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[미국특허] Fuel tank filler neck check valve 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16K-015/00
출원번호 US-0815155 (1997-03-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Osterbrink Mark D.
출원인 / 주소
  • Borg-Warner Automotive, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Harness, Dickey & PierceDziegielewski
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 15


The present invention provides a check valve including a seal door which is normally spring biased towards a closed position but which is responsive to a flow of fuel for displacing to an open position to allow fuel to pass in a first direction and for thereafter preventing passage of liquid fuel or


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A check valve for redundant sealing of a fuel tank from outflow of fuel from the tank while allowing inflow of fuel to the tank, said tank including a fuel filler pipe having a fuel input end and a tank connection end, said check valve comprising:an annular housing having

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (15) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Struthers Barry W. (Humble TX) Collee Pierre E. (Kingwood TX), Bit-stabilized combination coring and drilling system.
  2. Thompson Robert H. (Dearborn Heights MI) Szlaga Emil (Connersville IN) Harris Robert S. (Connersville IN), Filler neck sealing assembly.
  3. Helms Lonnie C. (Duncan OK), Flapper valve with protective hinge pin sleeve.
  4. Donald ; III Robert A. (3003 Colonial Hill Rd. Louisville KY 40205), Flow responsive safety valve.
  5. Allison Allen (5437 Whitehall W. Bloomfield MI 48323), Fuel delivery and vapor control system for controlling the release of fuel vapors from a vehicle fuel tank.
  6. Beicht Bernd (Gross Umstadt OT Rischen DEX) Heinemann Joachim (Weinheim DEX) Keller Frank (Heddesheim DEX) Tinz Reinhard (Gross Biberau DEX), Fuel dispenser seal.
  7. Buechler Jeffrey L. (Garden City MI) Langley Eric A. (York Town IN), Fuel filler module.
  8. Jamrog, James R., Fuel filler pipe fill control module.
  9. Munguia Preston T. (4111 Peppertree La. Silver Spring MD 20906), Fuel tank filler tube closure assembly.
  10. Benjay Robert P. (7535 Walsh Rd. Dexter MI 48130) Dornan Ed (375 Carriage Way Ypsilanti MI 48197) Hartford Jay E. (117 E. Huron River Dr. Belleville MI 48111), Redundant seal for vehicle filler neck.
  11. Baumann Hans D. (29 Villa Drive Foxboro MA 02035), Rotary valve.
  12. Jaconette John J. (Shelton CT), Swing check valve.
  13. Scaramucci John P. (10724 Woodridden Oklahoma City OK 73170), Swing check valve with secured cage.
  14. Scaramucci John P. (10724 Woodridden Oklahoma City OK 73170), Swing check valve with secured cage.
  15. Lake ; Jr. Leo C. (Anaheim CA), Unleaded fuel filling system for tanks without inlet pipe.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Gabbey, David John; Cunkle, Daniel Paul, Capless automotive fueling system.
  2. Gabbey,David John; Cunkle,Daniel Paul, Capless automotive fueling system.
  3. Smith, Gregory F.; Smith, David G., Filler tube assembly.
  4. Smith, Gregory F.; Smith, David G., Filler tube assembly.
  5. B?uerle,Matthias, Filling-fixture for an intake tube of a fuel tank.
  6. Haboush ; II William P, Fuel fill assembly with vent passage.
  7. Vincent Joseph Marsala ; Akram R. Zahdeh, Fuel fill pipe assembly with vortexing vanes.
  8. Gebhardt, Markus; Kalb, Helmut; Strauss, G?nter; Kirchdorfer, Stefan; Theuer, Thomas, Level limit valve.
  9. Keefer, Neal L.; Watson, Kenneth A.; Waymire, Evan, Method of closing a fuel tank with a pivotal door and seal.
  10. Marti{hacek over (s)},Josip; K��rbis,Jan, Motor vehicle tank with air venting.
  11. Sandy, Dale A., Retaining split ring with clamp.
  12. Kobayashi, Yoshitaka; Kaneko, Kenichiro, Valve device for fuel tank.
  13. Arnalsteen, Michel; Cuvelier, Vincent; Baudoux, Patrice, Valve for the venting circuit of a liquid tank.

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