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[미국특허] Polymer electrolyte fuel cell and a polymer electrolyte fuel cell system which supply anode-side channels with a gas-liq 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01M-008/04
출원번호 US-0621123 (1996-03-22)
우선권정보 JP-0119418 (1995-05-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hamada Akira,JPX
  • Matsubayashi Takaaki,JPX
  • Nakaoka Toru,JPX
  • Miyake Yasuo,JPX
  • Nakajima Toshikazu,JPX
출원인 / 주소
  • Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd., JPX
대리인 / 주소
    Merchant, Gould, Smith, Edell, Welter & Schmidt, P.A.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 22  인용 특허 : 9


A polymer electrolyte fuel cell system with a polymer electrolyte fuel cell is made up of a cell main body, a mixture generator for generating a gas-liquid mixture by mixing fuel gas which has been supplied from a fuel gas supply with water, and a means for supplying the gas-liquid mixture to the an


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A solid-polymer fuel cell system, comprising:a cell main body comprising:a plurality of unit cells, each of the plurality of unit cells comprising an anode layer, a cathode layer and a solid-polymer film disposed between the anode layer and the cathode layer; anda plurali

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (9) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Chow Clarence Y. (Vancouver CAX) Wozniczka Boguslav M. (Coquitlam CAX), Electrochemical fuel cell stack with humidification section located upstream from the electrochemically active section.
  2. Strasser Karl (Erlangen DEX), Fuel cell and method for moistening the electrolyte of the fuel cell.
  3. Cohen Ronald (West Hartford CT), Fuel cell evaporative cooling using fuel as a carrier gas.
  4. McElroy James F. (Suffield CT), High power density evaporatively cooled ion exchange membrane fuel cell.
  5. Molter Trent M. (Enfield CT) LaConti Anthony B. (Lynnfield MA), Hydrogen/halogen fuel cell with improved water management system.
  6. Beal Daniel W. (East Hartford CT) Breault Richard D. (Coventry CT), Internally cooled proton exchange membrane fuel cell device.
  7. Kanbara Teruhisa (Ikeda JPX) Takeyama Kenichi (Osaka JPX) Tsubaki Yuichiro (Kyoto JPX), Ionic conductive polymer electrolyte.
  8. Koseki Kazuo (Kawasaki JPX), Method for feeding water of inclusion and gases for solid polymer electrolyte fuel cell system.
  9. Wilkinson David P. (Vancouver CAX) Voss Henry H. (West Vancouver CAX) Watkins David S. (Coquitlam CAX) Prater Keith B. (Vancouver CAX), Solid polymer fuel cell systems incorporating water removal at the anode.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (22) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Wilkinson, David P.; Gibb, Peter R., Electrochemical fuel cell with an electrode having an in-plane nonuniform structure.
  2. Horiguchi, Munehisa; Kato, Kenji, Fuel cell apparatus.
  3. Nishio, Koji; Terada, Fusao, Fuel cell generator.
  4. Takahiro Isono JP; Yasuo Miyake JP; Akira Hamada JP; Minoru Kaneko JP; Kunihiro Nakato JP, Fuel cell having water permeability adjustment capability.
  5. Horiguchi Munehisa,JPX ; Ueno Masataka,JPX ; Takada Noriyuki,JPX, Fuel cell system.
  6. Horiguchi,Munehisa; Takada,Noriyuki, Fuel cell system.
  7. Katano, Koji, Fuel cell system.
  8. Ueno Masataka,JPX ; Kato Kenji,JPX ; Horiguchi Munehisa,JPX ; Takada Noriyuki,JPX, Fuel cell system.
  9. Ueno, Masataka; Kato, Kenji; Horiguchi, Munehisa; Takada, Noriyuki, Fuel cell system.
  10. Yasuo, Takashi; Miyake, Yasuo, Fuel cell system.
  11. Yoshida, Noahiro, Fuel cell system with pressure regulator and method for driving same.
  12. Cao,Shuguang; Xu,Helen; Jeanes,Thomas; Nam,Kie Hyun; Chen,Jian Ping, Ion conductive block copolymers.
  13. Cao,Shuguang; Chen,Jian Ping; Jeanes,Thomas; Nam,Kie Hyun; Olmeijer,David; Xu,Helen, Ion conductive random copolymers.
  14. Wilkinson, David P.; Chiem, Bien Hung; Roberts, Joy A.; St-Pierre, Jean; Stumper, Jurgen; Zimmermann, Joerg, Method and apparatus for controlling the temperature within an electrochemical fuel cell.
  15. Charlat, Pierre, Method and device for recovering water from a fuel cell.
  16. Frederiksen, Henning; Yde-Andersen, Steen; Grahl-Madsen, Laila; Lundsgaard, Joergen Schjerning, Modified fuel cells with internal humidification and/or temperature control systems.
  17. Bogumil, Todd D.; Goebel, Steven G.; Robb, Gary M.; Class, Clipson M., PEM fuel cell stack hydrogen distribution insert.
  18. Helmolt, Rittmar Von, Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell system and method for wetting and/or cooling a fuel cell stack.
  19. Ihonen, Jari; Jaouen, Frederic, Polymer fuel cell structure.
  20. Cao,Shuguang; Xu,Helen; Jeanes,Thomas; Nam,Kie Hyun; Chen,Jian Ping; Olmeijer,David, Sulfonated copolymer.
  21. Goebel, Steven G., Tapered anode header insert for startup hydrogen distribution.
  22. Herd, Gregory; Schroepel, Michael, Water supply system for a fuel cell.

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