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[미국특허] Vehicle infinite door check 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E05F-005/00
  • E05C-017/04
출원번호 US-0040206 (1998-03-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Breed David S.
  • Sanders William Thomas
출원인 / 주소
  • Automotive Technologies International Inc.
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 33  인용 특허 : 14


An infinite door check mechanism for enabling a door to be moved from a closed position in a door frame to any one of a plurality of different open positions including a clevis adapted to be mounted to the frame, an elongate strip member mounted to the clevis and directed outward from the frame, a d


[ We claim:] [1.] An infinite door check mechanism for enabling a door to be moved from a closed position in a door frame to any one of a plurality of different open positions, comprisinga door check housing adapted to be mounted on the door,a support member arranged in said housing,a movable lockin

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (14) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Carswell David (Toronto CAX), Door check having a link coated with moldable materials.
  2. Priest William L. (Sterling Height MI) Bree Gary D. (Clarkston MI) Compeau David E. (Oxford MI), Door hinge with infinitely adjustable detent.
  3. Salazar Sumorfin (Toledo OH), Door hinge with integral check.
  4. Wize Gary A. (Washington MI), Door hold-open mechanism.
  5. Lee Michael C. (Troy MI) Raubinger Daniel F. (Sterling Heights MI) Swanney Peter L. (Bloomfield Hills MI), Friction type hold open mechanism.
  6. Kramer Steven T. (Davisburg MI) Hall Stephen P. (Dearborn MI), Hinge and check assembly.
  7. Fox Robert M. (Warren MI) Wize Gary A. (Washington MI), Infinite position door hold open.
  8. Griffin Henry W. (Birmingham MI) Hollar ; Jr. Arthur W. (Grosse Pointe MI), Infinite position door hold-open.
  9. Lee Sang-Il (Seoul KRX), Multi-stage door opening device.
  10. Peebles Russell H. (Grosse Pointe Park MI), Quick-disconnect door hinge.
  11. Vranish John M. (Crofton MD), Three-dimensional roller locking sprags.
  12. Guionie ; Paul ; Roudier ; Rene, Toggle-type door stop device in particular for an automobile vehicle.
  13. Gignac Robert J. (Belleville MI) Dunbar Paul J. (Brighton MI), Vehicle door check mechanism.
  14. Anspaugh Dennis J. (Osseo MI) Sterbank John D. (Kersey PA), Vehicle door hinge with compound roller structure.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (33) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Elie, Larry; Potter, Timothy J.; Novak, Robert F.; Jaranson, John Wayne; Wallace, Jeff A.; Azzouz, Michael M.; Heath, Gerald J., Active door operation based on voice commands.
  2. Breed, David S.; Davis, Stuart D.; Maltsev, Sergiy, Apparatus for controlling a door.
  3. Murayama,Yuji; Yoshioka,Junichi, Automobile door checker.
  4. Elie, Larry Dean; Potter, Timothy J.; Novak, Robert F.; Jaranson, John Wayne; Wallace, Jeff A.; Azzouz, Michael M., Automotive door power assist.
  5. Elie, Larry; Potter, Timothy J.; Novak, Robert F.; Jaranson, John Wayne; Wallace, Jeff A.; Azzouz, Michael M.; Heath, Gerald J., Automotive door power assist.
  6. Kohlstrand, Kelly M., Automotive door with hydraulically locking repositionable immobilizer.
  7. Magner, David S.; Bergman, John Todd, Control system for power-assisted door.
  8. Kim, Seung Tae, Device for checking the door of a vehicle.
  9. Shaw, David W.; Liang, Chuan, Door check device with insert molded roller.
  10. Grigory Yezersky ; Gerald Cilibraise, Door check mechanism providing an infinite number of stable positions.
  11. Grigory Yezersky ; Gerald Cilibraise, Door check mechanism providing an infinite number of stable positions.
  12. Yezersky, Grigory; Cilibraise, Gerald, Door check mechanism providing an infinite number of stable positions.
  13. Murayama,Yuji; Yoshioka,Junichi, Door checker for automobile.
  14. Prieur, Andre, Door stop with indeterminate retaining positions.
  15. Mooy, Robert H.; Patzer, Bradley F., Door support system.
  16. Sonnek, Tom F.; Hemann, Brandon L.; Donaldson, Robert W., Intuitive control system for power assisted vehicle doors.
  17. Sonnek, Tom F.; Hemann, Brandon L.; Donaldson, Robert W., Intuitive control system for power assisted vehicle doors.
  18. Sonnek, Tom F.; Hemann, Brandon L.; Donaldson, Robert W., Intuitive control system for power assisted vehicle doors.
  19. Elie, Larry Dean; Azzouz, Michael M.; Jaranson, John Wayne; Potter, Timothy J.; Heath, Gerald J.; Skoures, Evangelos P., Mobile device control for powered door.
  20. Elie, Larry Dean; Novak, Robert F., Moving object detection for power door system.
  21. Elie, Larry; Potter, Timothy J., Object detection and method for vehicle door assist system.
  22. Elie, Larry Dean; Jaranson, John Wayne; Potter, Timothy J.; Novak, Robert F.; Wallace, Jeff A.; Azzouz, Michael M.; Heath, Gerald J.; Skoures, Evangelos P., Power Management for vehicle door system.
  23. Elie, Larry Dean; Potter, Timothy J.; Novak, Robert F.; Jaranson, John Wayne; Wallace, Jeff A., Power assist device for a vehicle door.
  24. Hoffmann, Peter; Heinrichs, Gundolf; Duning, Ralf, Pressure-ball sliding doorstop.
  25. Elie, Larry Dean; Potter, Timothy J.; Novak, Robert F.; Jaranson, John Wayne; Wallace, Jeff A.; Azzouz, Michael M., Programmable door power assist.
  26. Elie, Larry Dean; Potter, Timothy J.; Novak, Robert F.; Jaranson, John Wayne; Wallace, Jeff A.; Azzouz, Michael M., Programmable door power assist.
  27. Abels, Theodor; Will, Harald, Restraint system.
  28. Elie, Larry; Potter, Timothy J.; Novak, Robert F.; Jaranson, John Wayne; Wallace, Jeff A.; Azzouz, Michael M.; Heath, Gerald J.; Skoures, Evangelos P., Seal based object detection for vehicle door assist system.
  29. Lustig, James H.; Conrad, David W., Service vehicle.
  30. Elie, Larry; Potter, Timothy J.; Novak, Robert F.; Jaranson, John Wayne; Wallace, Jeff A.; Azzouz, Michael M.; Heath, Gerald J.; Skoures, Evangelos P., System and method for gesture-based control of a vehicle door.
  31. Stamm,Stephen J.; Faulkner,William E.; Argys,Gregory P., System and method for testing media device doors.
  32. Elie, Larry Dean; Novak, Robert F.; Jaranson, John Wayne; Potter, Timothy J.; Azzouz, Michael M.; Heath, Gerald J.; Skoures, Evangelos P.; Wallace, Jeff A., Temperature control for powered vehicle doors.
  33. Sauerwein, Sven; Broadhead, Douglas; Hetzler, Markus; Kenworthy, Gareth; English, Mitchell; Banjongpanith, Pasit, Vehicle door control system.

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