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[미국특허] Golf ball heater appliance 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H05B-003/06
  • F27D-011/02
출원번호 US-0421606 (1999-10-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Rockenfeller Uwe
  • Sarkisian Paul
출원인 / 주소
  • Rocky Research
대리인 / 주소
    Knobbe, Martens, Olson & Bear, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 20  인용 특허 : 5


The hitting distance performance of a golf ball is improved by heating the ball to an average temperature of between 30.degree. C. and 55.degree. C. during an active heating period of 30 minutes or less followed by a temperature equilibration period of 20 minutes or less. A golf ball heating applian


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A method for improving the driving distance of a golf ball comprising heating a golf ball having a temperature of less than 25.degree. C. to an average temperature of between 25.degree. C. and about 55.degree. C. during an active heating period of 30 minutes or less by de

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Cohen Wilburt (2444 Hunterbrook Rd. Yorktown Heights NY 10598), Golf ball heating device.
  2. Cohen Wilburt (Yorktown Heights NY), Golf ball heating device.
  3. Arnold Howard M. (3704 Linwood Royal Oak MI 48073), Golf ball warmer.
  4. Fitzsimons Ron (5557 Fleming Street Vancouver ; B.C. ; CA), Golf ball warmer.
  5. Mariano Dominic J. ; MacLennan Richard A., Heat dispensing ball caddy.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (20) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Byron C. Owens ; Mark E. Van Hoy ; William M. Bostic, Apparatus and method for heated food delivery.
  2. Owens, Byron C.; Van Hoy, Mark E.; Bostic, William M., Apparatus and method for heated food delivery.
  3. Owens, Byron C.; Van Hoy, Mark E.; Bostic, William M., Apparatus and method for heated food delivery.
  4. Owens, Byron C; Van Hoy, Mark E.; Bostic, William M, Apparatus and method for heated food delivery.
  5. Owens,Byron C.; Van Hoy,Mark E.; Bostic,William M., Apparatus and method for heated food delivery.
  6. William M. Bostic ; Byron Owens, Apparatus and method for heated food delivery.
  7. William M. Bostic ; Byron Owens, Apparatus and method for heated food delivery.
  8. Schmidt, George; James, Patricia, Cooking appliance.
  9. Mitchell,Cathy; Schmidt,George; James,Patricia, Cooking appliance plate.
  10. Cheng, Chia-Chyi, Device for heating a golf ball.
  11. Cheng, Chia-Chyi, Device for heating a golf ball.
  12. Sarkisian,Paul; Rockenfeller,Uwe, Golf ball heater.
  13. Walsh,Scott Michael; White,George Matthew; Nichols,James Joshua, Golf ball heater.
  14. Kennedy, III, Thomas J., Golf ball with configurable materials and method of post production modification.
  15. Lin, Che-Ching; Liu, Chen-Tai; Ishii, Hideyuki; Cheng, Chia-Chyi, Kit and method for customization of golf balls.
  16. Bender, Aaron Craig, Method of making a golf ball core.
  17. Prieto,Fernando; Prieto,David, Modular bat warming system.
  18. James Klett ; Bret Conway, Personal cooling air filtering device.
  19. Chen, John Chu; Granato, Janice V.; Hall, Matthew S.; Morken, Peter A., Phase transition golf ball and method of use.
  20. Yan, Chi Yung, Waffle-iron type cooking apparatus for cooking and forming rounded bun shaped waffles.

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