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[미국특허] Transportable system for message display 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G09F-021/06
출원번호 US-0336598 (1999-06-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Glass Hilton J.
대리인 / 주소
    Regard, Ltd plc
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 12


A system for displaying a message, which includes a base portion, which is mounted on wheels and securable to a movable vehicle such as an automobile; an inflatable balloon mounted to a supporting circular base member configured to engage the constricted portion of the balloon, the circular base mem


[ I claim:] [1.] An apparatus for displaying a message, comprising:a support member having a height and a width, and inner and outer walls;an inflatable balloon having an outer surface, a lower portion and upper portion, said lower portion of said balloon mounted to said support member, engaging sai

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (12)

  1. Esplin Gordon J. (North Vancouver CAX), Balloon forest fertilization.
  2. Shaeffer Henry W. (825 Elyria Dr. Los Angeles CA 90065), Efficient inflating device.
  3. Lawrence Bernard L. (Independence MO), Fire rescue system.
  4. Fussell Charles H. (3927 Rosser Sq. Dallas TX 75244), Image reception system.
  5. Lee Randy L. (205 N. River Saginaw MI 48609), Inflatable and deflatable sign support.
  6. Shaeffer Henry W. (825 Elyria Dr. Los Angeles CA 90065), Inflatable communication device.
  7. Vicino Robert K. (8847 Complex Dr. San Diego CA 92123), Inflatable display structure.
  8. Vicino Robert K. (6064 Mohler St. San Diego CA 92120), Inflatable sign.
  9. Luoma Eugene H. (Duluth MN) Blesener James L. (White Bear Lake MN), Mobile sign with solar panel.
  10. Colting Hakan (994 Stonehaven Ave. Newmarket ; Ontario CAX L3X 1P2), Multi-piece inflatable device.
  11. Stewart Ronald R. (Sumner WA), Signal balloon device.
  12. O\Brien James B. (33 Adelphia Dr. Jackson NJ 08527), Traffic safety device.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14)

  1. Ohmuku, Masao, Balloon-type advertising equipment.
  2. Bort, Bruce Frank, Box flag.
  3. Penner, Roy M., Cart, kiosk, booth, equipment or machine integrated with an inflatable and deflatable advertising, identifying display.
  4. Curtiss,Gordon H.; Tomlin,David A., Device for and method of displaying messages.
  5. Spielberger,Lee; Schultheis,Douglas Arthur, Inflatable dancing toy with music.
  6. Chin Cheng,Tsai, Inflatable figure assembly.
  7. Scherba,Robert J., Inflatable projection screen.
  8. Ben-Ari, Ronen, Inflatable three-dimensional display.
  9. Machala,William, Interchangeable fan assembly for cold-air inflatable displays.
  10. Baughman, III, George Washington; Dascenzo, William Anthony; Griffin, Kristin Elizabeth; Wood, Larry L., Method and system for presenting merchandise at an outdoor paved surface.
  11. Burger, III, Frank Leo; Cobb, Jr., Okey F, Portable sign.
  12. Sawhney,Ravl K.; Botsai,Kurt; Hussey,Lance G.; Steele,Craig R.; Risley,Simon; Schuffert,Michael S., Rapid dispatch emergency signs.
  13. Shmueli, Rami, Towable inflatable balloon launchpad and operations trailer.
  14. Shannon,Thomas D., Video airship.
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