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[미국특허] Laser line generator system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G02B-003/02
  • G02B-003/06
출원번호 US-0175861 (1998-10-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bietry Joseph R.
출원인 / 주소
  • Eastman Kodak Company
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 27  인용 특허 : 5


According to one aspect of the present invention, a laser line generator system comprises a laser source providing a diverging laser beam and a single lens element intersecting the diverging laser beam. The single lens element has a negative optical power in one cross section and a positive optical


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A laser line generator system comprisinga laser source providing a diverging laser beam;a single lens element intersecting said diverging laser beam, said single lens element having a negative optical power in one cross section and a positive optical power in another cros

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Yoshikawa Motonobu (Osaka JPX) Yamamoto Yoshiharu (Toyonaka JPX), Anamorphic single lens for use in an optical scanner.
  2. Powell Ian (Gloucester CAX), D-shape laser beam projector.
  3. Bleil Carl E. (Rochester MI) Epton Paul J. (Royal Oak MI), Laser line of light generator.
  4. Frady Richard A. (620 County Rd. #324 Moulton AL 35650), Line projector lens.
  5. Nakata Naotaro (Kyoto JPX), Semiconductor laser light source unit.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (27) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Chern,Jyh Long; Liu,Chia Yu; Wang,Hau Wei; Yang,Fu Shiang, Beam shaping apparatus.
  2. Gerlitz, Yonatan, Clinical hand-held infrared thermometer with special optical configuration.
  3. Delache, Alain J.; Hansen, Gary; Bowman, Bruce, Customized respiratory mask and method of manufacturing same.
  4. Gerlitz, Yonatan, Handheld low-level laser therapy apparatus.
  5. Gerlitz, Yonatan, Handheld low-level laser therapy apparatus.
  6. Gerlitz, Yonatan, Handheld, low-level laser apparatuses and methods for low-level laser beam production.
  7. LeBlanc, Jeffry Arnold; Herndon, Troy Michael; Nottingham, Robert Alan; Grantz, Alan Lyndon, Hub and spindle assembly.
  8. Nash,Derek J.; Smith,John C.; Spanski,Jeffrey L.; Williams,Michael, Intersecting laser line generating device.
  9. Nash,Derek J.; Smith,John C.; Spanski,Jeffrey L.; Williams,Michael, Intersecting laser line generating device.
  10. Nash,Derek J.; Smith,John C.; Spanski,Jeffrey L.; Williams,Michael, Intersecting laser line generating device.
  11. Bascom,James P.; Horky,John K.; McKibben,John; Lopano,Daniel N.; Howard,Geoffrey S.; Nelson,Michael A.; Wenig,John C., Laser level.
  12. Bascom,James P.; Horky,John K.; McKibben,John; Lopano,Daniel N.; Howard,Geoffrey S.; Nelson,Michael A.; Wenig,John C., Laser level.
  13. Bascom,James P.; Horky,John K.; McKibben,John; Lopano,Daniel N.; Howard,Geoffrey S.; Nelson,Michael A.; Wenig,John C., Laser level.
  14. Nash,Derek J.; Smith,John C.; Spanski,Jeffrey L.; Burry,Michael James, Laser level.
  15. Kojima, Chiaki; Koo, Ja; Imai, Hiroyuki, Laser line-generator and laser line-generator module.
  16. Nash,Derek J.; Smith,John, Laser reference device.
  17. Seigo, Masafumi, Lens, mold for lens and method for machining mold.
  18. Munroe, Jay; Li, Haizhang; Liu, Yaping, Light-plane projecting apparatus and lens.
  19. Loudenslager, John H.; Malard, Fabrice J., Manual leveling rotating laser with swivel head.
  20. Johnson, Richard Robert, Method for chasing animals from a location.
  21. Norris, Perry R., Methods for medical device alignment.
  22. Gerlitz, Yonatan, Multiple aperture hand-held laser therapy apparatus.
  23. Massetti, Dominic; Jutamulia, Suganda, Projector for adaptor-less smartphone eye imaging and associated methods.
  24. Madej, Dariusz J.; Wang, Xiaomei, Reading failure prevention in imaging readers.
  25. Grossinger, Nadav, System and method for generating a light pattern for object illumination.
  26. Jones, Bobby Grant, Web material alignment apparatus and method.
  27. Scott, Tim L., Wild animal deterrent device and method.

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