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[미국특허] Mechanic's tool and parts tray 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47B-023/00
  • B60R-011/00
출원번호 US-0283259 (1999-04-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kubat Dan Z.
대리인 / 주소
    Averill, Jr.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 25  인용 특허 : 5


A mechanic's tray assembly for holding tools and small parts, and removably adherable to both horizontal and non-horizontal surfaces. The tray assembly includes a shallow-walled tray and a pair of C-shaped support tracks fixedly secured to the tray. A pair of removably-adhering assemblies, independe


[ I claim:] [1.] A mechanic's tray assembly for holding tools and small parts, while servicing machinery, said mechanic's tray assembly comprising:a tray having a floor with a top and a bottom surface, and a walled perimeter surrounding the top surface of the floor;a first and a second support track

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5)

  1. DiSimone Robert P. (1263 Shadow Oak Dr. Malvern PA 19355) Clark ; Jr. Leonard R. (Oreland PA), Mechanic\s tool trays and support assembly.
  2. Kubat Danny (518 Alondra Dr. Huntington Beach CA 92626), Mechanic\s tray.
  3. Johnson Jeffrey E. (4725 W. 98th St. Bloomington MN 55437), Mechanic\s work tray with magnetic swingable support bracket.
  4. Ruffolo ; Jr. Ralph J. (Kenosha WI), Snowboard rack.
  5. Vest Gary W. (2395 Remsen Rd. Medina OH 44256) Saunders Gary D. (6721 W. River Rd. Vermillion OH 44089), Tool and parts tray.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (25)

  1. Huang, Tony, Attachable work tray assembly.
  2. Yamamoto, Paul Kiyoshi, Automotive tool tray and support assembly.
  3. Ottens, Corey J., Block magnet.
  4. DuBois, Dennis, Box lifting device.
  5. DuBois, Dennis, Box lifting devices.
  6. McClaran Robert E., Bracket mounting device.
  7. Wong, Alan, Device for holding small dental parts.
  8. Biondo, Barry, Electronic device holder preferably for use in a motor vehicle.
  9. Ottens,Corey J., Handle magnet.
  10. Yedikian, Viken, Lug connector receptacle.
  11. Yedikian, Viken, Lug connector receptacle.
  12. Dembowiak Casey M. ; Malczewski Edmund A. ; Kempka Vicki L., Magnetic mounting hook.
  13. Casey M. Dembowiak ; Edmund A. Malczewski ; Vicki L. Kempka, Magnetic mounting object holder and hook.
  14. Nelson, Kelly, Magnetic shelf.
  15. Murphy, Wesley Kyle, Modular cooler shelf and method of use.
  16. Matthews,Jason E., Multiple tool holder.
  17. Kretchmar,Robert J., Oil water coalescing separator.
  18. Adrian Calin, Parts and power tool holder for lift arm.
  19. Pichel, Matthew; Cummings, Stephen; Camello, Anthony, Product display shelf.
  20. Urban, Blake R.; White, Issac D. M.; Dickens, James E.; Forsberg, Kevin; Sawyer, Charles, Safety device having a telescopic standard.
  21. Wappler,Michael J., Tool and part holding tray.
  22. Emmert, Raymond L., Tool tray.
  23. Johnson, William L., Tool tray.
  24. Kniepmann, Ken; Will, Brian, Vehicle mountable carrier system.
  25. Will, Brian; Kniepmann, Ken, Vehicle mountable carrier system.
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