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[미국특허] Illuminatable decorative object and method for making same 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47G-033/04
출원번호 US-0057751 (1998-04-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lisiten Darren
  • McCabe Geoffrey
출원인 / 주소
  • Seventh Sense, Inc.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 21


An illuminatable decorative object made of a base of an optical material covered on at least one side with a layer of a malleable material displaying an image thereon. The invention also relates to a method of making an illuminatable decorative object by arranging a malleable material into an image


[ What is claimed:] [1.] An illuminatable decorative object comprisinga base made of material which is at least optically translucent such that light may pass therethrough; andan image layer affixed to said base, said image layer comprising a translucent, malleable material having a thickness which

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (21)

  1. Gosin Naum (55 W. 92 St. ; Apt. 5 “G”New York NY 10025), Ceramic mixture.
  2. Orenstein Philip (34-42 12 St. Long Island NY 11106), Connection system for joining illuminated modules.
  3. Lai Chi-Shih (8F-6 ; No. 100 ; Sec. 2 ; Hoping E. Rd. Taipei TWX), Decorative lamp shade and Christmas lamp assembly.
  4. Ogawa Hiroaki (Toyonaka JPX), Decorative tube with neon tube.
  5. Moulton Herbert F. (4525 W. Marlette Glendale AZ 85301), Electrod housing and cap assembly.
  6. Harrison ; George C., Fired clay pillows and structures made therewith.
  7. Pinnavaia Thomas J. ; Lan Tie, Flexible resin-clay composite, method of preparation and use.
  8. Huebsch ; III Monte F. (3770 Flora Vista Ave. #2008 Santa Clara CA 95051), High porosity ceramic materials and method for making same.
  9. Fallon Timothy R. (Columbia SC) Tanner ; Jr. Walter K. (Chesnee SC), Housing assembly for illuminated glass tubing.
  10. Allen Sheril L. (102 Richbourg Rd. Greenville SC 29615), Illuminated decorative ornament.
  11. Mitcham Martin K. (11 Bunker Hill Richardson TX 75080), Method and apparatus for issuing insurance from kiosk.
  12. Fried Kenneth (25 Thornwood La. East Hills NY 11577) Herskovic Herman (24-39 E. 71st St. Brooklyn NY 11234), Method and apparatus for manufacturing jewelry, and an article of jewelry made thereby.
  13. Fasano David M. (Maple Glen PA), Method for improving fluorescent coatings.
  14. Jaksich Milenko (Camarillo CA), Miniaturized self-contained tubular lighting fixture.
  15. Foster Ronald A. (1330 Deer Ridge Duncanville TX 75137) Reyes Ruben A. (3527 Rio Grande Cir. Dallas TX 75233) Murray Donald W. (517 Meadow St. Saginaw TX 76179), Neon tube high-rise lighting system, support, assembly and extrusion therefor.
  16. Hunt Bettie W. (5217 Carmel Park Dr. Charlotte NC 28211), Ornamental display container.
  17. Pelzig Josef (16011 Hart St. Van Nuys CA 91406), Plastic composition for toys, novelty items and arts and crafts.
  18. Hongo Yasuo (Tamano JPX) Tuzuki Yoshinori (Tamano JPX) Miyawaki Masao (Tamano JPX), Refractory composition.
  19. Stob Henry R. (Grand Rapids MI), Sleeve for a light element.
  20. Sklar Albert (3513 Villa Ter. San Diego CA 92104) Sklar Barbara (3513 Villa Ter. San Diego CA 92104), System for insulated support of neon lights.
  21. Huisingh James H. (Holland MI) Elzinga Edward L. (Holland MI), Task light panel.
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