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Dispensing cover for fiberboard drum 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-051/22
  • B65D-083/06
출원번호 US-0242912 (1999-02-25)
국제출원번호 PCT/US97/15085 (1997-08-27)
§371/§102 date 19990225 (19990225)
국제공개번호 WO-9809881 (1998-03-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Young Christopher J.
  • Markert Brooks R.
출원인 / 주소
  • C&N Packaging, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Hoffman & Baron, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 26  인용 특허 : 10


A dispensing cover (10) for use with a first fiberboard drum (14) includes a main portion (50), a skirt portion (52) and a skirt portion extension (54). The drum has a continuous upstanding drum wall (44) with a wall edge (46) having a rolled-in lip (16). The wall edge (16) forms a perimeter of a co


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A dispensing cover for use with a first fiberboard drum, the first fiberboard drum having a continuous upstanding drum wall with a wall edge having a rolled-in lip, the wall edge forming a perimeter of a cover-receiving opening, said dispensing cover comprising:a main por

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10)

  1. Horton Edward A. (Middletown OH), Carton.
  2. Daenen Robert H. C. M. (Hekelgem RI BEX) Wolff Martin J. (North Providence RI), Container closure with capped opening or the like.
  3. Foster John A. (Rockford IL), Container closure with foil seal.
  4. Leininger Janice L. (Providence RI), Container cover with pour spout or the like.
  5. Schmidt Paul R. (Marshall MI) Beall Nelson J. (St. Michael MN), Dispensing device.
  6. Richardson Larry A. (Middletown NY) Smith John G. (Warwick NY) Gordon Robert L. (Monroe NY), Hinged plug type lid.
  7. Wardell ; Jr. Myron H. (Lititz PA), Lid for a chain dispenser.
  8. Rayner Adrian P. (Malmesbury GB2), Lid for a container.
  9. Adams Brian M. (Newark CA) Luch Daniel (Los Gatos CA), One-piece fitment and tethered plug with tamper-evident means.
  10. Cleevely Bruce T. (Pittsburgh PA) George Harry M. (Pittsburgh PA), Tamper-evident, reclosable, plastic lid.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (26)

  1. Martin, Douglas S.; Wennerstrom, Joel, Combined container and closure.
  2. Dols, Merijn; Van Puijenbroek, Alexander Josephus Maricus; Stevens, John Boyet, Container assembly having stacking provisions.
  3. Carlson, Arthur Richard, Container base lid.
  4. Geisselbrecht,Hartmut K.; Frey,Robert E., Container cover.
  5. Geisselbrecht,Hartmut K.; Frey,Robert E., Container cover.
  6. Frey, Robert E.; Geisselbrecht, Hartmut K., Container cover for container with edge protrusion.
  7. Bennett,Warren Scott, Container top.
  8. Yessin, Julie L.; de Groote, Jan-Hendrik, Cover for liquid dispenser.
  9. Yu, Alex Anping; Grayson, James; Childers, Robert W., Dialysis system including wireless patient data.
  10. Yessin, Julie L., Hinged spout cap.
  11. Miller, Joshua James; Wiebenson, Derek; Wilkerson, Douglas L.; Tiwari, Neil; Robinson, Timothy G.; Minkus, Marc Steven; Muller, Matthew R.; Wellings, Anders J.; Hansbro, Kathryn Louise; Cizman, Borut; Kunzeman, Brian S.; Cooper, Robin D.; Kudelka, Timothy L.; Sarto, Angelo A.; Lindo, Steve Joseph; Baustad, Jostein; Mounts, Duston; Hill, Shafali, Home medical device systems and methods for therapy prescription and tracking, servicing and inventory.
  12. Miller, Joshua James; Wiebenson, Derek; Wilkerson, Douglas L.; Tiwari, Neil; Robinson, Timothy G.; Minkus, Marc Steven; Muller, Matthew R.; Wellings, Anders J.; Hansbro, Kathryn Louise; Cizman, Borut; Kunzeman, Brian S.; Cooper, Robin D.; Kudelka, Timothy L.; Sarto, Angelo A.; Lindo, Steve Joseph; Baustad, Jostein; Mounts, Duston; Hill, Shafali, Home therapy entry, modification, and reporting system.
  13. Miller, Joshua James; Wiebenson, Derek; Wilkerson, Douglas L.; Tiwari, Neil; Robinson, Timothy G.; Minkus, Marc Steven; Muller, Matthew R.; Wellings, Anders J.; Hansbro, Kathryn Louise; Cizman, Borut; Kunzeman, Brian S.; Cooper, Robin D.; Kudelka, Timothy L.; Sarto, Angelo A.; Lindo, Steve Joseph; Baustad, Jostein; Mounts, Duston; Hill, Shafali, Home therapy machine.
  14. Miller, Joshua James; Wiebenson, Derek; Wilkerson, Douglas L.; Tiwari, Neil; Robinson, Timothy G.; Minkus, Marc Steven; Muller, Matthew R.; Wellings, Anders J.; Hansbro, Kathryn Louise; Cizman, Borut; Kunzeman, Brian S.; Cooper, Robin D.; Kudelka, Timothy L.; Sarto, Angelo A.; Lindo, Steve Joseph; Baustad, Jostein; Mounts, Duston; Hill, Shafali, Home therapy machine allowing patient device program selection.
  15. William F. Dehn, Sr., Integral cap assembly for liquid container having a reversible pour spout.
  16. Okabe,Kyosuke; Saito,Tomohiro; Mameta,Masakazu, Packaging container.
  17. Young,Christopher J.; Markert,Brooks R.; Cavero,Dio C.; Leslie,Stuart; Waldinger,Justin, Product dispensing cap with pivotal directional spout.
  18. Wilson, Tracie L. C.; Ankney, Don; Myers, Ron, Spice container.
  19. Simpson, Thomas L. C.; Letellier, Laura M.; Martucci, James P.; Wilkes, Gordon J., System and method for communicating with a dialysis machine through a network.
  20. Simpson, Thomas L. C.; Letellier, Laura M.; Martucci, James P.; Wilkes, Gordon J., System and method for notification and escalation of medical data.
  21. Miller, Joshua James; Wiebenson, Derek; Wilkerson, Douglas L.; Tiwari, Neil; Robinson, Timothy G.; Minkus, Marc Steven; Muller, Matthew R.; Wellings, Anders J.; Hansbro, Kathryn Louise; Cizman, Borut; Kunzeman, Brian S.; Cooper, Robin D.; Kudelka, Timothy L.; Sarto, Angelo A.; Lindo, Steve Joseph; Baustad, Jostein; Mounts, Duston; Hill, Shafali, System and method for performing renal therapy at a home or dwelling of a patient.
  22. Martucci, James P.; Letellier, Laura M.; Notestine, Mark; Wilkes, Gordon J., System and method for verifying medical device operational parameters.
  23. Wilson, Tracie Lynn; Coulter, Tom; Gift, Steve; Sawyer, Duane, Tamper evident lid for a container.
  24. Wilson, Tracie Lynn; Coulter, Tom; Gift, Steve; Sawyer, Duane, Tamper evident lid for a container.
  25. Wilson, Tracie Lynn; Coulter, Tom; Gift, Steve; Sawyer, Duane, Tamper evident lid for container with a locking lid and rim.
  26. Wilson, Tracie Lynn; Gift, Steve; Coulter, Tom; Sawyer, Duane, Tamper resistant container with locking rim.
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