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Aluminum alloy extruded square pipe excellent in axially compressive properties for automobile front side member 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16L-009/00
출원번호 US-0816726 (1997-03-13)
우선권정보 JP-0066195 (1996-03-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hosokawa Toshiyuki,JPX
  • Tobaru Shigeo,JPX
출원인 / 주소
  • Honda Giken Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha, JPX
대리인 / 주소
    Lorusso & Loud
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 9  인용 특허 : 4


The present invention relates to a member for an automobile front side member, in which the member has a simple sectional shape, is lightweight, is provided with a flat portion for mounting other parts on the member, and is excellent in axially compressive properties in the lengthwise direction agai


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] An Al alloy extruded square pipe having excellent axial compressive properties and suitable for use as an automobile front side member, said square pipe comprising:four Al alloy side walls integrally joined at four corners to form an exterior surface for said square pipe;

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4)

  1. Browne Paul A. (Orillia CAX) Morton Robert W. (Orillia CAX), Drainage deck assembly for rotary vacuum drum filter.
  2. Barnett Louis H. (3631 Incanto Drive Fort Worth TX 76102), High strength multiple passageway plastic conduit.
  3. LaValley Richard W. (15512 NE. 28th Ave. Vancouver WA 98665), Shower pipes for rotary drum filter.
  4. LaValley Richard W. (Vancouver WA), Shower pipes for rotary drum filter.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (9)

  1. Oka Takashi,JPX ; Yamashita Hiroyuki,JPX ; Hirano Masakazu,JPX, Energy absorbing member.
  2. Sjöberg, Sven, Hollow profile used in the manufacture of a pipe.
  3. Favaretto, Fabrizio, Metal automobile frame of extruded members.
  4. Ng Hong Liang,MYX, Metal pipe.
  5. Ng Hong Liang,MYX, Metal pipe.
  6. Moraes,Ricardo Ferreira, Turbine component with enhanced stagnation prevention and corner heat distribution.
  7. Nees, Rainer B.; Guiles, Melvin J., Variable thickness tubular doorbeam.
  8. Nees, Rainer B.; Guiles, Melvin J., Variable thickness tubular doorbeam.
  9. Wallin, Peter; Bernhardsson, Göran, Ventilation duct.
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