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Process for the hydrogenation of hydro-carbonaceous materials (Carb-Mat) for the production of vaporizable products 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C10G-001/06
출원번호 US-0411988 (1995-03-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Simpson Theodore B.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 12  인용 특허 : 18


A process for the reductive hydrogenation of insufficiently hydrogenated, non-volatile carbonaceous materials to produce vaporizable products wherein the feed materials are brought into initial solution under pressure 300-500.degree. C. with or without the addition of recycle solvent with or without


[ We claim:] [1.] In the process for conversion of particulate carbonaceous material into vaporizable products by first deashing the particulate carbonaceous material by making a vigorously stirred slurry of said material in water, adding 0.5 to 35 weight percent of a hydrophobic free flowing organi

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (18)

  1. Huibers Derk T. A. (Pennington NJ) Johanson Edwin S. (Princeton NJ), Coal hydrogenation and deashing in ebullated bed catalytic reactor.
  2. Huibers Derk T. A. (Pennington NJ) Kydd Paul H. (Lawrenceville NJ), Coal hydrogenation process with direct coal feed and improved residuum conversion.
  3. Sinor Jerry E. (Longmont CO) Gray James A. (Newbury Park CA) Oberg Carl L. (Canoga Park CA), Coal liquefaction apparatus.
  4. Rosenthal, Joel W.; Dahlberg, Arthur J., Coal liquefaction process.
  5. Aldridge ; Clyde L. ; Bearden ; Jr. ; Roby, Hydroconversion of coal in a hydrogen donor solvent with an oil-soluble catalyst.
  6. Friedman Joseph (Encino CA) Oberg Carl L. (Canoga Park CA) Russell Larry H. (Agoura CA), Hydrogenation of carbonaceous materials.
  7. Maa Peter S. (Baton Rouge LA) Gorbaty Martin L. (Westfield NJ), Hydropyrolysis-gasification of carbonaceous material.
  8. Davis Hubert Greenidge (Charleston WV) Albright Charles William (S. Charleston WV) Potter ; Jr. John Johnson (St. Albans WV) Strick Carl Edwin (Charleston WV), Integrated coal hydrocarbonization and gasification of char.
  9. Pabst Joanne K. (Crosby TX) Winter ; Jr. William E. (Baton Rouge LA) Vaughn Stephen N. (Baton Rouge LA) Culross Claude C. (Baton Rouge LA) Reynolds Steve D. (Baton Rouge LA), Liquefaction of coal with aqueous carbon monoxide pretreatment.
  10. Maa Peter S. (Baytown TX) Veluswamy Lavanga R. (Houston TX) Vernon Lonnie W. (Baytown TX), Liquefaction process.
  11. Albright, Charles W.; Davis, H. G., Method of avoiding agglomeration in fluidized bed processes.
  12. Welter Charles R. (South Charleston WV) Liss Barry (New York NY) Davis Hubert G. (Charleston WV) Albright Charles W. (South Charleston WV), Method of preventing defluidization of carbonaceous particles.
  13. Schnitzlein Markus (Radolfzell DEX), Objective diaphragm.
  14. Coleman Richard D. (Orleans CAX) Toll Floyd N. (Russell CAX) McCracken Thomas W. (Orleans CAX) Capes C. Edward (Ottawa CAX) Ikura Michio (Kanata CAX), Oil/coal coprocessing in which agglomerated coal forms part of feedstock.
  15. Liss Barry (New York NY) Welter Charles R. (South Charleston WV), Prevention of defluidization in the treatment of caking carbonaceous solids.
  16. Ruether John A. (McMurray PA), Process and apparatus for coal hydrogenation.
  17. Ruether John A. (McMurray PA) Simpson Theodore B. (McLean VA), Process and apparatus for coal hydrogenation.
  18. Ashworth ; Robert A., Production of liquid and gaseous fuel products from coal or the like.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (12)

  1. Abughazaleh, John; Ariyapadi, Siva, Heat integration and condensate treatment in a shift feed gas saturator.
  2. Ariyapadi, Siva; Abughazaleh, John; Agrawal, Ravindra K., Low oxygen carrier fluid with heating value for feed to transport gasification.
  3. Ganguli, Partha S.; Comolli, Alfred G., Method and apparatus for hydroprocessing low-volatile hydrocarbon materials into volatile liquids.
  4. Ramamurthy, Pritham, Methods for feedstock pretreatment and transport to gasification.
  5. Shires, Philip; Salazar, Nicola; Ariyapadi, Siva, Methods for producing synthesis gas.
  6. Zhou, Zhenhua; Wu, Zhihua; Zhou, Bing, Methods of manufacturing fuel cell electrodes incorporating highly dispersed nanoparticle catalysts.
  7. Kuperman, Alexander E.; Han, Jinyi, System and method for pretreatment of solid carbonaceous material.
  8. Abughazaleh, John, Systems and methods for gasifying a feedstock.
  9. Ariyapadi, Siva; Shires, Philip, Systems and methods for producing substitute natural gas.
  10. Ariyapadi, Siva; Shires, Philip, Systems and methods for producing substitute natural gas.
  11. Ariyapadi, Siva; Shires, Philip, Systems and methods for producing substitute natural gas.
  12. Ariyapadi, Siva; Shires, Phillip, Systems and methods for producing substitute natural gas.
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