlet airflow control.
  30. Zysman, Steven H.; Lord, Wesley K.; Miller, Robert M.; Atassi, Oliver V., Passive boundary layer bleed system for nacelle inlet airflow control.
  31. Zysman, Steven H.; Lord, Wesley K.; Miller, Robert M.; Atassi, Oliver V., Passive boundary layer bleed system for nacelle inlet airflow control.
  32. Porte Alain,FRX, Protective device for a jet engine air inlet cowl equipped with a deicing system.
  33. Bouteiller, Xavier; Blin, Laurent Albert, Turbojet engine nacelle.
  34. Surply, Thierry; Bourdeau, Christophe, Turbojet nacelle and method for controlling separation in a turbojet nacelle.
  35. Jain, Ashok K.; Chaudhry, Zaffir A., Variable shape inlet section for a nacelle assembly of a gas turbine engine.
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