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[미국특허] Method for determining governor gains for a fuel control system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02N-011/06
  • H02D-009/04
출원번호 US-0946437 (1997-10-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lukich Michael S.
  • Schmidt Larry E.
출원인 / 주소
  • Caterpillar Inc.
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 12  인용 특허 : 13


The present invention is adapted to provide a method for dynamically determining optimal governor dynamics, i.e., gains, for a fuel control system supplying fuel to an engine. The method determines a mode of the engine, then determines the governor gain in response to the engine mode. The mode or co


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A method for dynamically determining a governor gain for a control algorithm of a fuel control system having a forward control algorithm, a feedback control algorithm, and an engine, comprising the steps of:determining an engine mode;sensing a desired speed of said engine

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (13)

  1. Romano Timothy J. (River Forest IL), Control for a gas turbine engine.
  2. Lukich Michael S. (Peoria IL), Control system for a hydraulic work vehicle.
  3. Esthimer William F. (Walpole MA) Morin Edward H. (Sharon MA) Trudell Richard E. (Hingham MA), Control system for equalizing the torques of multiple engines driving a common load.
  4. Thompson Lionel D. (Hagerstown MD) Jenkins Harold E. (Hagerstown MD) Hickerson Richard A. (Hedgesville WV) Weaver Russell E. (Sharpsburg MD), Engine control.
  5. Ament Frank (Rochester MI), Engine idle speed control system.
  6. Schneider Roy W. (Ellington CT), Fuel control having reset of propeller overspeed and underspeed governors.
  7. Staniak Waldema A. (Geneva IL CHX) Samuelson Robert E. (Washington IL) Moncelle Michael E. (Normal IL), Fuel control system.
  8. Morrison Terry (Vernon CT), Gas turbine engine fuel control.
  9. Wertheimer Harry P. (Painted Post NY), Injection timing and power balancing control for gaseous fuel engines.
  10. Earleson Walter E. (Peoria IL) King Dennis M. (Peoria IL) Moncelle Michael E. (Normal IL), Locomotive governor control.
  11. Weisman ; II S. Miller (34650 Valley Forge Farmington Hills MI 48018) Letang Dennis M. (768 Sorel Dr. Canton MI 48188) Babcock Douglas J. (22176 Brookfield South Lyon MI 48178), Method for engine control.
  12. Engel Gerhard (Stuttgart DEX) Wessel Wolf (Oberriexingen DEX), RPM-Governing system for an internal combustion engine with auto-ignition.
  13. McDaniel John R. (Columbus IN) Rabe Paul R. (Columbus IN) Stang John H. (Columbus IN) Griffen Peter J. (Newton Aycliffe IN GBX) Stasell Mark W. (Fort Wayne IN) Londt Edward E. (Fort Wayne IN) Wilson , Variable power drivetrain engine control system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (12)

  1. Gilbreth Mark G. ; Wall Simon R. ; Almgren Ake N. C. ; Wacknov Joel B., Automatic turbogenerator restarting method and system.
  2. Gilbreth, Mark G.; Wall, Simon R.; Almgren, Ake N. C.; Wacknov, Joel B., Automatic turbogenerator restarting method and system.
  3. Gilbreth, Mark G.; Wall, Simon R.; Almgren, Ake N. C.; Wacknov, Joel B., Automatic turbogenerator restarting system.
  4. Gilbreth, Mark G.; Wall, Simon R.; Almgren, Ake N. C.; Wacknov, Joel B., Automatic turbogenerator restarting system.
  5. Li, Wei; Hoff, Brian D., CVT control using state space based gain scheduling.
  6. Graves, Jeffrey D.; Fahlberg, Russell T.; Smith, Jeffrey Allen Lee, Control system for operating a vehicle within a limited engine speed range.
  7. Buehman, Guerry, Gas turbine engine fixed collective takeoff compensation control system and method.
  8. Prodi,Giovanni; Gambelli,Claudio; Lupo,Savino, Method for controlling the speed of a torque-controlled internal combustion engine.
  9. Hu, John Z.; Gilmore, Jr., Daniel R., Methods and apparatus for estimating gas turbine engine governor dynamics.
  10. Johansson, Oskar; Södergren, Maria; Roos, Fredrik, Module and method pertaining to mode choice when determining reference values.
  11. Landes, James W.; Rettig, Mark E., Selective governor usage for an engine.
  12. Shimada,Satoshi; Ohkuma,Shinji; Kuriki,Nobuharu; Takata,Nobuaki, Solenoid driving device.
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