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[미국특허] Introducing reduced data set information into a primary image data set 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06K-009/00
출원번호 US-0944524 (1997-10-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Dumoulin Charles Lucian
  • Darrow Robert David
출원인 / 주소
  • General Electric Company
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 32  인용 특허 : 7


Secondary data set information is incorporated into a primary data set (such as a digital image) retaining a desired dynamic range and retaining the original primary set data quality. The secondary data set information is `smuggled` into the least significant bits of the primary data set to result i


[ What we claim is:] [1.] A method of merging secondary data set information into a primary data set without destroying data or reducing a desired dynamic range comprising the steps of:a) acquiring primary data set having a plurality of data words;b) acquiring a secondary data set having data words

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Weedon Hans (Salem MA), Auxiliary data acquisition in a medical imaging system.
  2. Sandford ; II Maxwell T. (160 Monte Rey S. Los Alamos NM 87544) Handel Theodore G. (316 Bryce Ave. Los Alamos NM 87544), Data embedding.
  3. Brown Hugh K. (Temple Terrace FL), Magnetic resonance imaging color composites.
  4. Bender Walter (Auburndale MA) Morimoto Norishige (Tokyo JPX) Gruhl Daniel (Cambridge MA), Method and apparatus for data hiding in images.
  5. Daly Scott J., Method and apparatus for hiding one image or pattern within another.
  6. Powell Robert D. ; Nitzberg Mark J., Method and system for digital image signatures.
  7. Kim Jin H. ; Liu Dong-Chyuan, Method for enhancing ultrasound image.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (32) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Roo, Jin Sug; Shim, Jai Hwan; Lee, Sang Su, Apparatus and method for controlling lamp of refrigerator.
  2. Buehler, David B., Bucket-sorting graphical rendering apparatus and method.
  3. Dumoulin, Charles; Gross, Patrick; Dixon, W. Thomas, Combined MR imaging and tracking.
  4. Roman, Kendyl A., Compression with doppler enhancement.
  5. Roman, Kendyl A., Compression with doppler enhancement.
  6. Roman, Kendyl A., Faster image processing.
  7. Román, Kendyl A., Faster image processing.
  8. Rom찼n,Kendyl A.; Hoomani,Cyrus J.; Neale,Richard S., General purpose compression for video images (RHN).
  9. Roman, Kendyl A.; Raposo, R. Paul, Graphical user interface including zoom control box representing image and magnification of displayed image.
  10. Roman, Kendyl A.; Raposo, R. Paul; Sprague, Todd K.; Waidhofer, Ben, Graphical user interface including zoom control box representing image and magnification of displayed image.
  11. Stelung, Daniel; Kamph, Carl, Hand-activated controller.
  12. Lu, Aiming; Miyazaki, Mitsue, Merging magnetic resonance (MR) magnitude and phase images.
  13. Ming, Wei, Method and apparatus for image encryption and embedding and related applications.
  14. Reichert, John Paul, Method and system for providing visual instructions to warehouse operators.
  15. Schreck,Oliver, Method for presentation of images.
  16. Kohle, Sven, Method, digital storage medium, and image data processing and visualization systems for coloring of voxels, which are selected via a maximum intensity projection-type technique using at least one color coordinate of a color continuum as intensity.
  17. Christie, Greg, Methods and apparatuses for aesthetically enhanced image conversion.
  18. Chen,Shiuh Yung James; Carroll,John D., Methods and systems for display and analysis of moving arterial tree structures.
  19. Buehler, David B., Recursive ray casting method and apparatus.
  20. Roman, Kendyl Allen, Separate plane compression using plurality of compression methods including ZLN and ZLD methods.
  21. Figueredo, Vincent Michael; Roman, Kendyl Allen; Raposo, Paul; Neale, Richard Scott; Hoomani, Cyrus J.; Broadbent, Thomas Joseph, System for transmitting a video stream over a computer network to a remote receiver.
  22. Figueredo,Vincent Michael; Roman,Kendyl Allan; Raposo,R. Paul; Neale,Richard Scott; Hoomani,Cyrus Javad; Broadbent,Thomas Joseph, System for transmitting video images over a computer network to a remote receiver.
  23. Roman,Kendyl A.; Daniel,Carl P., System for transmitting video images over a computer network to a remote receiver.
  24. Keely, Leroy B.; Palay, Andrew J., System method, and computer program product for compositing true colors and intensity-maped colors into a frame buffer.
  25. Roman, Kendyl Allen, Variable general purpose compression for video images (ZLN).
  26. Rom?n,Kendyl A., Variable general purpose compression for video images (ZLN).
  27. Roman, Kendyl A., Video transmission and display including bit-wise sub-sampling video compression.
  28. Upton, Daniel E.; Gruhn, Joel D., Wind turbine rotor blade components and machine for making same.
  29. Gruhn, Joel D.; Franklin, Ethan; Narasimhan, Kameshwaran, Wind turbine rotor blade components and methods of making same.
  30. Gruhn, Joel D.; Franklin, Ethan; Narasimhan, Kameshwaran, Wind turbine rotor blade components and methods of making same.
  31. Gruhn, Joel D.; Franklin, Ethan; Narasimhan, Kameshwaran, Wind turbine rotor blade components and methods of making same.
  32. Gruhn, Joel D.; Franklin, Ethan; Narasimhan, Kameshwaran, Wind turbine rotor blade components and methods of making same.

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