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[미국특허] Concrete finishing tool 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E01C-019/22
출원번호 US-0377411 (1999-08-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Reuter Bruce W.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 31  인용 특허 : 5


A concrete finishing tool comprising an elongated handle in a cylindrical configuration having an upper portion and a lower portion and an intermediate portion there between, the upper portion having a lower end and an upper end with the upper portion containing a battery, the lower portion having a


[ What is claimed as being new and desired to be protected by Letters Patent of the United States is as follows:] [1.] A new and improved concrete finishing tool with electrical vibrating and remote control capabilities comprising, in combination:an elongated handle in a cylindrical configuration ha

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Berger Ronald C. (Clearwater FL), Electric powered trowel.
  2. Lindley Joseph (Paducah KY) Lindley Thomas R. (Boaz KY), Material-leveling apparatus.
  3. Murders Jack D., Stiffened bull float apparatus.
  4. Owens Joe M., Vibrating screed.
  5. Adkins Arthur D. (9485 McAfee Rd. Montrose MI 48457), Vibratory concrete float apparatus.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (31) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Stephens, John Scott, Additive broadcaster.
  2. Lindley,Joe, Apparatus for finishing concrete.
  3. Quenzi,Philip J.; Stein,Russ E.; Pietila,Mark A.; Kieranen,Carl B.; Halonen,Philip D; Hohmann, Jr.,Howard E., Apparatus for screeding uncured concrete.
  4. Quenzi,Philip J.; Stein,Russ E.; Pietila,Mark A.; Kieranen,Carl B.; Halonen,Philip D.; Hohmann, Jr.,Howard E., Apparatus for screeding uncured concrete surfaces.
  5. Quenzi,Philip J; Stein,Russ E; Pietila,Mark A; Kieranen,Carl B; Halonen,Philip D; Hohmann, Jr.,Howard E, Apparatus for screeding uncured concrete surfaces.
  6. Couch, Mark Wayne, Cementitious surface finishing tool system.
  7. Quenzi, Philip J.; Somero, David W.; Matson, Tracy L., Concrete finishing apparatus.
  8. Quenzi, Philip J.; Somero, David W.; Matson, Tracy L., Concrete finishing apparatus.
  9. Kipp,Kelly; Kipp, Jr.,John H., Concrete finishing attachment.
  10. Rozinski,Richard M., Concrete finishing tool with handle-mounted vibrating arrangement.
  11. Krompack, Brian James, Concrete polishing extension.
  12. Aguilera, Gilbert, Concrete smoothing device.
  13. Banchio, Todd Micheal, Cordless concrete finishing tool.
  14. Steffen, Michael, Ground-compacting device.
  15. Medendorp, David J., Kit and case for storing and transporting a concrete finishing tool.
  16. Argento, Settimio; Argento, Michele, Leveling blade, vibrating screed including the blade, and kit for assembling the same.
  17. Quenzi, Philip J.; Stein, Russ E.; Pietila, Mark A.; Kieranen, Carl B.; Halonen, Philip D., Light weight apparatus for screeding and vibrating uncured concrete surfaces.
  18. Quenzi, Philip J.; Stein, Russ E.; Pietila, Mark A.; Kieranen, Carl B.; Halonen, Philip D., Lightweight apparatus for screeding and vibrating uncured concrete surfaces.
  19. Brening, Scott, Portable vibratory concrete float.
  20. Lutz, Todd J.; Goldberg, Richard D.; Dauffenbach, Darrin W.; Lickel, Timothy J., Portable vibratory screed with bubble vial inclination indication system.
  21. Wrazidlo, Joseph D., Portable, oscillating grade determinant apparatus incorporating laser signal receiver.
  22. Updyke, Julie Anne; Updyke, Robert F., Remote controlled concrete power float.
  23. Kipp, Jr.,John H., Surface finisher.
  24. Lindley,Joseph W., Universal power unit that adapts to all phases from placing to final finishing of concrete.
  25. McCary, Sr., John Milner, Vertical concrete screed and rolling tool.
  26. Hendricks,Chad; Pawlowski,Christopher, Vibrating concrete hand trowel.
  27. Chek, Paul Edward, Vibrating tamping bull-float.
  28. Mikowychok, Frank, Vibrator mechanism usable with a concrete finishing tool.
  29. Mikowychok, Frank, Vibrator mechanism usable with a concrete finishing tool.
  30. Mikowychok, Frank, Vibrator mechanism usable with a concrete finishing tool.
  31. Pietila, Mark A.; Halonen, Philip D.; Wiitanen, Jason M.; Torvinen, Jeffrey W., Wheeled screeding device.

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