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[미국특허] No-back brake 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B60T-007/12
출원번호 US-0144401 (1998-08-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bae Kwan-Ho
  • Cacciola Michael J.
출원인 / 주소
  • The Boeing Company
대리인 / 주소
    Christensen O'Connor Johnson & Kindness PLLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 21  인용 특허 : 12


Cooperating brake discs, rotors, and stators all are located at the same side of a pair of cam plate flanges. The cam plate flanges are coupled to an inner sleeve and input gear, respectively, with balls and ball ramp sockets for forcing apart the cam plate flanges when an output side is driven rela


[ The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:] [1.] A bidirectional no-back brake comprising:a stationary housing;an inner, torque-transmitting sleeve extending through the housing;a cam assembly including an output cam mounted for

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (12) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Miller Kent (Rockford IL), Bidirectional brake.
  2. Allan Arthur R. (Mercer Island WA) King David W. (Seattle WA), Bidirectional rotary brake.
  3. Twickler Robert G. (Rockford IL), Combination no-back brake and torque limiter assembly.
  4. Lang David J. (Rockford IL) Gillingham Gary D. (Cherry Valley IL), Compact actuator including resettable force limiting and anti-backdrive devices.
  5. Russ David E. (Rockford IL), Drive apparatus with primary and secondary no-back features.
  6. Fischer Manfred (Markdorf DEX) Magg Alfred (Friedrichshafen DEX), Drive device with variable torque-limiting system.
  7. Tiedeman Robert K. (Wayne NJ), Dual function torque limiter/no-back device.
  8. Ortman Michael J. (Maplewood NJ), Flight control surface actuator for aircraft including remote braking failure detection.
  9. Jones Teddy L. (Rockford IL), Resettable force limiting device.
  10. Lang David J. (Rockford IL) Stoutenborough Eric (Rockford IL) Gillingham Gary (Cherry Valley IL), Resettable pilot operated torque limiter.
  11. Cacciola Michael John (Puyallup WA) Mjolsnes Leonard Olaf (Mercer Island WA), Torque limiter.
  12. Maltby Peter J. (Wolverhampton GB2) Parker Ray (Wolverhampton GB2), Torque limiter with device indicating operation thereof.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (21) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Shaheen, Milad A.; Dreher, Robert V., Actuator for aircraft stabilizers with a failure responsive lock control mechanism.
  2. Barger, Victor, Aircraft component rotary device.
  3. Masahiro Inoue JP; Isao Usuki JP; Koji Shima JP, Clutch device.
  4. Lang,David J., Combined no-back and torque limiter.
  5. Lang, David J.; Regan, James M., Cone brake load limiter method and apparatus.
  6. Lang, David J.; Regan, James M.; Miller, Mark D., Cone brake no-back.
  7. Lang, David J.; Miller, Mark D.; Regan, James M., Cone brake no-back assembly with gain reduction spring and method.
  8. Ismo Kuivamaki FI, Disc brake to be opened by torque.
  9. Gardner, Mark J., Duplex skewed-roller brake disc.
  10. Maresko, William A.; Cavalier, Donald R.; Klap, Aaron M., Enhanced lubrication skewed roller clutch assembly and actuator including same.
  11. Cavalier, Don R.; Klap, Aaron M., Flap actuator.
  12. Cavalier, Don R.; Klap, Aaron M., Flap actuator.
  13. Valembois, Guy, Friction device for controlling force, and a friction damper comprising such a device.
  14. Daniel,Jeffrey K., High efficiency brake for agricultural drive systems.
  15. Finney, Adam M., Integrated torque limiter/no-back device.
  16. Manzanares, David J, Method and apparatus for determining the apparent operational integrity of a no-back device.
  17. Christensen, Donald J.; Hanlon, Casey; Hopper, Douglas T.; Johnson, Andrew; Kortum, Robert D., Thrust reverser system actuator having an integral torque limiter.
  18. Kortum, Robert D.; Johnson, Andrew T., Thrust reverser system power drive unit with dual sequential torque decoupler and method.
  19. Christensen, Donald J., Thrust reverser system with a pass-through torque activated brake.
  20. Christensen, Donald J., Thrust reverser system with a pass-through torque activated brake.
  21. Christensen, Donald J., Thrust reverser system with sequential torque decoupler.

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